UNIVERSUMS HISTORIA | FYSIKALISKA GRUNDBEGREPP II  | 2012VIII16  | a BellDHARMA production  |  Senast uppdaterade version: 2024-12-02 · Universums Historia     HumanRight is a knowledge domain


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Listan | Sammanfattning 2014 | Universums Historia i Bevis Feb2014 | Newton misstror gravitationens absolutverkan


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  lilla 24Maj2010 R Bild87 — stora 17Jun2013 E19 Bild169 · Nikon D90




Fysikens viktigaste begrepp — Most Important Concepts in Physics ¦ EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATIONS overview  — full Engish text.



— Hur kan vi vara säkra på att UniversumsHistoria beskriver naturfysiken korrekt?

— Genom att den sammanhängande bevisföringen i relaterade länkar i Universums Historia i bevis håller streck.

— Och hur vet vi det?

— Genom att mängden frågetecken reduceras till noll. Tuff bransch. Du bestämmer.




A List with connections and expressions in and of physics’ (and mathematics’) most important (most central, decisive) conceptions





Inledande exempel

Inledande exempel — Den moderna akademins hyckleri med ljushastigheten


— I vissa partier är det oerhört viktigt i MAC att understryka att ”ingenting kan gå fortare än ljuset v=c=2,99792458 T8 M/S”, ”annars stämmer det inte”.


”Det grundläggande postulatet i relativitetsteorin ... samt lagen att ingenