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UNsanctioned ¦ RelatedPhotoSynthesisDetails — TheSDtransporter ¦ IPCCversusRelated 

From the fusion limit mass deduction in related physics and mathematics: our EARTH property in the universe — and how it is taken care of by the lawful abiding authorities -- PopulärtUniversellaBevekelsegrunderInomMedia.


MainPurposeIllustrated ¦ Qref ¦ LGDref ¦ Discussion ¦ UNsanctioned ¦ Defense ¦ INTELLIGENCEconfirmed ¦ ContinuedCO2increase ¦ HiTech ¦ ArtificialIntelligence

IntroductionPEXJun2024: PEX2024document  ¦  ParallellEXP2024   ¦  ElectricConstants  ¦  ComparingSCHOOLS   ¦ TheQmove ¦ The Modern Academic Contempt for Universal Intelligence ¦ EMI



General result, discovery (EquativeRESOLUTION): Surface distance. Not center distance. The physics and mathematics of the induction phenomena, in full explaining details. Don’t forget to update if founf faulty.




PEX1994OriginalDetails ¦ PARALLEL EXPERIMENT 1994 ¦ PEX2024


— Parallellexperimenten 2024 ¦ PEX2024 — Parallellexperimenten 1994 ¦ PEX1994 — original details




Introduction ¦ PEX1994OriginalDetails ¦ Max50Ampere ¦ PEX2024circuitDETAILS — suppy and pulse details ¦ Special ROD test ¦ The Hall Element Circuit

MEASURING U — Pex2024Results ¦ ComparingMacTNED ¦ Surface, nor Center ..



HiTech: IntroductionPEXJun2024  ¦  ComparingMacTNED ¦ ContinuedCO2increase


BUT First, again (.. OhPlease ..), reminding some basic human right foundations: A Planet — in a Universe:





Millenarian Established Root Biology Diversity above ground — killed just in a glance. Will never bee seen or experienced until allowed to recover Naturally: at least 400y, for a starters: some 2424.


   At first: The Wikipedia article on Induction gives no referring text on experimental results for straight conductors. It only gives the actual ComparingMaxTNED plotted formula for given straight lengths (s) and diameters (d).

   At second: A regular experimental comparison with the same plotted Wikipedia (s,d) Induction formula (thus) is out of the question. It has no specified di/dt parameter. The (compared, violet) graph is what appears from a 125 000 A/S di/dt straight ramp (15A/120µS) when measured through that current pace in a 0.10000 meter straight copper rod. The measuring line a Ø0.2mM secondary straight copper rod. It exposes (PEX2024) U-values from which the actual L-values are calculated, as illustrated (Comparing ¦ LcEXPLAIN). And, as we ca see:

— As eye seen: There is not very much communicating power between the competitors.

— Someone has clearly missed the On Ramp.

A regular established experimental spouse is needed for that. Searched for. None (yet) found (Szyper2000). See further in ComparingMacTNED.



Today (2024) it is impossible not to reflect over the (a resembling) conditions of society; What meets the eye in a seemingly never ending increasing depressive sense; The General State Interest in a Healthy attitude towards nature and Its inherent properties.

EMP: HiTech

The Emperor’s New Clothes

A27.1 ”Var och en har rätt att fritt ta del i samhällets kulturella liv, att glädjas åt humaniora och ..”. Glädjas. Jättefint. Inte alls depraverande, skitaktigt, grisigt, nedslående ..

— Ju mer avlivning av levande, desto mer förvärras utbudet av det hejdlöst växande våldet .. Sverige är jättebra. Kejsarens Nya Kläder. H. C. Andersen, 1835+. MEDIA. Enhanced Experience.


Where 2024 is world jurisdiction? Low educated .. retarded .. intellectually disabled ..



How are the — corresponding — conditions inside The Brain Office? Do tell.

— Does it look to be WIT inside there? Do disclaim.


— Under what conditions are students motivated to study?

— You call That a society? (A surveilled lockout).

Handcuffed. Muzzled. Blinders. MindRaped. Especially between 8-18. You were saying? More to follow below ..


CompellingEvidence: EMP

— »Due to our profoundly exercised universally low educational status, we can’t perform anything else». Obedience and punishment. Existential Ownership: slavery — on a new level. Oppression. Disclaim, anyone who can.





Fantastic 2024 Mid Swedish Landscapes.


The elements of a pure untouched Forest is strikingly increasingly difficult to find — only a decade ago (in Sweden) almost close »around the corner». The shocks in reducing them, still 2024, seems to keep coming in still denser intervals.

   This author will most certainly continue to make documented reports in the coming too, as far as is possible.





There is already general and compelling evidence



MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2 ¦ ExpoCO2

CO2increase — lumbering, continued bald cutting of forests: only remaining CO2 exponentially increasing causing agent;

Life POWER weakening, enfeebling, debilitating, enervating, impaired health — highly industrially provocative issues

— .. »trying to kill our investments» .. (World Wide Electronic Mind Slavery Dictatorship ..) .. very profitable ..

Biodiversity destruction (Simard2012) — PHOTOSYNTHESIS RELATED

The ten Biological Equivalents — proof of a natural order, broken from 1800+ — THE TEN

SDandCWON — SummerDecrease and Earth Crust Composition Proofs for Sustaining Biological Life

Complete whole number solution, Concentric Atomic Production — Earth Geological History: carbon matrices

Moon Recession, fully explained — AllKeplerMathThe Neutron Square, Planck constant = The Neutron: h = mcr ..

TreeDEATH — documented 2010+ in UniverseHistory, the Swedish region — FACIT

2024 observed: enormous amounts of dying off pine needles, formed up along the village roads in veritable piling drifts.

(.. Incoming .. say I’m wrong .. please ..).

EarthMASSequivalence: CE


— You were saying?



that the present world wide state governmental administrations — jurisdiction in general — exposes an intellectually provable retarded capability — academia — of living together with natural life.

— Cooperation: suspended. HiTech.

Reason, cause and explanation: by DRIFT. Not plan. Just following the simple Necessary Classic Market and Trade device: value and quality. ”Economic Growth” — although everybody KNOWS that everyone cannot win. Market and Trade is for SHARING (you know: apples and such ..). Not for looting and sacking. Developing Technology. OECD. GPAI ..

— Not one word human right recognition. The concept as such is deeply and provably unknown in those the world’s highest pay grade quarters: Compare:

— »If you do not agree on an explicit recognition of Universal HumanRight, you are not allowed to run, keep or pursue business enterprise». General World Wide Defense. Where, world jurisdiction? Please share.

— The word ”value” has no representation in Resolution 217(A), UDHR10Dec1948: 8 introducing paragraphs, 30 following articles. Chemically clean. Children, and even Animals, have it — ”recognition of the inherent dignity” — from birth (»with-born girl-wit»). And practices it with extendingly excellence. And (MainPurposeIllustrated)?

   8-18: muzzled, handcuffed, blinders.

— You were saying?

ContinuedCO2increase: EMe ¦ HiTECH


BIOLOGICAL (O16) AND ATMOSPHERICAL (O18) OXYGEN — first observed/reported by Dole1965


The constantly increasing atmospheric — as above suggested: from lumbering — CO2-increasing content, has two (or three) main deeply relatable effects.


1. Reduced Leaf&Needle light energy up taking definitely undoubtedly means

   less life power sustaining biological health — based on the general 3Gy biological evolution on Earth (TheO18/O16 Plant Oxygen Quest: TheO16FILTER), bringing us up to the MaunaLoaEdge MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2 around 1800+.

— Not allowing a natural recovery, as after a wildfire, apparently suspends/blocks optimal health: spontaneous natural life evolution on Earth is blocked.


2.  We can observe (below: Sweden as an example) how this works (especially from 2020+) when our northern Earth regions enters the Summer period:

   Enormous leaf coverage from springtime. A never before seen flourishing fast growing tree LEAF representation, with highly rich leaf cover — filling up the natural void from lost Pines (generally in Sweden, heavy pine lumbering and bald cutting — HiTech).



— The pressing CO2 atmospheric excess from (pine) lumbering, is taken up by fast growing leaf trees, (our Heroes, as it may be interpreted) helping us survive most of the ongoing, apparently still increasing general state nature vandalizations (PLANTOxygen16FILTER).


And, continuing (early spring, beginning autumn [first observed 8Sep2020: FACIT]):


3. (Pine) needle death accelerates — as now 2024, heavily. Springtime, as well as beginning from Autumn. Resembled Conclusion:

— The more cut downs, the more deaths. Wake up world.

Nature needs to be allowed by the world state governments to RECOVER (BioEK1) — NATURE LEVEL 1471 latest year 1812.

O1618:  ContinuedCO2increase


Today 2024 down on the 1254 level  — global alarm should be ON. But nothing is heard. Do disclaim if anybody can. We will surrender immediately.




PublicEducation: O1618

Mid SWEDEN Oct2024 — Swedish State Administrative Engagement in Nature:

public basic education

”.. right to .. enjoy the arts ..”



SVERIGES DOMSTOLAR —  SOM TILLÅTER MÄNNISKORÄTTSFÖRNEKANDE HYRESVÄRDAR ATT uppträda offentligt som Arbetsledare över Ordningspolisen för att avhysa personer som påtalar en lokalt Svenskt Folkligt förankrad bespottande orespekt för Människorätt:

” .. bevarande av sundhet, ordning och skick ..”:


— ”Du kör med det där förbannade människovärdet!”.

— ”Se till att anpassa dig efter de här människorna!”.

— ”Du upprör ju folk!”.


Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte ett pip.


— ”Är det sant att du skäller ut folk för att de vädrar sina sängkläder?”.

(De högt drivna Hånskratten ekade över hela nejden ..).

— ”Ingenting har framkommit som tyder på att framställningen bygger på grovt förtal.”.


Polismyndigheterna i Sverige. Sveriges Domstolar.

Europakonventionen förbjuder våldsvägrares rätt mot allmänhetens öppet hånande mobb.

(Folkstormarna mot pacifismen i Sverige under 1980-talet: öppet offentligt uppvisat förakt).




Ledande på området brottsförebyggande brottsbekämpande trygghetsfrämjande.

Väldigt avancerad utbildning: övervakad inlåsning. Exempel:


Fartkamera. Svensk Praktiserande Juridik (2024), säg:


— Om det är som du säger, att farten dödar, varför införs inte max fartgräns 5KM/h? Med bältestvång.

— Du menar att polismyndigheten tillåter, kallt räknar med, barnoffer, i viss utsträckning?

— Barnoffer i Sverige är tillåtet?


Ansvar: avskaffat.

Omdöme: avskaffat.

Ingen undervisning. Ingen utbildning.

Befolkningen hålls instängd och inlåst.

Lydnad och bestraffning.


— Du ville säga?


Det som inte bara dödar, utan även Mördar är: brist på omdöme, bristande koncentration på huvuduppgiften — ingen undervisning och utbildning, enbart växande lydnad med bestraffning — bristande fokus, bristande ansvar, lättja och lathet, mer intresse för bekvämlighet än vad kapaciteten att använda insidan på huvet tillåter: efterblivenhet. Säg.


Naturförstörande teknik .. skick ..



See also in ArtificialIntelligence — illustrated.



The 2024 Planet Earth Solar System Milky Way Galaxy academia populations are very educated.

— It is such a joy sharing Earth with these aces.



In a society, a population, where the individuals are blocked from insight into the content and context of HumanRight recognition, a highly developed »science» of »morphological mobbing» is most easily developed (especially among children) — because there is no present (known) conscience to appear as a Guard, when passing the line of a civilized conduct.


The worst of all the offenders in such a State System, we find .. where?

Certainly not among the populated regions as such of Private lip exercising Gymnasts.

(There are horrible examples .. you don’t want to know ..).

But among the personnel inside the state administrations (except a few exceptions):


Police. Court. Prosecutor. Jurisdictional Issues. Ideas of Conduct.

The population never receives education. It is just Obedience and Punishment.

Violence flourishes freely and openly.


— You were saying?


LifeBIOLOGYresponse:  PublicEducation ¦ HiTech


Is there any Instance in this Universe that can disclaim this observed resulting picture?


— Show it, and we will surrender immediately.


— Back off.



SVENSKA STATENS FRÄMSTA FÖRESATS — utomordentligt bevisbar i dokument (Se FÖRSVARET):

— Att motverka våldets spridning genom att attackera naturen.

— Inte genom ATT upplysa befolkningen om dess egna universella mänskliga rättigheter.

”grundvalen för frihet, rättvisa och fred i världen”, P1 UDHR10Dec1948.

   Inte ett ord Människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte minsta Pip.


— Därför att i annat fall — den under lång historisk tid praktiserade Driftens Statiska Mekanik — får Myndigheterna inte fortsätta ATT utöva lydnad med bestraffning över befolkningen;

— Befolkningen SKA INTE få veta något. Därför att DÅ upphör Förtrycket.

— Inte på grund av någon uttalad illvilja. Utan på grund av den bevisbart efterblivna, lågutbildade och särskilt intellektuellt avskärmade uppfattningen att man Representerar något Lokalt Regionalt Högtstående, som absolut Inte får Ifrågasättas.

   Sveriges Riksdag. Sveriges Domstolar. Polisen:

— Du ville säga?




Statsfröjden — 2012 ¦ EUROPAEXEMPLET — 2012¦15: mängden avverkad vägskog ¦ TBD23 — Mar2012 ¦ TBD4 — Aug2015 ¦ TBD3 — Okt2015 ¦


I TAKT MED DE FORTSATTA STATLIGA LANDVINNINGARNA kring kanterna på gång och cykelvägar, trafikleder i allmänhet, observeras och dokumenteras de påföljande åren (2012+) en alltmer påtaglig nekrosbildning — särskilt påtaglig barrdöd från Tall  utmed nämnda leder. Jämförande stickprov i fortfarande orörd naturskog uppvisar (ännu) ingen liknande fason. Tallarnas ursprungliga barrbeklädda grenverk blir alltmer utpräglat kala som åren passerar.

   Samtidigt ökar skogsavverkningarna generellt — mycket tack vare utvecklad och mera effektiv teknik som sågar ner levande allt större områden på allt kortare tider.

   Den ursprungliga naturliga Kol-Syre cykeln i naturskogarna utarmas i växande, med motsvarande växande dumpat naturskogssyre på atmosfären. Som påpekats tidigare i UniversumsHistoria (uppslaget från Dole1965), finns bara en närmast tillgänglig ersättare för förlorat cykliskt naturskogligt O16: O18 (150ggr större andel, se särskild länkad redovisning i O1618 ¦ Tabell O18am).

   Den analysen ingår inte i den moderna akademins intresse att forska i, tydligen. Växlingen innefattar detaljer i celltillväxt (PO4 — Citatblock) som — möjligen — kan förklara hela den fortsatt växande nekrosbildningen — träddöden generellt med tillhörande insektsinvasioner. Biologigrunderna är inte (säger resultaten från CWON och BioEK1-10, om inte dementerat) naturligt konstruerade för att ta emot O18 som ersättare för O16 i celldelningsprocesserna. Resultatet blir en allmän livskraftsförsvagning (molekylär rörelsemängd 11% räknat efter stomvikter) — som i princip drabbar alla levande varelser (PO4 citatblocket), vare sig växter eller djur. Därifrån är resten givet — om det antydda statsvanvettet inte stoppas och upphör.

   Speciellt Tallarna blir våra främsta Mediala Nyhetsuppläsare. Deras (växande) onaturliga barravdöd skriker oss direkt i ansiktet att något verkligen inte är som det ska.

   Normalt (före grovt år 2000) är naturliga barravfall knappast synliga utan en mera närgående inspektion an en enskild tallgren.



Abnorma tillväxtexempel — med 2015 exempel på normalt barravfall på Tall:

Vi hittar idag 2024 i Sverige svårligen (vi får nog leta) liknande exempel:



Från 2017 visar sig (först dokumenterat i UH) mera omfattande barrdöd på Tall

— Mellansverige Sep2017, uppväxande ungtallar i ett större område. Jättefint:



September 2017 Mellansverige — tydligt mera omfattande — märkbart onormal — barrdöd på uppväxande ungtall.




Fantastiska landskapsbilder i Sverige. Första vågen 2020:

Den första (här i UH) större, mera landsomfattande härjningen av tallarnas barrdöd observeras Sep2020 (FACIT).

— Huvuddelen av det naturliga barrbeståndet hos tall försvinner, alldeles chockerande tydligt märkbart:


Sep2020 — Huvuddelen av tallbarren tappas — Tallträden blir alltmer utfattiga på barrbestånd.

FACIT — tree death 2010¦15+ documentation in Sweden¦


Måndag 11 december 2023 AFTONBLADET debatt:

Avverkningen av skog — i Sveriges södra produktionsskogar, upplyser artikeln — är större än tillväxten.

The lumbering enterprise in Sweden supersedes the regrowth capacity. December 2023.



Andra vågen — 2024




— The young Pine trees — again — expose a strikingly extensive needle death.

— The more killing of naturally alive life sustaining sun energy collecting Leaf&Needle, the more death to life on Earth in general.



The already (previous heavy pine needle death wave 2020) needle decimated older Pines do no longer expose the same (previous) dramatic color changes on their remaining (highly decimated) needle stock. The HiTech lumbering enterprise continues to expand. Still more to come ..


When dumping alive forest (Leaf&Needle) trees, their naturally cyclic O16 is also dumped on the atmosphere along with the decaying carbon stock.


The greedy lumbering industry is killing Earth surface life biology. Disclaim.


The general explanation and stand taken here in UH, unless disclaimed

As no recovering growth is allowed in any reasonable proportion to the cut offs — normal Grow-Decay average period is at least 200y — the dumped O16 excess from the killed trees (wanting to return for regrowth, as after a wild fire) pushes on the rest of the alive trees, making them take the working part of the killed: the trees become stressed (enormous examples exist of fast growing parts). Forced to pump larger water volumes that built for, they stall. Along with the suggested O18 replacement from the lost natural CO2 (O16) supply, such a further life power weakening certifies that the (foremost Pine needle) photosynthesis ”is giving up”. The tree begins to die.


The decisive Leaf&Needle life providers — solar energy to life on Earth — have (1800+) become highly decimated relative the natural evolution (3Gy) on which plants and animals did come along (BioEK1-10). Modern (1800+) ideas of forestry, a max 150 years of experience, apparently have less idea of what they are doing or involved in, than the nerve to practice it.







COLOR MARKED TEXT links to specified quantity and data sources used to produce this general UiniverseHistory study: The specific Earth mass and crust Atmos Bios Litos complex defining the foundation — and a related explanation — of biological life on Earth.


EarthMass mJ = 5.975 T24 KG ¦ Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia 1967-76.

Natural Forest (up to last seen 1812): MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2: no atmospheric CO2 excess.

CO2; 6C12  8O16 (Dole1965) — general Earth crust atomic composition data from HOP.

$, total: $ = S + c + MLN + SD/2 — total constant alive (dynamic) bio mass (land + ocean) .

S, standing ¦ StandingAlive — illustrated ¦4.05625 T15 KG CO2 = S, = 1.10625 T15 KG 6C12.

c, cyclic ¦ 5.53125 T12 KG 6C12

S/c, 200

MLN, MaunaLoaNatureForestNormal ppmvCO2 1812: 284; MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2.

GE, a selected idealized boreal Spruce equivalent Average GrowDecay period: 200y

(using a Park tree study, Wilander2012 — representing an Earth life Tree; BioSURF ¦ BTKref).

nGE, 2.95 T12 (ForestWORLD2012: 5.9 T13 M²/20M² = 2.95 T12 — MLN preference before deforestation).

GEbasen — basic quantities ¦ KompoSc — composition of the basic quantities ¦ BEsw — all basic data collected with sourcing links .

PrimDATA, Earth crust detailed composition data (HOP), Cambridge Universe encyclopedia 1978, FM1975.

Wikipedia and others available: Complementary (comparing) data (given in actual sections, if at all).

CWON — complete whole number solution — collecting and accounting for the PrimDATA ¦ BioEK1-10.

— Modern academia apparently never made this type of collection on the 1900s geological data research:



— You were saying?

   Disclaim this result, and we will guaranteed directly surrender unconditionally immediately.

   No problem. It just showed up as calculated in collecting all the basic data.


TheProvableMiscon: Sources



— TREES TAKE CARBON FOR GROWTH THROUGH AIR, says modern academia on its established teaching and education.

Related physics and mathematics detailed provable correction:

— FROM WATER it is (CH2O ¦ CH1O ¦ CH0O →  CH2O3 ¦ CH1O3 ¦ CH0O3). See Detailed Related PhotoSynthesis further below.


BioEK4 (Lower et al., 1999) ¦ BioEK3 ¦ BioEK1 ¦ MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2 ¦ StandCYCLIC ¦ PhotoSynthMacTNEDcomparing detailed mathematics ¦



— The detailed Related Photo Synthesis — comparing the modern academia standard (»the provable life on Earth Destructor»):

— The SD-Wheel (The MaunaLoaProof), and the photo synthesis chemical formula.


MODERN ACADEMIA FORESTRY PROOF — the key to vandalize the idea of Forestry Life on Earth:



CFT — The Oxygen Quest ¦ MainPurposeIllustrated ¦ PhotoSynthesis



.. teaching and education ..  MODERN ACADEMIA  1800+  .. Box. Dark. Drift .. GREED ..  Disclaim.

— It’s like a person reasoning (retarded, low educated, intellectually disabled, because of greed) .. well .. the less atoms we have .. the more productivity we get ..

— ».. it is better with three wheels than four .. and one leg than two .. because then we don’t have to take so many steps .. ».



The 1958-59 by detail provable fatal academic misapprehension of the Mauna Loa Complex — ”plants take carbon from air for growth” — soon became established on the following typical present forestry industrial profitable popularity — unless we have missed something:



Established media, teaching and education, holds that trees take growth carbon from air. By thinning out the trees, giving more space to the alive individual, the academic viewpoint states it grows faster — so it can be harvested sooner (the Needle function is ignored).

— Related, disclaim:  An alive needle tree (Pine, Spruce) sustains life on Earth by taking up life sustaining sun light energy (Simard2012: the underlying root system’s promotion of biological diversity). The less such up taking agents, the more vulnerable becomes the remaining alive. Why? The Pine Spruce needle function has a limited resource. So, the more of these, the better life power conditions. We can feel that, when alive trees are killed. It hurts. Badly. Stop killing humanity.




WeWereWitnessing — SD, Summer Decrease, term from Long 2008 versus WI Winter Increase¦ CarbonDioxideLevels ¦ Related Photo Synthesis


The related picture shows, as seen, that SD is a constant (with discernible minor variations over the sampled period 1960-2015): The SD CO2 amount has no weighing part at all with the carbon mass growth of plants. The related picture instead explains, constant SD, that plant growth carbon is taken from the ground water, recycling old decayed carbon atoms, taken up by the plant roots.


Related Photo Synthesis Details ¦



Thinning out trees certainly promote the left alive to grow faster — because the removed work by the killed alive trees (constant SD) will be dumped on the surviving trees: they are stressed to pump more water due to the higher gas pressure stress, exposing a higher metabolism rate, growing faster. That is true.


But in driving this type of growth stress by killing a growing extensive amount of surrounding trees, will only succeed until the tipping point is reached (the fix, not elastic xylem pipe water channels inside the tree stem): The tree cannot handle the pressure, the xylem transportation fails (air bubbles appear [‡], blocking the transportation). The tree begins to die. Apparently at first by exposing (most prominent on Pine trees) unnatural needle death. Sooner or later, insect invasion follows (Health never suffers pain).




Fast growing young Pine tree 2024. Fast dying young Pine tree 2024. And that will be the end of it.

— Unless disclaimed, it is apparent that present academia ideas of forestry has had a too short time of experience (max 150y) for gaining a true knowledge (Nature: 3Gy) about the nature of biology.


The present modern academia idea (IPCC) of photosynthesis compromises Nature’s own Biological Equation:

It has taken roughly 3Gy for Nature, freely growing, to collect the (latest 1812 ¦ MLN1812) natural species in plants and animals on a preserved 100% forest cover. From 1800 to 2000 (ForestWORLD2012) human hand has (by area cover) decreased the stock by a rough 30% (32%). 200 years. Any born sane human being KNOWS that IF such a mathematical Genius is supposed to continue a Conquer Enterprise on Earth, future biological life on Earth most certainly is DEAD BORN. Disclaim. By thinning out Nature, also LIFE on Earth is thinned out. Disclaim.



Nature Forest was (apparently) made to provide a human biological ground for the human to develop technology (you know the type .. breathing .. healthy stuff ..). Not to kill life as such. Profiting on life as such is apparently not the way to develop natural technology.


This is how it works, related physics and mathematics says — unless disclaimed:


   [minor] CO2 EXCESS — in THE BEGINNING:

— Higher atmospheric gas pressure PUSHES Tree TO WORK HARDER. Excessive growth — modern academia is (highly) delusive, unless disclaimed.

   [major] CO2 EXCESS — in THE END:  Tree dies. What we see 2024 (it is only the beginning of it ..).

(Example: The movie Dante’s Peak 2002, Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton 0:18:50, the section with The Mountain Lake — same view on CO2 suffocated trees. See photo 17Jun2019 [Now 2024, the whole local area cut down] of a Swedish corresponding dead Spruce resembling example in BTKref, and another alike of 18Maj2023 in PSrel).

   The type of enterprise in the below Mid Sweden 2023 photo exposes the above related present forestry madness. The perpetrators apparently have no idea of what they are involved in, just looking at the narrow already as above long run provable fatal and established profiting provisions. Disclaim. Sane humans/societies don’t do this. No way.


As profitable popular as long as it lasts ..

The (PSrel ¦ RespondingNATURE) CO2 excess from thinning out the forest by killing alive trees pushes the surviving trees to work harder. On a tipping point — nature has no such profiting biological technology: cannot support the industrial profit — the trees begin dying. Unless disclaimed, that will be the fate of the trees in the above documented photos — if the present lumbering CO2 dumping enterprise continues.

— Besides that: The respect for Animal Life is apparently on the Out, too. Where are they going to go? State administrations apparently have no conscience on that one, either. The natural Marker of being upset only by witnessing an ongoing rape, has apparently no input there. These aces apparently have their own universal ideals of general Conduct. It is an evil time.




IPCC-community — versus Related physics and mathematics

We will break it down here in precise atomic details:



PhotoSynthesisRELATED  ¦ MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2 ¦ PhotoSynthMacTNED


THE PROVABILITY — or not at all: disclaim— IN

The modern academia support to business and society — in killing life on Earth — by drift, not plan: retarded, profoundly low educated, intellectually disabled.

(Normally, an Established Society would Hang a person for even intimating such an absurdity .. ).


The accounting articles are already given here in UniverseHistory (Aug2008+). And it should, again (HumanRight), be reminded:

— What is known here (Oct2024) and as also reminded in the actual articles, the nature of the proving content has no representation in modern corridors: General critique on the lumbering industry is mildly spoken not welcome at all. That so, although the biologically connecting details are easily proven, as also reminded. Once given a serious interest, the mathematics explains it all — or not at all. Examples will follow here.

   The aim here is not to gain votes in modern corridors. The aim is to certify a rational provability, or disclaim its context as irrational. Because the calling of attention here apparently requests an end to this present ongoing state administrative sanctioned human industrial rape on Earth surface biology.


The following will only relate the already produced and collected articles here in UniverseHistory on their own actual linking connections. Additionally, the text gives some in-between contextual guidance, unless already familiar.


RelatedPhotoSynthesis: RelPhotoSynthDetails ¦  TheSDtransporter — what modern academia missed






Exactly the same mathematical-chemical ranks — but completely different world system ideas. How is that? (Misapprehension of the initial interpretation of the Mauna Loa SD Summer Decrease Variation ¦ The1958Fatal).

   Test answer — disclaim if faulty:

   Modern academia does not study life as is (»first kill, then study»). Modern academia — teaching and education — is, or seems to be so, more interested in INVENTING properties of (dead) life, claiming that (alive) to be taken as Knowledge. Claiming (hence) consentient academic popular corridor gossip for brains. That is, what we know, the definition of retarded.

— Consensus is no subject in natural science. Never was. Never will be.




TheSDtransporter: RelatedPhotoSynthesis


Related physics and mathematics

The Mauna Loa SD Summer Decrease component: it is a constant (The1958Fatal).

It is never incorporated by any mass aspect in the growing mass of a plant.

It only serves as a ground water old carbon decayed transporter for such growth mass.






Detailed photo synthesis description in Related physics and Mathematics — to be compared with any present established 2024 in modern academia


The Mauna Loa SD(Summer Decrease ¦ KeelingCurve) atmospheric CO2 content lends out a summer season average 5.8 ppmvCO2 (KompoSc) as an extra water preparing electrolytic solvent from May to September. It is, or can so be understood to be, used by the plant roots through a (boosted) water solvent (BioEK1 ¦ BioEK4) H2O + CO2 we call H2CO3 (Sw., kolsyra) carbonic acid. Depending on the acidity of the water (its biochemical »building life permittivity»), different solvents appear from the basic H2CO3 (such as: H2CO3      H1CO3[bicarbonate] and  H0CO3[carbonate]). This water content is taken up by the plant roots, transported up to Leaf&Needle, where the chlorophyll structure (sun light up taken energy) manages a sugar (glucose) transformation known as the actual Photo Synthesis process:

— But (CWONfromCAP) its SD-transporting part (The SD-Wheel ¦ PSrel ¦ The Mauna Loa Proof) is not known in modern academia (in part because of the The1958Fatal, related physics and mathematics says):



RelPhotoSynthDetails: TheSDtransporter ¦ ModernKemiskAkademi ¦ RelatedPhotoSynthesis ¦ SD-TRANSPORTER ¦ SDandCWON  ¦ CAP ¦ CWON ¦ TheTOTAL ¦ VoJ ¦ IronCORE

— Excuse me, Modern Academy 1800+ — do disclaim anyone who can:

   Modern Academy (1800+) has had little explaining power to life and our universe, the more anxious to invent academic consensus type ”water from the outer” (Consequential Mathematics: COMA). The more of the latter, the less of the former. And so, related physics and mathematics says (TNED), modern academy — teaching and education 1900s+ — has built a type Dark Box of Drift — not intentionally — around humanity in general. Solidity (excuse me: disclaim): Media Popular Academic consenting established gossip; Fact: trees either get killed or die directly from it. It has only power to destroy. Foremost listed examples in mathematics and physics: TheLIST. Only what can be related in detail (SDandCWON). Box. Dark. Drift. Not very much more. After 200y, 1800-2000, environment exposes claws: — back off. Disclaim.

   Nature shows The Academic face (as in HiTech): life destructive technology: Modern academy (1800+) cannot handle life — civilization — existence in the universe. No way. It has failed.

— You were saying?


Related physics and mathematics explanation by atomic detail — 100% cyclic processing, no waste: nothing added, nothing removed;



SDhjulet2.3 eCO2 per 1 cyclic mCO2: Mauna Loa SD konstanten deltar aldrig i någon växtmassa — agerar endast elektrolytisk C transportör:

5.8 ppmvCO2 × 2.2 T12 KGcar/ppmvCO2 = 1.276 T13 KGcar ¦ CYCLICcar = 5.53124 T12 KGcar keeping the standing S alive,

The SD-transporter1.276 T13 ÷ 5.53124 T12 = 2.301473087 ¦ All basic data collected and related in CWON.


From old plant decay, carbon C is SD-transported through ground water by an extra Mauna Loa SD perpetually, same individual repeatedly (because SD is a constant), transporting agent O2 up to Leaf&Needle for building new life. But modern academia does not recognize this simple 100% explaining full CO2 cyclic process — because ”We were witnessing ..MLBfs of the quoted initial erroneous interpretation of the Mauna Loa SD-function: SD is a constant. Nothing is removed, nothing is added. Related physics Equilibrium.


This is (1/6 of) our RELATED constant cyclic (c ¦ GE) original (last, 1812) natural biological oxygen O16. It unites, endlessly, cyclic, with (transports) old plant decayed carbon (C) for building new recycling life on Earth

(untouched by humanity only up to year 1812: MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2).

— No O16 is produced. No O16 is consumed. Nature still during 3Gy. The remaining cyclic glucose processing part (5C + 4H2O) (with additional elements) is extracted from the ground water by the plant roots to a total cyclic 6(CO2 + H2O) (plus elements), forming each new glucose cycle session.


Biologic and atmospheric oxygen are two different and distinct physical domains, also safely provably appearing at different time epochs in the history of the Earth, related physics and mathematics says. See details from VoJ, unless already familiar; MAC is a Primitive. Say.


TheSDconstant:  RelPhotoSynthDetails ¦ TSDtran

The1958Fatal ¦ TheSDconstantHOW

   Plants do not produce oxygen. Plants do not dissolve water. They only recycle it.

   Modern academia water from the outer had to invent an idea that plants produce oxygen (and dissolve water) in order to explain the main cosmological enigmatic quest: The origin of (oxygen — and water) on Earth. Compare (CAP ¦ BeginBigBangDmaxNeutronCelestialBodies ¦ TheTOTAL) related and detailed in CWONfromCAP.

   The natural Mauna Loa SD constant (5.8 ppmvCO2) has 2.3 electrolytic CO2 (eCO2) per 1 ground cyclic CO2 (mCO2), deduced related physics and mathematics says. So in the original Nature Forest, it is in a majority over the natural CO2 biologically cyclic (only up to year 1812, though). Today 2024: all violated. Global (toxic) alarm should have been proclaimed already 1962 (ExpoCO2).


The Mauna Loa SD-function O2 agent takes no part in the plant mass growth process. It only promotes (and balances, electrolytically) the growth performance by completing, assimilating and transporting old ground plant decayed carbon C through a water solvent up to the plant’s Leaf&Needle glucose factory.



In our Nature forest — last seen 1812: MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2 — The SD part = the WI part in the Keeling curve: no extra atmospheric CO2: MLVnoAGW. The CO2 contributions (1800+) are different for fossil and deforestation. The breach is proven from 1962 (ExpoCO2, the motor saw becomes commercial; productivity increases) where the CO2 increase becomes exponential — an impossible feature to accomplish, as proven (SDtransporter, REASON) by the fossil industry combustion enterprise. It has an optional energy (world consumption profile) function of itself: no exponential CO2 increase. Only a maximum linear one. That is how we know it in related terms. The responsible agent is no doubt: deforestation.


— From the glucose process one extra O2 is emitted — which belongs to the Mauna Loa SD-constant. Not the glucose process as such (which the IPCC community so apparently and provably erroneously has invented in their provably limited idea of the complex: disclaim) — based on the related Mauna Loa SD simple balancing cyclic calculations:

— The emitted CO2 works as a Transporter Truck — in the end (September) it returns to the Mauna Loa constant SD stock (and comes back again next spring):

— After emitted from a Needle or a Leaf, the single emitted O2 unites (again) with the forest ground water in association with its new transporting one old ground plant decayed Carbon atom into one carbon dioxide molecule CO2 — so  (again) associated with the water's carbonic acid H2CO3.

— Uniting (again) with the rest part of the previous excessive glucose process' molecular ring (5C + 4H2O), it forms (again) a complete glucose chain as 6(CO2 + H2O). This makes a new glucose processing session — again leaving the one single SD-truck transporter O2 out on a new mission, sampling a new C from the forest plant ground (plant decay) water with the other (5C + 5H2O).


— And so the related cyclic process repeats endlessly;


   plants do NOT produce oxygen — bio OXYGEN  TheTOTAL  is a Constant, constantly recycled in a constant CO2 (up to 1812);

   plants do NOT take carbon for growth from the atmosphere — not one single fossil carbon atom, no way;

   plants do NOT dissolve water — the most fatal of all the modern academia (IPCC) ideas: disclaim.


Compare modern academia (IPCC), ignorant as it is of the SD-Wheel 100% certified cyclic photo synthesis transporting function:


   plants do produce oxygen

   plants do take carbon for growth from the atmosphere

   plants do dissolve water.


— You were saying?

Conclusion as proven:

Modern academia does not study life as is (TheSDconstant). If we didn’t miss something, and only by that reason, modern (1800+) academia (IPCC) appears to be a provable PRIMITIVE (TheLIST) — in Biology too (the premises apparently were better during the 1700s) — disclaim: faulty statements are not allowed in this type of production.

   Modern academia (apparently) forces life into (glass) cages, crops it down to microscopic samples to be tested under high frequency expensive equipment; raped, undressed, handcuffed and muzzled. Then modern academia comes here and claims itself to have found something ELSE than the Prisoners Conduct under Imprisoning: disclaim.

   There is never anything wrong with the experiment as such. But the idea of what these sessions contain, is apparently another part in the actual case history of natural science.

TheSDconstantHOW: SDconstant




Discussion — based on a still existing Nature Forest — last seen 1812: MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2




— There does not seem much to choose on in explanations (SD-KeelingCurve DataBase specifications: SCRIPPDS ¦ CDIAC):


Taking the graphical and value based provability of the Mauna Loa SD as a constant (5.8 ppmv CO2 as illustrated over the time interval 1960-2015 as a first bench mark), the SD constancy

— and its interaction with the summer seasonal plant growth period

— can be understood and explained as follows.


Gas pressure physics (temperature, concentration) on seasonal variations is the only dynamical agent we have in consulting the why:s and how:s on credit of the SD function.


Discussion — based on a still existing Nature Forest — last seen 1812: MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2

From around May the naturally summer-winter variable 5.8 ppmv Mauna Loa CO2 experiences an increasing solubility with water. An increased pumping amount of carbonic acid is given into the ground water (BioEK4 — Lower et al., 1999).


With the summer seasonal rising average day temperature, and longer daylight sessions with an increasing amount of insolation, the Leaf&Needle fabric agency asks for more water to generate more plant growth. The plant begins pumping up more water to the Leaf&Needle glucose fabrication process.


The Mauna Loa Solved CO2 agents are (electrolytically), or can so be understood to be, boosting the water chemistry potential (»prepping the water to have an optional amount of carbon atoms — old decayed plant material to be taken up by the plant, plus the SD boosted C in CO2»). The Mauna Loa SD atmospheric drop to ground water can be understood to favor the plant’s up take of old ground decayed carbon, plus other elements for growth.


Note the relations (Sources ¦ RelPhotoSynthDetails), as calculated: The Natural Forest Mauna Loa SD constant 5.8 ppmvCO2 have more than twice (2.3) times the corresponding total cyclic (c) in Leaf&Needle amount: There is 2.3 SD CO2 per 1 Leaf&Needle CO2. So the SD summer Decrease Mauna Loa Water CO2 fill up, is definitely in a majority (securing that the plant C uptake will have »sufficient merchandise» to choose on — the old plant world decayed C:s only, though: we can’t breed Pines stretching to the Moon .. ).


Namely the SD point constant bottom line:

— The gas (temperature) pressure physics does not allow the SD water solvent boosted C in its CO2 to be ”hijacked for inside plant growth use”. No way.


— The Leaf&Needle glucose factory production has a symbiotic physical contract with the surrounding atmosphere — everything outside the Leaf and Needle. IF this gas pressure temperature matter physics contract is NOT to be broken, not one single SD atom can enter — permanently — into the plant mass:

— The SD constant is certified, guaranteed, protected.


This symbiosis, namely (as it apparently can be interpreted), works on a Consultant Basis: THAT the O2 agent in the SD constant CO2 molecule is allowed to act as a Transporter Agency of old decayed carbon atoms, solved in the ground water, taken up by the plant through its root system. And then, allowing the SD Transporting O2 molecule to escape out from the Leaf and Needle after each glucose producing session. That explains (TheSDtransporter) the order of business to perform of the »Contracted Construct»: perpetually, same O2, transporting ground C atoms to the plant, never itself associating IT with that plant’s growing mass.


What we can infer:

The SD transporter’s never-modern-academia-discovered function, though existent as related above in the photosynthesis process, deluded (The1958Fatal) the modern academia aces to, erroneously, interpret (INVENT) a Radical:

— ”plants produce oxygen.”, ”plants dissolve water”; ”plants take growth carbon from air”. We have no exact (case history) quote on that here in UH. The above related just exposes it that way (consequential mathematics, unless misunderstood).

— And (further inferred): That is also the foundation to the present fatal which encourages the present so called forestry agents to do what they do best:

Killing Nature. Again: By drift = ignorance. Not plan. Disclaim.


That is: The SD:s CO2 carbon C  atom is placed on »hold» while its O2 spouse is executing a transport agency for real available old decayed carbon plant atoms to be reused, transporting them up to Leaf&Needle. All long summer.


It defines a perfect balance — principally eternal recycling — equilibrium explanation: TheTOTAL.


When Autumn approaches, the gas pressure and temperature physics conditions change — And the »SD in water C on Hold» reunites with its SD transporter spouse O2 to its original CO2. It returns back, again, to the winter condition’s more sparse idling. Perfect Assembly. 

   (Taken the seasonal tree water conversion Summer/Winter, some boreal rough 5/1, the SD transporting functional magnitude should have the same properties).

   But none of these details are as such, what we know here, found in modern academia literature (maybe on some hidden and forgotten bookshelf around 1750 .. »the last to see the light ..»).


EndLine: TheSDconstantHOW  ¦ TSDcon


It was important in modern academia (1800+) to invent the oxygen part of the story. That, to find consensus on the general cosmological picture for Earth’s surface and crust: the origin of water and atmospheric oxygen (”water came from the outer”). It is apparently important for modern academia to appear as the universe’s most highly developed imaginary tourist. Not one word Humanright recognition. Teaching and Education. Not a sound. Disclaim.





Documents in UH from 2012 in explicit

THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE — state administration regular attacks on the populations — by drift, not plan. Disclaim: The people are withheld foundational insights of civilized conduct, promoting the authorities to continue in practicing obedience with punishment on individuals.

STATE ADMINISTRATIONS WITHHOLD THE POPULATIONS FROM RECOGNITION OF THEIR UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS: defense ¦ A2 ¦ A29.1. Instead, the state administrations are — openly: just one single example needed — practicing cruelty, regular dictatorship named democracy, discrimination, and repeated threats of punishment unless cooperating on already long time established laws of violence.

— Not one word HumanRight recognition or reminding. Not even a hint. Disclaim.

— You were saying?


EndLine ¦ Special


Observations in SWEDEN only in UniverseHistory — Pine Needle Die OFF — in huge amounts.

First stage: 2010+

— 2011¦12: Shocking and extensive, no warning, no domestic information, just a sudden apparent national kill (murder) of alive trees (tree-sacking) on the edges of roads, especially in denser populated areas: State Attacks Nature: no domestic information to the public. Not a word.

 Milstensskolan i Täby 2010. No domestic information.

Second stage: 2012+

— Regular documentation begins on State Attacks Nature history. No domestic information.

— The enterprise grows ¦ Svenska staten stormattackerar naturen 2012 — StatsFröjden börjar byggas ut.

Oct2015, documentation of regular stages of regional extensive (foremost) Pine needle necrosis appear;

StatNatur2013.htm ¦ zStatNaturPaus2013.htm ¦ zStatNaturPaus2014.htm ¦ zStatNaturPaus201516.htm ¦

zStatNaturPaus201516a.htm ¦ zStatNaturPaus201516b.htmThe IPCC Global toxic alarm issue ¦

zStatNaturPaus201516c.htm — IPCC and AGW

zStatNaturPaus201516d.htm — MaunaLoaFunction — LASSOING the noted IPCC lack of interest in The Quest 

zStatNaturPaus201617a.htmThe MaunaLoa Proof ¦ MaunaLoaBeviset

zStatNaturPaus201617b.htmThe Mauna Loa Variations

zStatNaturPaus201617c.htmKalhyggesresan genom Sverige — The 300 mile (roughly 500 KM) documented forest bald cut Journey through Middle-South Sweden 28May2017.

zStatNaturPaus201617d.htm — Development Resume AGW¦MLB 2009-2017+

— Many, but not all of the documented Nature Photos taken here in UniverseHistory through the years

— a not seldom directly magic natural landscape — still no domestic information —

— have (now 2024) been transformed to hard ugly baldcuts. More or less heavy vandalized regions.

What was seen there, and the joy it gave, will certainly not be seen again for centuries, if at all.

The animals living there, as well, the stillness, tranquility, and the beauty of the birdsong, has also lost their home.

Damn you Sweden for having taken that away from us. No trace left of the original magic beautiful nature. Examples below.



— Not one word Humanright recognition. Not even a hint. Not a sound.

— State administrations — on drift, not plan — withhold the populations from insight into their universal human rights and their recognition. Proof:

— Not one word Humanright recognition. Not even a hint. Not a sound. Not a spell. As if never existed. Compare DEFENSE. Europe 1800+.

— You were saying?



Disclaim. Photo above, MidSweden May2021: Sane humans/societies don’t do this. No way.



What does it look like?


BTKref — GranEkvivalenten, SpruceEquivalent,

NatureFOREST ¦ TheTOTAL 00

— Funny that the Swedish State Administration does not hold the population in prison .. or do they? Say .. what does it look like? The will of the people? It seems not. Not at all. Something has gone really bad here.

— Excuse me: Sweden Administrating Sweden (2012+) cannot handle Living Together with Life. No mother fucking loving god way. Say again. Come agin.


zGMR2019.htm — Earth's Biosphere's continuing vandalization ¦ Cookies exclude Humanright

zStatNaturPaus201819.htm — Bio HEALTH Markers ¦ still no domestic information from the state authorities. 7 years gone now.


Third stage: 2020+ ¦ FACIT — TreeDeath documentations 2015-2020 in Sweden

— Heavy regional Pine Needle death over vast areas. Compiled documents 2015-2018 on tree death in Sweden.

zStatNaturPaus202020.htm — The Cosmic Earth Quest: The Oxygen Resolution ¦

zStatNaturPaus202020a.htm — STATE continues attacking NATURE ¦

— Covid and Deforestation 2020, The Pandemic situation.

— Bio oxygen and general atmospheric oxygen are two physically (and chronologically time appearing) different domains (RelPhotoSynthDetails).

zGMR2022.htm — STATE ATTACKS LIFE: disclaim ¦ The PLANTOxygen16FILTER ¦ EARTH WIND FUNDAMENTALS; Swedish Energy Authority claims ”Wind power comes from Sun” (Sw. Windpower, Wikipedia) — but nowhere any mathematical details behind that statement is found; The Coriolis Mathematics explains it all on Earth Rotation and Thermodynamic Equilibrium, no Sun wind power generation, just A Lamp on Box; Wind power Technology takes Earth Rotation — A basic NASA article 2003 explains how Earth rotation is affected by wind power fluctuations; Further sentences on .

RespondingNature ¦ GlobalWATCHERS

zGMR2023.htm — The World Democracy Crisis Phenomena ¦ TRWDS — how life biology works with business: (both) vandalized by state administrations ¦ TheJERUSALEMexamplecities have no father and mother


Fourth stage: 2024+

— (SecondWave ¦ O1618) Heavy regional Pine Needle death over vast areas. A few photos below from Sep2024+.

— Disclaim: The HiTech perpetrator inducement responsible for the charity gala do not have to listen to anybody. It OWNS the world.




THERE IS NOT MUCH LEFT TO FALL OFF SOON .. Sweden kills Sweden .. people’s will ..

— Honestly MaryAnne .. I don’t think so ..


But this time on the decimated needle populations that remained from the previous inducement consequential festivities’ Sep2020 heavy pine needle fall. (Swedish; ”råvaruförädling”; processing of raw goods).

   The remaining (»half focus gone») thin pine tree branches become increasingly populated by no needle at all.

— Soon, apparently: not much left to fall off on.

   Nature is dying. Good for coming wild fires. Dry and Prepared to Go.




— Swedish Administrations: Claim whatever you want, any time, any way you want it.

NATURE DID NOT DO THIS. It is apparently all on the credit of humans, stupid enough to ignore the consequences of their own actions: zero respect for the life that was given them from Earth. Disclaim.

   Dishonor and disrespect. Full Pedal. Disclaim.

   The worst (disclaim):

— The Perpetrating Instance claims itself to be Justified: ”We OWN ..”. No guilt. No responsibility.

   State Administrative Jurisdiction. Mississippi 1820. The will of the people ..

— You were saying?




It looks like a Wave Two version of the Wave 1 in Sep2020 (FACIT) — but now on a (50%) decimated pine stock.

Nature needs to recover — at least for 400 years. From the moment it becomes Untouched. Just by Free Growth.


— IF a state administration allows any human being or any instance to have or claim a MANDATE to decide Over VIEWS of life, Over VIEWS of Land, Over VIEWS of Geography, Over Humans, we are certainly not witnessing a period in human history where state administrations take care of the joy in sharing Humanright recognition.

   Life already has an internal defense mechanism — molecular stuff — preventing any possible fuckup to mess with it.

— You were saying?

SPECIAL: General


TheTEN bio equivalents (Jul2020) — as (Sources) extracted from the Earth Crust mineralogy available tables— certify the TNED deduced (atomic nucleus) derived general Celestial body (Earth) history appearance. No funny at all bottom line says that IT makes modern academia on the subject appear as A Fundamental Primitive: Disclaim.

— There is no difference in intelligence. Only in the inducement and interest of digging for treasures.


CWON from CAP (MaSBIG ¦ YBE) shows the detailed (integer) mathematics: How the basic biological elements (HONC) are mixed in Earth crust mineralogy — into the single atom by comparing numbers.


Really. If there are other viewpoints of this result in any way, please share.


The BioEK1-10 (BioEQuivalents, TheTEN) complex reveals basic Earth surface biological relations — water, atmosphere, pressure, composition, concentrations — pointing out (MLN1812IPCC2013Graph284ppmvCO2) a Natural Forest preference MaunaLoaNormal based on a 284ppmvCO2 concentration, last [IPCC2013Chart] 1812. After that, the CO2 concentration increases with increasing deforestation and fossil fuel combustion.

   From 1812 the MLN1812 Natural preference no longer holds: nature is broken by human hand. However not definitely, as the BioEK1-10 points out;The general AtmosBiosLitos cannot be broken by human hand — reorganization of Earth’s crust composition, only atmospherically contaminated (in to some limited time widow, we not yet know anything about, only its principle existence).


   The BioEK1 MLN1812 numeric AtmosBiosLitos relation


Earth total AtmosphericOxygenAtoms to MLN1812 Carbon atoms

1475 (Atmos¦O/MLN¦C)

is now (on the previous 2020 calculated reference) down to

1254 (1011 depending on preferences) as calculated on the (Dole1965) plant oxygen O16 preference over O18, all due to the causing deforestation agency, no fossil aspect included, see details and graphs in CheopsRektangelVe.htm#Def37.


— Global (toxic) Alarm should have been proclaimed already in the beginning of the 1960s (ExpoCO2 ¦ Expo1962ref,  the point where excessive atmospheric CO2 takes the play of an exponential increase: no way the fossil part can do that, separate AGW proof explains).


The OxygenO16-O18 Balancing Issue

general cell phosphorylation: AtomicNucleus2023II.htm#QUOTES ¦ AtomicNucleus2023II.htm#PO4

— nature balance 1812+ has been destructed by killing alive trees, says this UniverseHistory report

— is, what we know, and possibly can prove chemically — the decisive tipping point. It is, or it will be (disclaim), the point where Nature no longer will Warn us by the type yellow and brown Pine needle fall offs.


  In our worse case scenario (nobody wants this):

— Heavy Global health hazards will follow that no pharmaceutical instance can prevent — knowing that this possibility is also ignored by the state governmental administrations: They never did have to listen to anybody else but themselves and their highly beloved majority based decisions. And that became the end of it.


   (.. Everything just started to bleed apart, from inside .. the authorities never listened to the warnings .. imagining themselves to be such life authorities .. ).

   And so: There seems to be no more need for engaging in the subject:

— Just documenting The Actual Fall, as far as we can (and hoping it will never happen).

   Thank you for reading.

   Again, as always:

— Decision outside Humanright recognition has only power to destroy.



PEXJun2024 ¦ IntroductionPEXJun2024  ¦ EMP ¦ CompellingEvidence ¦ EarthMASSequivalence ¦

ContinuedCO2increase ¦ O1618 ¦ PublicEducation ¦ LifeBIOLOGYresponse ¦ NeedleDeath ¦ FirstWave2020 ¦ SecondWave ¦ Sources  ¦ TheProvableMiscon  ¦ The1958Fatal  ¦ MinorMajor  ¦ IPCCversusRelated  ¦ RelatedPhotoSynthesis 

TheSDtransporter ¦ RelPhotoSynthDetails  ¦ TheSDconstant  ¦ TheSDconstantHOW  ¦ EndLine   ¦ GENERAL  ¦ SPECIAL 



Introduction: IntroductionPEXJun2024


How we came about to this document, Jun2024:



 BeginJun2024 -- need for clarification .. elucidation .. on ..


— improvements on the related and comparing physics and mathematics of the induction phenomena in explicit


From 1994 ..

We initiated this project PEX2024




by a measuring construct of the lower above illustrated type


A minimal surface distance (7.5mM) is arranged between an Aluminum profile (2mM) as a ground (GND) reference and a Ø0.20mM clean copper »elongated GND» sensing thread (C above) for detecting induced voltages from a separate primary current rod (A above). A is holding a short 1mS (8Hz) high current pulse (in this construct, adjustable to a max 50 Ampere) with straight raise and fall ramps (PulseCircuit).




as in the photo below, bottom part.




The sensing and measuring induced voltage instrumental arrangement.

— »Just a simple GROUND wire».




2mM Aluminum profile ground plate with battery supply ±9V and a sensing offseted OP CA3140, close grounded to the Al-plate.



On observing the resulting induced voltage level in S, and after some measuring sessions, a few new discoveries were made.

TheGNDwire2: W1

Discovery — after extending the 7.5mM GND distance to some 180mM:


The induced voltage (in C), same electric provisions,


   decreases with decreased parallel distance


between the sensing thread (C) and its (Aluminum) GROUND plate reference:

— It is suggested that if C is situated IN GND (plane), the induced voltage would not be possible to observe.




(Secure to) Increase the sensing-ground parallel distance (considerably) between sensing thread and its GND plane reference to avoid larger measuring errors.


So in all the following experimentation (PEX2024), the longer 0.18M distance was selected and preserved.


Arrangement: W2  ¦ INTRO


Final mounting measuring arrangement: Left, power line supplied regulated voltage current part (PulseCircuit). Right, battery supplied OP sensing. The DSO pulse diagram results are accounted for in PEX2024. Three different 100.00 mM copper rod measured diameter dimensions were tested on different sensing parallel distance betwee rod surface and sensing thread surface.


MeasuringDetails ¦ Precision 

Discoveries: Arrangement

We made some other discoveries too:


ComparingMacTNED -- measuring¦ Comparing -- equation form ¦ HowItWorks ¦ Compiled 

No di/dt in MAC

The established (Wikipedia, Induction) form for induction on straight length s and diameter d conductor’s inductance has no di/dt parameter. Instead a generalizing (1 for high, 3/4for low) frequency factor is used, making any reasonable comparing with any experimental di/dt instrumentation results out of the question. Here there is, though and however for the sake of clarity (»in for a penny, in for a pound»), a comparing picture (Comparing, general values: Comparing MacTNED, graphic), just underlining the lack of (precision) sense in the established idea of the mathematics of induction (on an elementary straight copper conductor).


The 1994 deduced and related physics and mathematics form for the straight (copper) primary conductor’s (still mentioned surface) inductance (Lc)



LcExplain -- 1994 deduction links¦ LkonLrel -- comparing established


exposed »exotic features» in the new PEX2024 instrumental and measuring result provisions. The following tells.






certifying that our related derivations on the subject were correct: basic primary and secondary induction mathematics



x is not related to a center-center distance (now perfectly theoretically explainable), no sir:

— x relates a surface distance between primary current conductor and the secondary sensing thread


And it is so matjematically-experimentally concordantly proven (LkonLrel) by the three different copper: rods in the measuring sPEX2024 results (Precision):




Left:   Session A: Using a thin 0.0001mM office paper securing an exact parallel  x measuring distance between primary conductor and induced voltage sensing thread, more precise DSO reliable readouts showed up.

Right:   Session B: Taking PEX2024 the same three different rods on a greater surface distance, x>0, adjusted for 5.0mM, comparing readouts were documented for further comparison. All on the same electrical provisions.



See also (further) in EquativeResolution.



Introduction ¦ TheGNDwire ¦ TheGNDwire2 ¦ Arrangement ¦ Discoveries


Induct99DOC: PEX2024


Explicitly anxious introducing measures


Efter ParallellExperimenten 1994

CompletePulseCircuit ¦ PEX2024CircuitDetails ¦ TestPulseCircuit




VI VET REDAN (ParallellEXP2024 ¦ ComparingBmeasure) att magnetfältets styrka (B) utanför en primärledare enbart beror på strömstyrkan (i). Helt oberoende av ledartyp, ledardimension och ledarmaterial. Parallellexperimenten 1994 klargjorde den saken särskilt via test med olika ledare.



Med fortsättning från TEORIN [ och experimenten ] FRÅN 1994 — i vidare förtydligande från Jul 2024

Given strömderivata di/dt ger lika induktionspänningar

oberoende av ledarmaterial och dimension på givet fixt centrumavstånd

SPECIALTEST PÅ TRE LIKA LÅNGA OCH GROVA STÄNGER Ø5mM Mässing stång¦rör, Koppar klargör: samma mätvärden


INGEN PÅVISBAR MAGNETISM — INGEN PÅVISBAR INDUKTION: full strömändring ¦ 1mS 8Hz 30A konstant med raka strömramper (120µS/ ¯¯\224µS)




Det fanns emellertid (ännu nu vid ingången till Jun2024 i den här berättande historien) vissa oklarheter angående det primära ledarmaterialets förmåga att generera en mätbar inducerad sekundärspänning. Så, för att förkorta författarens utdragna lidanden på den punkten genomfördes följande upplysande experiment i PEX2024 anordningens ljus (Matematiken bakom).



I fallet ovan

mässingsrör ØmM iy3¦5 kopparstång ØmM¦2

ser vi genom uppgifter på de olika materialens resistivitet Rm (ΩM@20°C mässing, koppar, här Karlebo Handbok) att mässingsröret och kopparstången har nära exakt lika resistanser.


TEST2024.ods — Tabell2 A155

Särskilt värdena för Mässing [Wikipedia, Resistivity] varierar 3-9 t8 ΩM beroende på inslaget av Zink (5-40%).

MÄSSING = Koppar+Zink [+  ev.mindre mängder bly och andra]. Materialläran behandlar praktiska användningsområdet i ”intervallet med 55-100% Cu” [MATERIALLÄRA, KARLEBOSERIEN, Maskinaktiebolaget Karlebo]. Dvs, inslaget av Zink i området 0-45%. Värdet 6.4 t8 i tabellen ovan för Mässing är här approximerat [vi vet inte den exakta SIS beteckningen för de använda mässingsrören].

Också Kopparens resistivitet ändras med graden av stelhet; mjukare-hårdare (1.68-1.78 t8 ΩM -- se särskilda tabeller, där man kan hitta sådana idag).


Om ledarens resistans har betydelse för den inducerade spänningen, skulle mätningen i så fall inte kunna avslöja något i det materialtestet (resistansförhållande iy 1/1.099). Däremot den inre delen nedan med den smala ØmM0,45 koppartråden i mitten (resistansförhållande iy 1/21) borde kunna uppvisa en avvikelse om materialresistansen har betydelse.






Men det finns redan en (teoretisk — ExperimentalRESOLUTION) delvis helt klargörande aspekt som utesluter betydelsen av ledarnas olika ämnesresistanser. Nämligen den aktuellt påtvingade strömhastigheten (di/dt). Oavsett material påtvingas ledaren samma strömtryck. Och borde enbart av den anledningen inte kunna uppvisa variabla responser i inducerad spänning.


Result — No observable magnetism or induction

INGEN PÅVISBAR MAGNETISM — INGEN PÅVISBAR INDUKTION: full strömändring ¦ 1mS 8Hz 30A konstant med raka strömramper: 120µS upp, 224µS ner



Men den här författaren är luttrad .. Det skulle behövas en mera precisionsbaserad mätning för att i varje fall försöka fastställa en snävare gräns för resultatbilden. Vi får försöka återkomma till den delen senare.




Ingen (med den aktuella utrustningens kapacitet) elektrisk påvisbar aktivitet utanför röret.

   Vi kan använda det resultatet för (ev.) vidare utvärderingar i försöken att formulera induktionens speciellt sublimt krävande matematiska fysik.

   För ev. vidare.

ComparingBmeasure: Induct99DOC





B = (µ0=1.25662 t6 VS/AM) · i / (2πr), Tesla = VS/M2  ;

   Se härledningen till magnetiska fältstyrkan utanför rakledaren i FARapplication ¦  SpecificBequations ¦  MagnetiskaKraftlagen --- F=BQv; v = l/t ;  F = BQl/t = Bil

Hall element sensitivity: 15mV/mT

U = 15mV(1000 · iµ0/2πr)         ;

i = 12A                                       ;

r ~ 7mM = 0.007 M approximately partly estimated. on a rough fast measure

B = 1/3 mT

U = 15mV/mT · 1/3.mT = 5.14mV

TEST2024.ods — Tabell2 A56

Med endast en enkelledare och en motsvarande (nära) magnetmätning, visas följande till jämförelse (12A) under den pålagda strömpulsens varaktighet:




Magnetfältet (Högerhandsregeln) med Hallelementets framsida (fabrikstexten) vänd uppåt och strömriktningen i testpulsen riktad ut mot betraktaren från det cirkulära ledartvärsnittet ovan höger, ger en negativ mätpuls analog med pulsens varaktighet. B-vektorn kommer underifrån och går rakt uppåt. Omvänd strömriktning ger en positiv mätpuls (B-vektorn uppifrån och neråt).


Simplified Magnetic measuring electronics solution — using 2×9V battery supply:

No OPamps, only 6 discrete bipolar transistors:

TheMagneticSensingCircuit: ComparingBmeasure

MiniBreadBoardDeck Aug2024


 .. before adding the LED ..



Kretsbilden ovan visar en (mycket) förenklad version av Magnetmätarkretsens original från 1994. I lösningen ovan används endast 6 st diskreta bipolära (GeneralPurpose) småsignaltransistorer som två separata konstantspänningsregulatorer matade av två 9V batterier. Den resterande delen i kretsfunktionen sköts automatiskt av Digitaloscilloskopets mätning och Hallelementets egen interna krets (magnetiska kraftlagen ¦ F=BQv).




Hallelementets funktion — mätning av magnetisk fältstyrka B — baseras helt på magnetisk växelverkan mellan ett yttre B-fält och en integrerad fast strömkrets och dess interna magnetfält.

— En (rak) elektrisk ledare som för en konstant ström (i) utverkar också en viss magnetisk fältstyrka. Befinner sig i inom ett aktivt magnetfält (B), sker magnetisk växelverkan mellan de skilda magnetkomplexen, och i-strömmen kommer att avlänkas åt endera hållet. Styrkan i B blir proportionell mot hur i avviker. B-styrkan genererar i den fasta integrerade kretskomponenten en motsvarande (Hallelementet TL 3103 C) utspänning. Med B=0 är (typiskt) utspänningen 6V med 12V matning. Ökad/minskad utspänning beror på B-fältets riktning och styrka (typiskt 15mV/mT).



Hallelementets funktion



F = BQv; v = l/t ;  F = BQl/t = Bil ; magnetic force law


Right:  A thin conducting xyz block with square side l has two pair of opposed electrodes. The (vertical) supply one as V+ to GND. And the transverse (horizontal) one as the AB contacts.



   Between V+GND is forced a constant current (i).

   If an outer magnetic field (B) is present, the constant i line senses a drift of its moving charges (Q+) to either side AB from the attacking magnetic interaction between B and Bi. Which side, depends on the B direction

   The Hall Element output gives a proportional output voltage, positive or negative, depending on the up or down B direction. Its mathematical form is given from the electric (Ξ, here Greek xsi) field strength connection


Ξ = U/l  = (F=Bil)/Q so that  U = Fl/Q = B i l 2/ Q = Bk


As the constants (k=) ilQ are known, the output voltage (U) will be directly proportional to the strength of B.

   The (1994) Hall Element in this case (TL 3103 C) has a very linear (but temperature sensitive) sensitivity of 15mV/mT.

   The horizontal plane orientation (where the connecting pins point to) of the conducting xyz block is legit — counts and holds — in any direction: the B-vector’s polarity (»verticality») is circular(»disky»).



Further details in ParallellEXP2024 (Background and motif).



Induct99DOC ¦ ComparingBmeasure ¦ TheMagneticSensingCircuit ¦ HallElementFUNCTION 


ParallellEXP2024: Induct99DOC

Begin Jun2024


Background and motif — Introduction





Redan (Induct99DOC) med Parallellexperimentet 1994 stod det klart att

   inget påvisbart magnetfältet existerar utanför en Till-central ledare inuti en Från yttre rörledare

(test med olika kopparledares tråddiametrar i centrum: Ø 0,5 och 0,1 mM, inuti ett yttre mässingsrör iyØmM3¦5).

   Testströmmar: 15-30 Ampere. Inte ett liv.




Experimenten från 1994 hade — emellertid — antytt ATT


   induktionens magnitud, den inducerade spänningen (U) i en sekundärt uppspänd mättråd utanför rörledaren

— från en pålagd strömpuls med strömändringshastigheten di/dt (150 000 A/S)

beror på ledarmaterial, med i övrigt samma förutsättningar.


— Stämmer det?


   Uttömmande — omfattande — svar i Experimental RESOLUTION:

— Det beror på experimentanordningens utformning och instrumentering.


A Clarifying Argument: Because of the forcing nature of an electronic constant current generator and its pulse morphological regulating di/dt feature

— forcing an inductive effect onto anything conductive in its way —

it should make no difference what kind of material the di/dt is pushed through: same independent induced voltage. If no hidden aspects delude this conclusion, the actual quest is already settled by that argument.

A clarifying experimental measuring viewpoint is given in ClarifyingExperimental.

A clarifying general resolution in the entire quest is exposed in ExperimentalRESOLUTION.




ISSUE (PEX2024) — back in time to the PEX1994 experiments:

— The neA parameters suggest that primary induction relates to material properties and dimension.

— But no such dependence is observed in our present PEX2024 repeated PEX1994 experimentation.

   At the time around 1994, neither the experience nor the insight into these details had (the present) provision to clarify the neA issue.

   The present ExperimentalRESOLUTION clarifies why, and how (»we cant buy experience»: it is priceless: we have to earn it):

— Both PEX1994 and PEX2024 uses a (CCR) constant current regulator. As it forces the same di/dt on the testing objects, the neA part is overdriven. And only the developed heat (different resistance) can detect differences in material and dimension.

   A corresponding same current forcing (CVR) voltage regulator would use a corresponding variable voltage (never so tested in UH) to realize the same di/dt status. That would definitely reflect differences in material (resistance) and dimension.

   So now (2024) we have at least clarified that part of the issue. Thank you very much: It all depends on the instrumental arrangement — and our understanding of it. (You know .. atoms [TNED] and stuff like that .. science ..).



PEX2024, resultatbildens första del (ClarifyingExperimental):

— Beror det på ledarmaterial?

— Nej. Inte vad vi kan se med den här delvis mera preciserade instrumentanordningen (och delvis mera begränsade) jämfört med förutsättningarna 1994.


FRÅGANS UPPLÖSNING från 1994: stämmer det?


Hela PEX2024 instrumenteringens utformning utgick ifrån att konstruera en ny, mera detaljerat mätande apparatur för vidare undersökning. Anordningen översiktligt i MatematikenBakom ¦ IntroductionPEXJun2024 ¦ Arrangement .

   Resultaten från 1994 (där ExperimentalRESOLUTION inte ännu var formulerad) hade — nämligen — redan fastställt att neA-faktorn särskiljer olikheter i en primär strömledares laddningsacceleration.

   Men klarläggandet (nu 2024) i ExperimentalRESOLUTION visar, och bevisar, att resultatbilden i induktionsmätningar (i själva verket) beror på instrumenteringens utformning (BackgroundER).


I bägge fallen PEX1994 och PEX2024 användes en (CCR) konstantströmsregulator. Den påtvingar strömledaren en och samma strömacceleration (di/dt). Och därmed oberoende av (neA-faktorn) ledare och material.


I fallet med en spänningsregulator (CVR) ställer sig saken annorlunda. Där kan olika material och dimensioner studeras mera ingående beträffande deras inre primära materiella egenskaper. Vi har ingenting på den typen här.


Vi hade aldrig den analysen i Parallellexperimenten från 1994. Den har nu klarlagts först här i PEX2024.



För ev, vidare.






4Sep2024: Testing different material — brass, copper — exposes no difference in induced voltage, given the same conditions.





By using clamping devices to fix the different instrumental parts to one and the same — guaranteed — exact position, a following three testing different metal rods (on exact same electric and mechanic conditions) was realized.

Rod length 120.00 mM,  measuring length 100.00 mM.



120.00 mM length, nominal measuring length 100.00 mM, Ø0.5mM Brass pipe, solid Brass rod, solid Copper rod. No observed difference in induced voltage from a raising 15A/120µS and a falling 15A/224µS ramp current change. The primary conductor’s material seems to have no (observable) influence on the induced voltage in the secondary sensing thin Ø0.20 mM copper thread at parallel surface distance x = 0.70mM from the rod surface.

   In a way, this result is already 0apparent from the forced current change di/dt as such:

— »material has no influence over actual current» — the only difference will be in heat losses due to resistivity.



A brass pipe rod oiØmM 5.00¦3.00 left, a solid brass rod ØmM 5.00 middle, and a solid copper rod ØmM 5.00 right. The above sampled DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) results appeared on the applied 15Ampere testpulse current signal (left up 120µS, right down 224µS) .

— No apparent difference. Same induced levels of voltage.

   The 15A value was set up and controlled by a simple sample and hold solution connected to a digital volt meter (1.500 V for i = 10A/V), see schematic below.



PEX2024CircuitDetails: ClarifyingExperimental ¦ TestPulse ¦ TestPulseCIRCUIT ¦ PEX2024 ¦ HowItWorks ¦ Secondary Ciircuit  in INTRODUCTION and its OP offset schematics in PEX2024.


The constant current regulating generator (CCR) at bottom left above.



ParallellEXP2024  ¦ ClarifyingExperimental ¦ PEX2024CircuitDetails


TestPulseCircuit: PEX2024  PEX2024circuitDETAILS  ¦  Testpulsen: ORIGINAL PEX 1994

Simplified pulse circuit solution from PEX1994:

KRETSLÖSNINGEN TILL TESTPULSEN — förenklad elektronik från PEX1994:

en mera omständligt kretslösning fanns då .. här i PEX2024  endast ett förenklat alternativ.



REMOVING the slightly rounded bottom fall foot (and the raising steep short up) demands the end signal to be managed by an extra end OP, connected to a negative supply — or as we did it: the entire above circuit connected to a —0.48V and an end OP with a regular +V-GND supply:



Optimal output test pulse max current (10A/1V): 50 Ampere: perfectly straight ramps, no oscillations. With an 8Hz 1mS pulse duration, we would still have to be careful — no heat sinking devices — not to overheat the current connected circuit — for more than approximately 5 seconds — with »long waits in between» (or a near cooling fan). During that interval we safely can sample up the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) pulsing pictures.


CompletePulseCircuit:  TestPULSEcircuit

— on two mini breadboards — with available complementary component space, Jul2024:


Constant current regulator — optimal max clean stable 50 Ampere 1mS straight raise-fall ramp pulsing. July2024. PEX2024.

— NOTE: we use a grounded plate directly below the above (in PEX2024 a 2mM Aluminum plate). The mini breadboard blocks (2 holes underneath for mounting screws) have been added with (original self adhesives removed) a thin self adhesive plastic electric ground isolation underneath, solidified to the ground plate with threaded M2 screws, giving a perfect flat plane reference (to be attached to other parts in the construct). The 0Ω1 end sensing resistor is of type 2 pin TO220 1% 30W MP930 0.10Ω 1% 1 521.

— The construct has no soldering parts: all wire connections are based on a mechanically tight push and press contacting (with/inside a covering tight original plastic electric wire insulator); Apart from the breadboard blocks: guaranteed less than 1mΩ contact resistance in all high current connecting cases (some gold plated).




PEX2024 circuit solutions


to avoid (overheating) hazard, as observed (depending on arrangements ..):



   Some of the components develop (high, excessive) HEAT if exposed to PowerON during longer periods (depending on arrangement).

   EXAMPLE (DutyCycle 0.125/0.001 = 125 ¦ 8Hz to 1mS current pulse):


LOAD resistance for leading 10Ω/5W resistor: 10Ω — the main part.

LOAD resistance for larger wire Ø: fractions of mΩ.

LOAD on NCH MosFet STP 60NF 06L: 16mΩ Ron -- P = R·1²: 0W4 @ 5A;  6W4 @ 20A — be careful.

LOAD on end sensing 0Ω1 resistor: 0.1Ω —  P = R·1²: 2W5 @ 5A;  40W0 @ 20A — be careful.

— The actual power loss is reduced with the higher duty cycle -- here 125, but care must still be taken.


— The (ideal 14V) supply has a leading protecting 10Ω/5W resistor.

If omitted, the entire construction will collapse (pulse deformation, depending on arrangement).

This actual test current: set to 5 Ampere;

— voltage = 0V5 over the end current sensing 0Ω1 30W resistor

— means that the 10Ω/5W leading resistor senses a (ideal dutyCycle = 1) voltage drop over it of 

U =14–0V5 = 13V5: The power calculation gives;

P = Ui = 13.5·5 = 67.5 Watt:  Almost 70 Watt.

— That is a serious situation (with no heat sinking devices) if PowerON any longer that just a few seconds at a time:

— Cure: Long PowerOFF pauses in between the (short) GO sessions. (Be patient — or improve the circuit solution to better suit the purpose).

MeasureTEMP: RestUSE


Measure temperature

   We use an infra based temperature sensor (the commercial type shaped as a pencil, with a small LCD display integrated infra wavelength sensor):

— Directed close to any object, the LCD display shows the actual temperature. Most definitely a very useful instrument for any serious electronic amateur.

   Depending on the duration of the test sessions, and the extension in number of these, excessive (destructive) heat may develop.

   A small Table Fan might help, if need be.






MATEMATIKEN SÄGER INGET om hur x ska tolkas — det har blivit en »Bonus» i härledningarna från (1991) 1994 .. Verkligen avancerat.



Har man uppfattningen att induktionen styrs och bestämd av (samma natur som styr magnetismen) ledares centrumavstånd, går den härledda ekvationen inte ihop med mätvärdena; Sammanhangen divergerar — och mätvärdena blir galna;

IndANDmag ¦ IndMagINTEGRALS ¦ IndMagINTEGRALSrelated.


Frågan om »rakledarens sanna egeninduktans» — mätvärdet (L via ett U) man skulle få med en (fin) mätlinje PÅ primärledarytan (PEX2024):

— Vilket svaret än blir på den (teoretiska) frågan, gör bevisningen i saken ingenting förrän man får fram ett motsvarande (teoretiskt) experimentellt instrumentvärde:

— en så ytnära mätlinje som möjligt (HowItWorks ¦ ELSIEmath ¦ PrecisionResult).



Därför nämligen, som ovan (Compiled): DÅ induktionskraften (tydligen) ligger i primärytan, blir enda möjliga mätande alternativet att, just, anställa en maximalt näraliggande fin sekundär mätlinje: Det som induceras i den linjen blir, är, eller ligger maximalt nära, primärytans egeninduktion.  Det finns inga »inre mätande» aspekter att komma åt.



TestPulseCircuit ¦ Testpulsen ¦ CompletePulseCircuit ¦ RestUSE ¦ MeasureTEMP ¦ CenterSurfaceERROR


IndANDmag: Induction ¦  RegINDUCTION ¦ RegMAGNETISM ¦ ERB ¦ ComparingSCHOOLS



Relaterad fysik och matematik — finns inte upptaget i den moderna akademins korridorer


— basenheter med konstanter

Särskilda länkar till redan författade beskrivningsavsnitt, särskilt nedan i den löpande texten





         induktion, z ..............    droppen/stenen som släpps ner på vattenytan [ tröghetslagen, se Newtons Tredje särskilt ]

           magnetism xy ...........    ringarna som bildas på vattenytan


Induktion (z) och magnetism (xy) växelverkar inte.

Komponenten z (induktion) blandas aldrig med xy planet (magnetism). Detaljerat i Kausalsambandet.


ElectricConstants: IndANDmag ¦ ElektriskaKonstanter ¦ ERB

c0                       = 2.99762458 T8 M/S ; ljushastigheten — light’s divergence i fria rymdens vakuum (even close in free air)

ε0                       = 8.854187818 t12 AS/VM = 1/(4π t7 c02) = 1/R0c0  ; härledningen till Q, elektriska konstanten

R0                      = 1/ε0c0 = 376.7303134618 [Ω = V/A = Ohm]; free space compactness = free space light divergence c0 resistance

1/ε0                    = R0c0 = ↨R’ç = ↨Rmax · c0 ; (inverterade/reciproka) elektriska konstanten ¦ electric constant -- ε0 free space permittivity

Rmax                 = 1/ε0ç01 = ε0–1ç0–1         = R0c0ç0–1                      ; explaining magnetism details in CausalConnection, Ω

Rmax/ç0             = 1/ε0ç02 = ε0–1ç0–2         = R0c0ç0–2    = µ            ;  rymdkompaktheten xy , VS/AM

sRmax/ç0           = s0ç02 = sε0–1ç0–2       = sR0c0ç0–2  = µs           ; rymdmagnetiseringen xy ,  VS/A

µ0                      = 1,256637061 t6         = R0/c0                           ; fria rymdens rymdkompakthet, VS/AM

Rmax/ç0             R0/c0 = µ0 ; rymdkompaktheten, förenklad (magnetismen kräver ç0; magnetismen är noll med c0)

förenklingen — ç0 avviker (teknisk industrifysik) obetydligt från c0 — etablerar, felaktigt men kvantitativt omärkligt, ett µ0 som associerat med magnetism (Kausalsambandet förklarar detaljerna, utförligt, ingående):


See further clarifying details in ComparingSCHOOLS

The seemingly confusing µ suffixes — related physics explains

Omitting — incorrectly — the difference between the reduction (ç — what makes magnetism in conservation of the free space electric constant ε0) and what ç approaches to (c0 — no magnetism: the magnetic wave expands R’→R0, denser-lower ç towards the thinner-higher c0: in R0 and c0 no magnetism exists; see all the explaining details in RegMAGNETISM unless already familiar)

MAGNETISM: R0c0 = R’ç = 1/ε0 = MAXRç0 , VM/AS ; ç = R0c0/R’ = (R0/[R’ > R0])c0 = ¦ c0 – [n < 1]c0 ¦ = »c0v» ;  MAXR = R0c0 [= (ε0c0)–1 = (ε0»c0v»)–1 =

= (ε0c0 – ε0v)–1]  ;   MAXR/ç0 = R0c0 / ç02  ; omitting the normally Earth laboratory regions negligible difference between  c0ç0  the expression arrives at  MAXR/ç0 =

= R0c0 / c02 = R0 / c0 = µ0the free space compactness (free space »permittance» — »permeability») where no magnetism at all exists c0 and which concept modern academy is completely unaware of, what we know — occupied by the interest in Inventing Academic Consenting (»cookies») Bridges Between what is NOT understood, instead of Deducing its Explanation from Nature. See also in Magnetic and Electric Polarization with the term Susceptibility (multiplicity). The epsilon term ε is also named (dielectric) permittivity, and the term micro µ permeability (»space compactness»).

we arrive at the modern academia convenient but apparently completely unknown magnetic station termed µ0 — an academically educated, merited, and highly established »mathematical Pet». Perfect Assembly. No magnetism at all. Science.

   It is all Newton’sThird; mechanic and electric Inertia basics (The Integral Analogy between mass m and inductance L).


— You were saying?



BESKRIVNING magnetism:

ur InduktionenOchMagnetismen.htm#kausalsambandet

från htm-originalet 3Maj2008


B                       = µ0s I/A ; grundformen för magnetisk fältstyrka, förenklad, VS/M² = Tesla, s strömledens raklängd


U          = k(Q/r)                                     ; elektriska laddningens potentialimpuls, V

F/Q       = Ξ = Rmax c0Q/A = U/s           ; elektriska fältstyrkan, A laddningsytan (sfären: r2), Ξ xsi

Ξ/c0       = B = Rmax Q/A

             = (U/s)/ç0

             = Rmax ç0–1ç0   Q/A

             = Rmax ç0–1st–1 Q/A

             = Rmax ç0–1st–1 I/A

             = µs I/A                                     ; VS/AM · M · A/M² = VS/M²


GRUNDBEGRPPENS INNEBÖRD ¦ Rakledarens fullständiga samband



För att relatera en magnetism=reduktion (TheREDUCTION) i vilken som helst g-bestämd rymdpunkt P, ser vi uppkomsten av en partiell förändring i rymdmotståndet R0 från Q-ändringen v. Ändringen i R0 har den egenskapen att ändringens maximala motstånd Rmax är aktivt bara ↨ tvärs strömriktningen ←→ s, alltså enbart i utvidgningen (xy) av plannormalen (N) till (z) strömriktningen s. Detta är en ren konsekvens av att c0 inte kan ändras av v i strömriktningen (Ljusfrihetssatsen: ljusfysiken kopplar inte kinetiken), och därmed heller inte kan påverka R0 i riktningen s. Därmed bevaras också (elektriska konstanten, epsilon) ε0 som  ε0–1 = R0c0 = Rmax ç0. Följaktligen uppkommer en reduktionmagnetism») c0ç0 i P i N som följd av v. Laddningens fältpotential dU i P från Q ger en elektrisk fältstyrka Ξ=dU/ds (xsi) som utbreder sig i N på ç0 och som uttömmer Rmax i R0 och därmed ç0 i c0 vilket i P är den magnetiska fältstyrkan B=Ξ/ç0. Utbredningen i N följer superpositionsprincipen (ljusutbredningen / fältdivergensen i lokalt dominanta gravitationsfält).


Med små skillnader mellan en medelform för (reduktionen, »reduktansen») ç0 och (»normaldivergensen») c0 som ger det (se µ0 i modern akademi) orimliga (ingen magnetism med c0) men kvantitativt avkortade ç0 = c0, fås ur R0c0ç0–2 = Rmax ç0–1 den enklare


                          Rmax/ç0    R0/c0 = µ0  ................      rymdkompaktheten, förenklad, VS/AM

                          B = µ0s · I/A  ..................................       grundformen för den magnetiska fältstyrkan, förenklad (industriteknik),

VS/AM · M · A/M² = VS/M2 = Tesla


PrimSekIND: BEmag

BESKRIVNING induktion (RegINDUCTION ¦ TheQmove): sekundära induktionen

från htm-originalet 3Maj2008


Primär induktion, den (INDreFyMa) aktuella elektriska ledarens egna interna elektriska (elektromotoriska) motstånd mot varje ändring i en redan existerande konstant ström [Newtons Tredje — masströgheten inom mekaniken]; En (tillfällig, motriktad) motström. Integralanalogin mellan mekanik och elektrofysik visar samhörande matematik;

Sekundär induktion, (den mätbara) effekten av primärinduktionens styrka på hela det övriga omgivande rummets elektriska laddningar (inducerad spänning — mekanikens tröghetsverkan vid inbromsning och acceleration, samma matematiska energifysik).


— Om (PEX2024) den mätande sekudärledningen kan göras tillräckligt fin, och placeras tillräckligt nära primärledarens fysiska yta (så att skillnaden primär-sekundär blir »försumbar»), kan primärinduktionens sekundärspegel förstås avspegla den (matematiska) fysiken på just primärledarens yta (primära ytinduktansen L=û/[di/dt]).

[Termen/begreppet »primär ytinduktans/induktion» finns vad vi vet inte i den etablerade litteraturen — den har (helt) andra preferenser .. Grundsambandet för mätning av L = û/(di/dt) omnämns — delvis — endast sparsamt i etablerad litteratur — och då integrerat med begrepp som tillhör magnetismen. Wikipedia, Inductance 24Aug2024: ”.. Inductance is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it. The electric current produces a magnetic field around the conductor. The magnetic field strength depends on the magnitude of the electric current, and follows any changes in the magnitude of the current. From Faraday’s law of induction, any change in magnetic field through a circuit induces an electromotive force (EMF) (voltage) in the conductors, a process known as electromagnetic induction”. Se det jämförande exemplet i IndMagAppendix.htm#treatise_ex2: magnetism och induktion växelverkar inte, säger relaterad fysik (Kausalsambandet förklarar, detaljerat, uppkomsten av magnetism (planvågor xy) som helt fristående från begreppet induktion (ändringar i strömriktningen z: genereras enbart av strömändringar och har inte ett spår att göra med magnetismens matematiska fysik), men finns inte som begrepp i etablerade korridorer): den relaterbara fysikens begrepp nås via modern akademi genom flera detaljerbart bevisbara och exemplifierbara överföringsfel (induktionens sammanblandning med magnetismen) med digniteten ”lagar”. Det etablerade föreställningssättet är bevisbart primitivt och ofullständigt beskrivet i den relaterbara djupfysikens bevisbara matematik: samma samband, helt skilda förklaringskomplex. Endast, vad vi vet, det ena kan innefatta det andra som primitivt].

— I andra ord, vad vi vet: vi får inget veta om primärinduktionens fysik förrän vi kan mäta vad som sker på ytan av primärledaren då primärströmmen ändras = genererar omgivande induktionspulser (vi kommer aldrig åt det inre, vad vi vet, utan att förstöra dess fysik).



Induktion, från latinets indu’cere, leda, föra in (BKL V1924 sp1352)

Induktionens (härledbara) matematiska fysik är, som det har visat sig, delvis (ytterst) krävande:

— den innehåller en till synes uppsjö av olika parameterkomplex — som måste redovisas i detalj


U          = Ri                  ; från Ohms lag, V = ΩA = (V/A)A ¦ INDreFyMa

             = Ri · t/t

             = Rt ·i/t

             = L · i/t             ; om strömmen ändras linjärt

             = L · di/dt         ; om strömmen ändras godtyckligt (integraler måste lösas)

L          = U/(di/dt)        ; induktansfaktorn (induktansen), VS/A


Känner man formen för di/dt — experimentpulser utformade med raka flanker (i/t), stigande fallande,  — kan (den lokala) induktansen (L) alltid bestämmas om den inducerade spänningen (U = û) kan mätas/observeras:  (WaveFormDetails)


För att relatera en sekundär (mätande) induktion i vilken som helst g-bestämda rymdpunkt P, ser vi uppkomsten av en separat (sekundär) induktiv resistans R’ i strömriktningen, skild från den fria rymdens resistans R0: R’ lämnar R0 orörd. Induktionseffekten totalt har ingen inverkan på den lokala divergensen (c) vilket betyder att också den elektriska konstanten (ε0) bevaras.

ε0 = 8.854187818 t12 AS/VM = 1/(4π t7 c02) = 1/R0c0  ; härledningen till Q, elektriska konstanten

R’ uppkommer genom varje möjlig strömändring, eller som vi säger, genom strömderivatan di/dt, A/S.


µ0s        = L0                  ; primära rymdinduktansen, VS/A

µLs        = Lc                  ; totala primära ledningsinduktansen per längdmeter, VS/AM

µL         = K(µ0 + µc)     ; totala primära ledningsinduktansen, VS/A

Lc         = K(µ0 + µc)s


µc                      ledarens primärinduktans per meter, VS/AM (kan beräknas efter mätning)

µc          = Lc/Ks – µ0     ; i vårt experimentfall PEX 2024: µc = –1,2556862 t6 VS/A (diff mot µ0:= –0.000000001)

K                       massändringsfaktor = Umät/uREF; för koppar: 2,61 [PEX 1994]




PEX 2024 — resultatredovisning 24Aug2024


TEST2024.ods — Tabell2 A73

— Som att vinna på LOTTO — tre gånger i rad. Samma precision. Med 14 decimaler.

Mätvärden är mätvärden — som vad vi vet, inte kommunicerar Direkt med författarens utläggningar i Matematik ..

Härledningarna omkring PEX 1994 hade aldrig ovanstående mätdetaljer ens i åtanke. Förutsättningarna 1994 var annorlunda än nu

— ingen överdriven flora av Windowsversioner med tillhörande datorer. 10 MHz TRIO analogt oscilloskop. Begränsad dokumentering.

Ingen NIKON D90 kamera [först 2009].


µ = VS/AM

Rakledarens referenser — induktion och magnetism

µL (R0/c0 [V/A]/[M/S] = VS/AM — associerad enhet för magnetisk fältstyrka

B = µsI/A,VS/M²) relaterar (också) en potentiell induktionsriktning UTMED ←→ primärledarens raka utsträckning:

— Är strömmen konstant, finns ingen induktion (L=RT, VS/A; U = L[di/dt]: i=0 → U=0).

— Magnetismen (VS/M², Tesla: VS/AM · M · A/M²) relaterar fältexpansioner tvärs ↨ — rätvinkligt — induktionsriktningen ←→;

— Eftersom magnetismen (xy) alltid följer strömstyrkan, och induktionen (z) strömstyrkans ändring, existerar (xyz) både magnetism och induktion (om strömändring sker) i varje lokalt gravitellt relaterad rymdpunkt xyz: (µ =) VS/AM, i vilket fall:

 z¦VS/A←→ induktion endimensionell, endast strömmens ändring räknas


xy¦ VS/M²↨ magnetism tvådimensionell, alltid där ström existerar

   Så: Enheten (µ = R/c, rymdkompakthet) VS/AM = (VS/A)/M = Henry(induktion)/M relaterar z medan samma enhet VS/AM = (VS/M²)/(A/M) = Tesla(magnetism)/(A/M) relaterar xy.

   Sammanhanget definierar en del av helheten i den komplikation som modern etablerad akademi tydligen, vad vi vet (eftersökt, inget ännu upphittat) aldrig har brytt sig om att forska i (Expansionsintegralen, Kausalsambandet). Moderna kvarter har istället uppfunnit »förenklingar» (Maxwells Ekvationer, Vektoralgebra) som blandar ihop förenar VS/AM magnetism och induktion (som leder till att väsentliga fördjupningar inom den matematiska fysiken utelämnas och missas: elektriska Q laddningens härledning med detaljerna inom potentialbarriären (där Q tas) och atomkärnan, med härledningen till grundämnenas periodiska system från Keplerresonanserna: ytmomentet, Plancks konstant dividerad med massan: Keplermomentet K=vr [kärnmatrisiska algoritmen]).


x ytavståndet sekundär-primär, s den raka mätlängden

L, det experimentellt uppmätta värdet i PEX 2024 ¦ Result picture’s interpretation


MeasuringPrecisionPEX2024: Mi0 ¦ BEmag ¦ PrimSekIND ¦ BEind ¦ TheMeasure

Vad vi INTE gjorde 1994 i ParallellExperimenten PEX 1994 — hela ämnets upplösning och förklaring: YTAvstånd. Inte Centrumavstånd.

— »Perfekta mätvärden» Aug2024 med det teoretiskt härledda sambandet — från 1994.


BILD—46¦27 PhC1 23¦20Aug2024



 Vänster:  Ett uppvikt mellanliggande kontorspapper ger säker separation mellan ledarytorna

-- 80Gram/M² tjocklek: 0.1mM.

Vänster primär: här en Ø0.5mM tennad koppartråd.

Vänster sekundären: en Ø0,2mM ren koppartråd — typen man tar ut ur flertrådiga starkströmskablar — finmonterad med precisa rätblock, rör-, stång- och blockprofiler som garanterar bråkdelar i millimeterprecision;

Mitten:  Mässingsstång/rör iy¦mM3¦5 med sekundärtråden nära ytan.

Samma som vänstra, men primären [vänstra] en Ø5mM stång/rör av mässing. Se Särskilda Beskrivningar [Hela anordningen, BILD—28].

Höger:  Ø0,2mM sekundärmättrådens exakta infästning, jorddelen: nominell mätlängd: 100.00 mM.




Hela trådkonstruktionen bygger på friktionslåsningar (press- eller skruv) — inga lödningar:

— Man söker olika materiella rätblock xyz med »sådan exakt precision» (på hundradels eller dess bråkdelars millimeter) där man får PRESSA (»hydrauliskt») in detaljerna i varandra — så att en säker elektrisk kontakt (mindre än 1 mOHM kontaktresistans) uppnås. Inget lödande. Enbart mekanisk tryck- och skruvpress. Materialtillgången är kritisk (koppar, mässing, aluminium) — samt verktygen för att realisera monteringen (2024: finns inte längre i städernas detaljhandel: avfördes i stort från 2000+: kunden har 2024 definitivt inte kontakt med varan längre, om den alls, ens, existerar: får inte se, titta på, undersöka, känna på: hemska internetexempel finns: får bara titta på en BILD i taget .. nummer 28 ... 59 .. himmelriket med en Varukatalog — utan behov av batteri för att kunna läsas — har avskaffats; stenåldern närmar sig, raskt .. klumpigt, träaktigt, tidsödande .. förnedrande ..).


x ytavståndet sekundär-primär, s den raka mätlängden

L (=Lsi), det experimentellt uppmätta värdet i PEX 2024 ¦ Result picture’s interpretation


Lsi         = U/(di/dt)[ln(tan b/2) + 1/tanb] × s/x                ; VS/A ¦ x0 see ELSIEmath ¦  HowItWORKS

             = Lc ÷ 2πx  · s ;

ger överensstämmande värden. Se vidare i ELSIEmatematiken.

TEST2024ods, Tabell 2 A57+



IndANDmag ¦ ElectricConstants ¦ Mi0 ¦ BEmag ¦ PrimSekIND ¦ BEind ¦ MeasuringPrecisionPEX2024


PEX2024results: Compiled



Details in EquativeRESOLUTION  ¦  COMPILED   ¦  IterationApplication   ¦  ELSIE   ¦  COMPILED 



— searched for, but not found in the (1800+) modern academic teaching system


HowDoesItWork ¦ CheckingUpEq ¦ LkonLrel  -- explaing the mathematical origin ¦ ClarifyingExperimental ¦ PEX2024

Faraday’sLAW  -- how conventional ideas compromises on related explanations: same matematical expressions¦ PrecisionResults





ComparingMacTNED: PEX2024 ¦ ComparingR  ¦ SelfITERAex ¦ Comparing R


Wikipedia ”High frequency”: ”The range 3-30 MHz of the electromagnetic spectrum” -- 12Sep2024;

— Taking a 120µS ramp on a maximum frequency form would yield a frequency of f = 1/120µS = 8.333 KHz — 16.67 KHz if doubled: That curve lies well above both below plotted Modern.



For the equation of the RELATED measured inductance L by the observed voltage U, see from PEX2024CircuitDetails and LcEXPLAIN.

For the established L form, see Wikipedia Induction.



9Sep2024: As seen: not very much communicating power. At first: It seems that experiments with straight conductors on straight di/dt ramps (Szyper2000) has no (here known, and Humanright recognizing: no cookies) available representation in established literature.

   The Comparing violet graph’s fitted equation (Lsi), is unique to observe only in the following experimentally verified conditions:

— on a di/dt straight ramp 15A/120µS and measured by a 0.100000 M long straight secondary 0.00020 M thread, see HowItWorks, from 0.12000 copper rods delimited by attacking/connecting current points to a 0.10000 meter long primary straight copper current rod —  the actual fitted formula:

   Lsi(in nanoHenry) = 376/(10 000 ØinMeter + 5.3) +32.4 gives the precise U-measured L-calculated values as accounted for in the above illustration.



The thing with the Modern L-form is that (Wikipedia’s reference) there is no specification on what FORM the varying currents are implied — or if the Modern Bottom Line meaning is that differences in such forms have no influence. In other words: The Modern equation does not clarify in explicit if it is SUPPOSED to count for a type 100 mM straight copper rod carrying a raising ramp of 15 Ampere during 120µS. Because as the measuring result suggests, ComparingMacTNED,, the modern equation doesn’t. Not even close to.


ComparingR: ComparingMacTNED ¦ L0


COMPARING R ¦ Lsi: Rsi=Lsi/c0 ¦ Ω

Comparing L



Basic induction integral, related physics, EMI ¦ IndMagINTEGRALSrelated


L0 graph equation corrected — 10pixel = xUnit 1 = 10 × ØQmM  0.1M copper rod: L0(nH)         = 11.14/(x + 1) + 13                      ;

Rn graph equation corrected — 10pixel = xUnit 1 = 10 × ØQmM  0.1M copper rod: Rn(Ω)         = 26.29/(x + 1)                          ;

Extracting the effective inductive resistance (Rsi) out of the (verifying, violet) measured/calculated inductance values (Lsi=Lc/x · s):

Rsi graph equation corrected — 10pixel = xUnit 1 = 10 × ØQmM  0.1M copper rod: Rsi(Ω)         = (800/15)/(x+6) + 4.9        ;








Taking the two extracted inductive resistances for comparison (R→V/A ÷ M/S = VS/AM = L/s  = Rt/s = R ÷ v → R/c; L = sR/c )





it is found that (note that Lsi is given in nano Henry, t9 H while R is given in unit Ohm: the end transsfer factor will be T9)

RsiRn =


.. this low blue belongs to the graph above ..


on a (fair) graphical match




Rsi – Rn  = 5.22 + 1300x(300 + 2x2)–1.5 – 300/x2.7  ¦  not further precisely analyzed

That, for the s = 100.00 mM copper rod material with specified diameters on di/dt = 15A/120µS (20°C).

— The 10 Ohm limit:

Rlimit = sR0/4πc0 T9 = 10Ω  ¦ see unit constants in ERB.



ComparingMacTNED¦ ComparingR


LmodFromLrel: Comparing Modern Academia


(Wikipedia, Induction) ¦ LkonLrel


How s(µL/2π)[ln(tan b/2) + 1/tanb]    s(µ0/2π) [ ln(4s/d) – 3/4 ]




— how the modern academic appears inside THE RELATED PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS DOMAIN of the inductance phenomena





Related .......................  ln(tan b/2)         + 1/tanb ¦ tanb = x/s

L = s(µL/2π)[ln(tan b/2) + 1/tanb]

Established ................  ln(4s/d)             3/4

L = s0/2π) [ ln(4s/d) – 3/4 ]                 ; Wikipedia, Induction  straight conductor

.. so that we will be able to relate the basics ..


Based on industrial and common instrumental applications (electric coil based instrumentation, transformers), the x-factor should be as small as possible:


ln x                    = – ln (1/x)       ; basic mathematics

ln tan(b/2)         = – ln cot(b/2) ;


With small values for the angle b (<1° — x=Ø=2r approaches 0 for given s), the error becomes insignificant IF tan (b/2) is redirected on the form (tan b = r/s)/2. The error via a Ø 0.5mM × 30mM copper tread lies closest in the seventh decimal (x=2r)


tan [(atan 0.25/30)/2]              =  0.0041665943   ; tan b/2

                (0.25/30)/2                =  0.0041666667   ; (tanb)/2

: seventh decimal error.

tan [(atan 0.5/30)/2]                =  0.0083327547   ; tan b/2

                (0.5/30)/2                  =  0.0083333333   ; (tanb)/2

: sixth decimal error.


Using these results in redirecting the tanb = [(Ø=d=2r)/2] = r/s = d/2s, it is found that


ln(tan b/2)                                     ln([tanb]/2) = ln([d/2]/2s) = ln(d/4s) = – ln(4s/d)


Adopted for general commercial applications (x → 0), hence



[ln(tan b/2) + 1/tanb][ln(4s/d) + 2s/d] = –[ln(4s/d) – 2s/d]




Apart from the designated micro (µ) terms (different contents of deduction, see details in Electric Constants), the two expressions apparently are essentially the same:

— »Related envelopes established» (Disclaim: Established exposes a more primitive form of inductive apprehension than Related: the student cannot relate  but is still expected to conform). Do correct if faulty:

— A Related Teaching and education in not modern academy’s strongest side.



— Why is Established more popular in modern academia than Related?

TestAnswer (not one word Humanright recognition or mentioning — disclaim):

— Because VALUES AND QUALITIES are unrepresented in Humanright recognition:

— There is no decent MONEY in it (because slavery is forbidden).

   The word VALUE does not exist in Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948.

   The keyword is DIGNITY. Not value.

   (You know .. joy .. sharing .. happy you .. we can’t buy that ..).

   (It is more fun when two persons laugh together than only one at a time ..).







See clarifying observations in ExperimentalRESOLUTION.

We would expect that a primary conductor’s inductance (L0) would be close to the conductor’s material surface inductance ..

WHY IS (Comparing) L0 (so much) SMALLER THAN Lsi?

— Or: Why is Rn smaller than Rsi = Lsic0 = µ?

(Inductance in related physics connects to a basic universal  free space compactness: µ0 = R0/c0)(space property of limited light — speed — divergence c0)


Explain Quest:

Basic conductor inductive resistance (material properties) calculations (L0/c0) does not match the final experimentally (Lsi/c0) measured inductance resistance.


— Why?




TEST2024.ods -- Tabell2 G35 ¦ Eta, Grek. η


Explain: L0Ldifference

The effect of magnetism INSIDE a primary conductor (current density distribution in z)

-- causes the charge carriers (electrons) to emigrate (xy) to the conductor’s surface

: »additional opposed inductive resistance effect» on current changes (See also below in SkinEFFECT).

— xy emigration hijacks z-direction, and hence an additional (inductive) resistance on current changes.





— only through some (simpler) experimentation, some of the basics can be clarified.



5.    1.   2.    3.   4.


B(inside) = r · 0/2π)(I0/r0)2, VS/M2     ;  linear from 0 center to surface max. -- B inside conductor

I = I0(r/r0)2, A                                         ;  parabolic: 0 from center ¦ CurrentDensity -- strömtätheten


r, distance fron circular conductor’s center

I0, actual constant current

r0, conductor’s circular radius

µ0, 1.256637061 t6 VS/AM — details in IndANDmag.


SkinEffectPrinciple: L0LdiffRELATED ¦ EXPLAIN


5.: SecondaryInductionIntegral.

4.: Applied voltage on freely available electrons e in an electric conductor attracts the e charged elements to the opposed applied voltage polarity. An electric current is created. When e moves (z, forward), a corresponding magnetic field (xy) is generated perpendicular to the move (z). Interacting magnetic fields from nearby moving electric charges, cancel the mutual parallel e-e field strength between the charges, forcing them to cancel all parallelism and move on a single line (Electron Bubble Chamber Tracks).

3.: Based on the concept of Current Density, the summing magnetic field strength (B) inside a (circular) conductor is zero — nothing — in the conductor’s center, then growing linearly up to the conductor’s surface with growing (r) distance from the center.

Wikipedia has an article (Magnetic field, 8Sep2024), but is poorly related to the inside of an electric conductor.

2.: Taking (3) on the premises of (4) , the resulting magnetism forces the charged elements of the conductor to be pushed away from center perpendicularly to z, outwards towards the conductor’s surface.

1.: The principle naturally adopts equally to constant and changing (induction) currents. However, as a current change (di/dt), especially if hefty, develops more energy the higher it is, and so generates more magnetic power, the tendency for the conductors charged elements increases to be attracted to the conductor’s surface.

   That is, a profound so called Skin Effect is produced proportional to the strength of the current (and the magnitude of its change).

— Wikipedia on Skin effect has specific formula and details beyond the content (and purpose) of this presentation. The mathematics on the subject are extensive, and demands specialized document presentation (experimental results for clarification — normally highly advanced and equipped instrumentation faculties).



Several electric phenomena appear in contributing to some extra resistive features in an electric conductor when subject to (fast) changes in current (di/dt).


SecondaryINDUCTIONintegral ¦ PRIMdipol ¦ L0


In this presentation there is no direct experimentally connecting mathematical accounting on the different possible extra inductive resistances (R+). As these (R+) are created by the specific inner properties of an electric conductor (to which we have no covering measurable details here, except the theoretical L0), we will just mention those basic qualitative working principles in some of the (related) different phenomena making extra resistive contributions (forcing the constant current to, by principle, a momentarily decrease).


WHEN a current (i → di/dt) accelerates (Rn ¦ INDreFyMa) in a primary conductor ..

the magnitude of the magnetic field strength (B) inside the conductor

— it is zero in the conductor’s central axis (see BfieldINSIDE)

— also exposes (L0Ldifference, SkinEffectPrinciple — 3) a higher B-concentration (»wandering») towards the conductor’s material surface.

   Wikipedia uses a term ”skin depth” associated with that (and other) contributing factors (the actual di/dt rate), making the end picture mathematics of the (Primary ¦ PrimSekIND ¦ PrimSec in modern corridors) inductive part even more complicated. That part is not (in explicit) covered in this presentation.




L0Ldifference  ¦ L0LdifferenceEXPL ¦ SkinEffectPrinciple


ComparingSCHOOLS: ERB   ¦   SkinEFFECT ¦ ClarifyingMAG

The modern academic obscurity on Induction and Magnetism




(»eternal» — »time independent»: universal)

— If it isn’t, we are in deep trouble ..



Comparing some 1900:s schoolbook exanples ..

Referens: Gymnasieskolans FYSIK Åk2 1978 Liber s204-205

FysINT.doc Förord, Innehåll s46



The modern academic idea that it is Magnetism that rules the induction henomena — by some simple laboratory (8th degree) instructive physics examples.

— Test if you can relate the phenomena yourself (»piece of cake») — and compare with the following below.



Related physics and mathematics contra modern academia

Affecting a resting passive electric coil on the table by pushing an active magnet over it — generating a responding electric pulse in the passive coil — has nothing to do with the magnet’s magnetic fields ”passing over the passive coil’s resting electrons” — although some find it convenient to address the phenomena on that primitive — not explaining — level of physics.


Magnetism (xy) cannot build Induction (z). Not even close.

No mother god loving way. Disclaim.


Induction (z) and magnetism (xy) interacts not.

   magnetism makes no work associated with the actual physical appearance of induction, induced voltage;

  contrary: it is (differential) Induction (electric field strength, moving charges inside the stationary locally dominant gravitationally related xyz points, Newton’sThird) which performs The Work which forms, shapes and creates Magnetism as a physical phenomena;

— But the these explaining details are not present in the modern academic teaching system, which relates all to magnetism (Faraday’s law):





there is no magnetic induction.

The concept ”electroMagnetic induction” is a well mathematically physically relatable misapprehension and confusion of the explaining domain in the nature of magnetism and inducttion. See in explicit ExpansionIntegral, and here illustrated The Fully Related Integral Forms.

The modern academic case history obscurity on Induction and Magnetism  ¦  ClarifyingMAG ¦ IndANDmag


— It is the electric currents behind the magnet’s own magnetic fields (Dia¦Para¦Ferro-magnetism) that are either accelerated or decelerated through TheQMove, generating a corresponding induced voltage — affecting surrounding electrons to change their positions too — in the normally dead current coil on the table. No move, no effect.


Related physics and mathematics — to be tested:

   in any case, it is accelerating/decelerating electric charged masses that generates induced voltages — the magnetic field follows these changes, and has nothing at all to do with their initiating cause — no way, not even close

— See details in The Appearance of Electric Field Strength — The DIPOLE CONCEPT.





Explaining how an electric current is generated in a passive coil when it is pushed through a stationary magnetic field, involves-clarifies the actual frame of reference:

— All electric charges — in a given locally dominant gravitational field and its fix xyz space points (TheGPSexample) — exposes electric field potential changes in those xyz points on each given charges’ own (endlessly extending) positionally changing electric field. Every such change generates a corresponding MAGNETIC FIELD (electric field strength) related to those xyz points. The strength is calculated through integrals on their summing domains in any specific xyz point. These magnetic fields interact with the stationary magnet’s own magnetic fields, which generates a specific characteristic electric current in the passive coil as it moves through the stationary magnetic field.

   Magnetic fields as such, have no electric charge motional awakening capabilities: The charges must first move = produce magnetism before a magnetic interaction will produce a (characteristic) current response (F=BQv=Bil, the magnetic force law).

— In order to join in the bicycle race, all participants must first have a bicycle.


So the bottom line is, in any case:

— There is no true physical ”magnetic induction”.

The describing term should be: electro-motorical (motional) induction, or elektro-mechanical induction.


See further related background details in

The (1800+) modern academic case history obscurity on Induction and Magnetism





SecondaryINDUCTIONintegral: PRIMdipol



SECONDARY INDUCTION inside a (straight) primary conductor has no meaning

Den sekundära induktionen saknar mening inom en (rak) ledare.

med den kommer till uttryck i en ring genom avståndsverkan: varje sektion påverkar hela den övriga ringen

Inre Sekundära Induktionen — 15Apr2007




5.:  Inside the primary conductor (b) definite distances exist between atoms (and their elektron mass components): no regular integration mathematics is applicable.

   Outside the primary conductor (a) — ideally concieved on a (thinnest) thread or wire — the atroms and their electron mass components appear as »continuously spread out over the current length». That condition applies to an integrable instance of physics; the constituents have a mathematical differential character.







Drainage on previously rich market and trade detail merchandise tools and materials ..

THE PRESENT HORRIBLE MARKET AND TRADE SITUATION IN THE CITIES — growing destroyed technology standard 2000+

The increasing no access @Internet

— previously free information introduces blocking [ 2020+ ]



HYPERPHYSICS — with valuable commenting mathematics and physics

(for comparison and analysis). By unknown reasons that source has no longer any available connection (it is still found, but has no response ..).

   Trying to find corresponding references these days (2024) seems increasingly more difficult — cookies consent blocks access. Not one word Humanright recognition; A20: No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

— Free information must not be blocked by any coercive exploitation (Trafficking: cookies: not one word Humanright recognition).


What does respect for Humanright recognition say?

Forcing — coercing — a human to consent on a statement, ideas or claims outside Humanright recognition — cookies: Not one word Humanright recognition. Not even a hint — by blocking earlier free and open public information access, demanding or propagandizing a cookies consent to break the lockout — defines exercising oppression: coercive exploitation: not one word humanright recognition: a privacy interference (A12):

” No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence .. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference ..”. In reminding, P8 UDHR10Dec1948, Resolution 217(A):

” .. every individual and every organ of society, constantly keeping this Declaration in mind, shall strive by teaching and education  to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and ..”. COOKIES — Sw. KAKOR — : Not one word. Not a sound. Not a hint. Established Enterprise.

— Provable established fascistic conduct. Apparently from drift (retarded, blinded intellect: influence over Mind: fascism: no humanright recognition). Not plan.


But Internet (2024) becomes increasingly filled with just that: not one word Humanright recognition. Not even a hint. Are there even still humans on Earth?

By DRIFT — not plan:

   Mindrape — for exploitation, control, surveillance, manipulation. Influence. Classic fascistic ideal, now by electronics mind raping. Disclaim. Say again. Cookies and Humanright does not work together: not one word Humanright recognition. A20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Zero intrusion.

— You were saying?



The (AIcookies) below Mid SWEDEN 15May2023 pictured and illustrated scenery:

— It is only possible in a world where humanity is

   completely unaware of its own universal human rights.

   Sane — awake and healthy — humans, societies, don’t do this.



ArtificialIntelligence:  MerchandiseDOWN2024

ARTIFICIELLA INTELLIGENSEN bottnar i en Transistor. Människan bottnar i en ATOM. Därför är begreppet äktenskap i den historien kört redan från ruta ett. Garanterat noll respons. Säg.


Recognition. The true way of caring for nature. Or: How the Human came to Earth. Foto: MidSWEDEN 15Maj2023  E1  Bild—38



Disclaim (please do: we will surrender immediately, no problem):

AI — artificial intelligence: zero Humanright recognition guaranteed. World Extended Mind Fascism — by drift. not plan (»the attracted drift of power worship  — in the long dark night of Humanright oblivion»):

retarded, low educated, intellectually disabled. Say. Claim whatever you want.


   Not one word Humanright recognition or mentioning. Not a sound. Not even a hint. Not a spell. Not a sight.

   COOKIES: »We say, you do». »We dictate, you assimilate». »We have no interest in your personal opinion». »We good for you» ..

   Emperor’s New Clothes. Disclaim.

— You were saying?



Modern PhD aces:

— WHY CAN NEVER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MAKE SENSE — »match reason and knowledge» — no matter the computive (computational) power?

   Test answer:

— Because of CONTEXT (life): HumanRight recognition: reason: logic: understandability: comprehensibility: zero dictatorship: full reasonable dialog: thinking. The INHERITED, NEVER CREATED, ALWAYS EXISTENT, INDESTRUCTABLE humanright inherent Life Nature Structure of Intelligence — comes with birth (”.. and all of you are ..”), even for animals:

recognition of an already existent inherent dignity — honor: humanright: life: intelligence,

that which apparently and provably down to the last atom modern academy and its popular media associated fuckups, no offense, apparently 2024 has no, expresses no, not one word, idea about at all, disclaim,

— THE BASE human realizing ATOM IN LIFE — not the base TRANSISTOR in AI (you stupid ass dog PhD fuckup: disclaim).

— You were saying?


— You were saying?

”..  endowed with reason and conscience ..” A1, Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948;

Where 2024, Mr Modern 1800+ Academic PhD?

— Just, please, give us one itty bitty tiny single example, please.

— You were saying?


That is why Artificial Intelligence defines stupid (at best a handicap aid, With A warning sign, no offense) RETARDED, LOW EDUCATED AND ESPECIALLY INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED, as illustrated. Say again. Come again. Sane humans don’t do that.

— You were saying?

   Stop raping humanity.

   Stop Trafficking Humanity on its oblivion of its own Humanright recognition. Stop mind raping humanity. Stop killing humanity.


— AI-machine, say: CLAIM outside — what, you say, and try to keep up here — defines exercising oppression?

— You were saying?

— Can you spell  TRASPARENT   STUPID  without reading help?


— You were saying?



Shorter: A Machine cannot Make Context, only Dictate such (dictatorship: I am Your Best Pal: I don’t ask: I  tell : I have no understanding : I dictate response): steering control: the human always looses. No exceptions. Dialog: suspended. Critics: suspended. Ears: suspended. Eyes: suspended. Mind: suspended.

Not one word Humanright recognition, guaranteed. And you still deny dictatorship?

— You were saying?


INTELLIGENCEconfirmed ArtificialIntelligence

as related and exemplified

HumanRight is, what we know, The Only Existing KNOWLEDGE DOMAIN — and the only available definition of intelligence: Disclaim that, anyone who can. In present World business enterprise and academia IT is NOT represented by even one single word of reminiscence. No reminding. No mentioning. ”.. every individual and every organ of society .. keeping this Declaration constantly in mind ..”. Not one single reminding or mentioning word. Not even close: As if not existent.


The Only here known Universally existing Knowledge Domain






Modern Academia on Intelligence:

— You were saying?


INTELLIGENCE — LIFE, the producer of PhD:s in explicit, and all us other World Wide Internet most or least prominent fuckups — has no content or context of DECISION. Only RECOGNITION. Resolution 217(A), UDHR10Dec1948, P1:

    Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,”; 8 introducing sections/paragraphs, 30 following articles, maybe the INTELLIGIBLY foremost as in A29.1:

Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

— Free and full, it is.


World Business Enterprises, in explicit:

— You were saying?


GRIP — gravitation ¦ DEEP — light: heat, electricity and magnetism ¦ Qref — deducing the electric charge ¦ LGDref — light’s gravitational dependency

— You were saying?


USoLaw: IntelligenceCONFIRMED ¦ ArtificialIntelligence

By consequence — The Universal Societal Law — do correct if faulty (prediction: will never happen):


den lagordning i universum efter vilken alla samhällen utvecklas; rätta gärna om fel: inga undantag:


ESTABLISHED PREMISES: The Humanright explicit recognition and mentioning P1-8, A1-30 1948:



Medfött Tjejvett — brottsförebyggande brottsbekämpande trygghetsfrämjande — Försvaret


— BARN, och även Djur, har det med födseln, och praktiserar det med utomordentlig glans;

Ps.82:6, ”.. and all of you are children of the most High”, King James Bible; Bibeln 1917;

P1 Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948: Univseral Humann Rights (HumanRight);

K1 Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948 Universella Mänskliga rättigheter (Människorätt):

” Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, ”,

EFTERSOM igenkännandet av den inneboende värdigheten och av de lika och omistliga rättigheterna för alla medlemmar i mänsklighetens familj är grundvalen för frihet, rättvisa och fred i världen,


   — är redan: HÄVD, ÅBEROPANDE, TILLTAL, MENING, UPPFATTNING, VERKSAMHET, BESLUT, FÖRFATTNING all possible Claim outside That so defines

   — ALLT annat EN definitionutövande förtryck:

icke-frihet, icke-rättvisa, icke-fred:  not-freedom, not-justice, not-peace.


Den rent sjukliga sinneskicken (vissa) människor får av upptäckten hur det känns i ögonblicket att utöva inflytande över andra, att kunna manipulera, styra, kontrollera. Flinet i ansiktet. Vettlöshetens synligt drällande sås som utövaren gladeligen lapar i sig, öppet[‡].

   Inte minsta spår av människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte minsta susning. Inget ord.

— Var finns samhällets undervisning och utbildning? Säg. Visa. Berätta.


fascism, satanism, nazism, diktatur, vare sig proklamerat eller inte, medvetet eller inte, avsiktligt eller inte:

Allt — skick — vars parlament enbart har de egna besluten som tillvarons högsta auktoritet.

— »Vi har våra beslutsordningar, och vi behöver alls inte akta

på något som du säger utöver det — söddö, mäddä .. mM ..».

.. efterblivna, lågutbildade, intellektuellt avskärmade: Intelligensen är det inget fel på. Men intresset för innehållet är tydligen på utdöende.

— Har enbart makt att förstöra, rasera, riva upp, härska, kuva, raljera, påtvinga, utradera, nedgöra, utplåna. Säg. Visa.

— Sinnebilden för klassiskt utövande fascistisk satanistisk nazistisk diktatur. Beslut av 1 eller en miljon en: samma.

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte minsta pip. Inte ett ord. K8,

” .. to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance ..”;

   Personalen förstår inte ens själva Konceptet. Finns inte inom deras begreppshorisont. Helt blankt.

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte minsta pip. Inte ett ord. 70 år.

   Hävd utom människorättens uttryckliga igenkännande definierar utövande förtryck. Undantag existerar inte. Visa.

— Är du medlem?


COOKIES: intrång med avbrott i privatlivet utom (MR) människorättens uttryckliga igenkännande eller omnämnande;

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel.


ARTIFICIELL INTELLIGENS: garanterat uteslutet (MR) igenkännande. Elektroniskt (Transistor) Maskinstyrd diktatur.

— ”.. tryck ett ..” .. rationalisering .. ”.. economic growth ..” .. OECD ¦ D3 .. GPAI .. tagging experience ..

   Garanterat och certifierat inte ett ord MR igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel. 24/7.


SVERIGES OFFICIELLA ÖVERSÄTTNING exempel K1, de första sex orden: noll MR igenkännande:

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel (K1):

” Enär erkännandet av det inneboende värdet ..”; Värde&Kvalitet tillhör marknad och handel. Inte MR.

   Sverige: Back off.


De första sex orden i den Svenska officiella översättningen .. och sen var det bra med den saken. Färdigt. Utraderat. The will of the people .. Sverige 1941.


— Ordet ”värde”, Eng. VALUE, ingår inte i resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948. Ordet VALUE ingår inte.

— Ordet ”erkännande” — Ja, det TYCKER jag med — utesluter begreppet IGENKÄNNANDE. Utplåning.

   Det medfödda (”inherited”, ”inalienable”) sinnesinnehållet ignoreras. Förvandlas till politiskt käfteri.

   Sverige: Back off.

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel. Sverige. 70 år;

” .. every individual and every organ of society .. constantly in mind ..”. Inte minsta pip.

—” Du kör med det där förbannade människovärdet!”. Sveriges Domstolar. ”Ingenting har framkommit som ..”.

— Så, Sverige, Media, Riksdag, Administrationer och Inrättningar under nu mer än 70 år:

— Inte är väl våldet som övertäcker Ert Eget något självförvållat, bristande ansvar och omdöme, eller? 70 år. Nada.

— Samhällen där människorätten aldrig påtalas, är samhällen där människorätten aldrig påtalas. Våldet sprutar rakt ut.

   Och du, Sveriges Riksdag, med den kreditupplysningen:

— Du ville säga?

— ” Folkets vilja skall ..”, vadå för något sa du, Sveriges Riksdag, att du ville framhålla som det främsta, sa du?


— HUR ska ett folk KUNNA ge uttryck för sin FRIA OTVUNGNA VILJA när någon sådan aldrig ännu året 2024 i Europas historia 1800+ har sett en enda sekund av dagens ljus på Jorden? Europakonventionen 1957+? Nationellt personägande? Avskaffad kritik mot Europas rättsutövningspraxis? Försvarets absoluta grundval?

— Formuleringen i A21.3 är utomordentlig, suverän, berättigad, fundamental. Men var finns en människorättsligt utövad praktik? Visa.


— Du ville säga?

— Befolkningen undanhålls — tydligen och bevisligen av drift, inte av plan, illvilja eller avsiktligt (och trots det .. ändå så ..) — insikten i och kunskapen om sina Universella — universella — mänskliga rättigheter.

   Sveriges Domstolar: ”Det är inte våran sak”.

   Polisen i Sverige: ”Nä .. nä .. Det är ingenting vi sysslar med dagligdags .. hör efter på biblioteket”.

— Du själv vet ju inget om innehållet!

— Du förstår — ju — inte ens själva Konceptet! ”VAD HETTE BLANKETTEN FÖR NÅNTINGSADU!”.

   Fråga till polisen (TESTA SVERIGE 1996) om Deklarationen för de mänskliga rättigheterna.

   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel. Sverige. 70 år;

   Säg. Visa. Europa (THE EUROPEAN DICTATORSHIP ¦ Minister of God ¦ The will of the people). Världen.

——————————————— [‡]USoLaw


” Medan världen blir alltmer AI-genial rasar svenska elevers mattekunskaper.”

RELATERAT — UniversumsHistoria:

Medan världen blir alltmer elektroniskt sinnesdikterande, inget människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande, våldets fortsatta fria utbredning och kunskapens fortsatta utarmning, rasar svenska elevers mattekunskaper.


   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Rätta gärna om fel. Sverige. 70 år.


ETABLERAT — AFTONBLADET, ledare Lördag-Söndag 12-13Okt2024

” Vi har genomgått en teknikrevolution med digitalisering och artificiell intelligens.”

RELATERAT — UniversumsHistoria:

Vi har genomgått en teknikrevolution med digitalisering och våldsamt växande utrotning av människorättsligt igenkännande och omnämnande med tillhörande växande elektronisk sinnesdiktatur.”


Säg igen: helt fel:

ArtificiellIntelligens = noll människorättsligt igenkännande. Noll medfött tjejvett. Skitbra. Väldigt Avancerad Utveckling. Oerhört högtstående Matematikkunskaper: Kejsarens Nya Kläder: ingenting alls — över noll. Elektroniskt Maskinstyrd Sinnesdiktatur. Noll omdöme. Noll ansvar. Kritik: avskaffad. Dialog: avskaffad. Samarbete: avskaffat.


— MEDIA — säg:

   Bevisbart: efterbliven, lågutbildad, intellektuellt avskärmad. Kadrer av Personal. Samma Gnissel. Samma Slick.


Det är inget fel på intelligensen. Men intresset för det medfödda tjejvettet, människorätten, är alldeles tydligt på utdöende. Inte minsta pip.


— Varför fortsätter Media att slicka dräggets fotsulor istället för att hjälpa till med befolkningens upplysning?

”.. the will of the people ..”. Europe: IS IT A VOICE OF NATURE?

— You were saying?


”.. varje individ och varje organ i samhället ..”, K8 ..

Vem drar sig undan från sitt samhällsansvar?

Polisen. Sveriges Domstolar. Sveriges Riksdag:


Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

Var och en har plikter mot samhället i vilka plikter ensamt den fria och fulla utvecklingen av hans personlighet är möjlig.

— Och Sveriges Riksdag är ju världsberömd för sin förmåga att uppvisa föredömliga exempel inför hela den övriga världspopulationen. Jättefint.



   Inte ett ord människorättsligt igenkännande eller omnämnande. Inte minsta pip. 70 år.

   Inte ett ord i skolan. Inget omnämnande. Inget relaterande. Inget beskrivande. Inget ifrågasättande. Därför att personalen inte har en susning om själva Konceptets Betydelse.


De första sex orden i den Svenska officiella översättningen .. och sen var det bra med den saken. Färdigt. Utraderat. The will of the people .. Sverige 1941.


Inte minsta spår kvar. Rätta om fel:

— Befolkningen fostras av staten (Europa, Europakonventionen 1957+) — av drift, inte plan, inte med någon proklamerad illvilja — att Fortbilda sig på Lydnad och Bestraffning som, så ledes utbildar en påtagligt moraliskt Efterbliven, Lågutbildad, Intellektuellt avskärmad befolkning (Försvarets grundval). Omfattande Mobbing (DVD-filmen ONDSKAN av Mikael Håfström, ”baserad på Jan Guillous succéroman” 2003; den nazistinfluerade Sverigeandan illustrerad [1940¦50-talet]).

   Befolkningen får inget veta om det kraftfulla innehållet i sina egna rättmätiga universella mänskliga rättigheter. Igen, rätta om fel:

— Därför att då får inte Myndigheten längre praktisera Lydnad med Bestraffning.


THE EUROPEAN DICTATORSHIP ¦ Minister of God ¦ The will of the people


NativeMarkers: Medfödda Markörer ¦ USoLaw




Naturen har begåvat alla varelser med livsbejakande Markörer.

Hälsogrunderna. Man kan inte koka sand och steka sten för middag åt gästerna.

Upprördheten i blotta åsynen av en pågående misshandel, en naturvåldtäkt, ett individintrång.

Upplevelsen av fruktan, rädsla, skräck, som är den levande varelsens bästa både skydd och läromästare.

Insikten att något inte är som det ska.

Medvetenheten om att en varelse inte behandlas med respekt och heder.

Igenkänd inneboende värdighet.

Medfött Tjejvett. Moderlig omsorg.

Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948. King James Bible (1600). Bibeln 1917. Kunskapsboken.

Människorätten som den enda existerande kunskapsdomänen i vårt universum:

— Gravitation, elektricitet — ljus, värme, magnetism: LIV. Grundämnenas Periodiska System.

ATOMER som, efter viss tid, spontant, utan överläggningar eller röstning eller beslut, börjar bygga

skelett, blodkärl, nervsystem, hjärta, lungor, sinnesorgan, inte en prick av elakhet eller missunnsamhet.

Matematiken och fysiken. Människans teknologi med handel och marknad — med bevarat medfött tjejvett.

— Friska människor skapar inte uppenbart blödande natursår (GENERAL ¦ HiTech).



As however these AI inventing aces

— provably the human history’s by far most retarded, low educated, intellectually disabled, provably down to the last universal atom

— have no idea of the content of Humanright recognition, they can, gladly, continue on their profiting feasting party. Coercive explotation (by claiming ownership over the individual’s interests: trafficking, slavery) of the ignorant to adapt (cookies) on a slavery mission (”Kneel before me!”): not one word Humanright recognition. Enhanced and Improved Experience.


— Back off.



Do disclaim anyone who can. Searched for. None yet found:

Present 2024 world business enterprise practices mind rape against the private persons’ individuality — by drift. Say it: that is wrong.

   Not one word Humanright recognition or mentioning.

   Emperor’s New Clothes.

— You were saying?


— Say it: A human cannot develop such a profane stupidity, as to claim itself standing above all the others.

— You were saying?


   Mindrape. MindControl. MindSurveillance. A machine cannot be argued with. Zero knowledge and wit. 100% power.

   Provably, down to the last universal atom: Retarded, Low educated, and especially Intellectually disabled — by drift. Not plan; Intelligence is fine. But the interest of its content and context is apparently on the out. No one word Humanright recognition. Concept unknown. Although Children and even Animals has it, and shows it gallantly, from birth: recognition of an inherent dignity [Resolution 217(A) UDHR190Dec1948]. Ps.82:6: ”.. and all of you are children of the most High”. Exactly.


— You were saying?

— What did you say?


UNsanctioned: NativeMarkers



HumanRight is not only a knowledge domain. It is also, as related and exemplified, The Only Knowledge Domain: explainable, relatable and understandable down to the last atom of our universe;

   No voting. No doubt. No delay. No decision.  All there is to Know.. Any branch in science. All science’s branches. Enterprises not straining Humanright recognition, is — becomes — enterprises not recognizing universal human rights. Not one word. Not even a hint. Not a sound. Modern (1800+) Academy Case History.

   Its unique Resolution 217(A) UDHR10Dec1948, 8 introducing paragraphs, 30 following articles, stand as the only decent remnant of a step forward in the moral cultural history of humanity which today seems completely to never have existed:


”..  to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive  .. ”., P8;


2024: ”artificial intelligence”. Emperor’s New Clothes. Not one word. Not even close. Guaranteed outside The Subject:


” Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,”, P1.


   Modern Academic PhD Aces, year 2024 on Planet Earth in our Universe:

— You were saying?


Excuse me:

What provably retarded, low educated, clearly intellectually disabled instance could even respond on a thought of representing


(compare Germany 1932) a special human geographically isolated and so God proclaimed sect standing over the rest of humanity



Have you — Media world 2024 in explicit — learned nothing from The Germany 1932: nazism — but here only in quite another version?


Supreme Race?


Israel thus stands between God and humanity, representing each to the other.

MICROSOFT ENCARTA 99 ENCYCLOPEDIA, Judaism — Basic Doctrines and Sources

We are unique in thought”, ”innovation os in our blood”, ”Founded on a growth mindset”.



Sanctioned by UN?

— Come again ..

— Wake up, world.


Revisiting A 2000 year rewind, King James Bible


”Then they said to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one father, even God.”.


Ye are of your father the devil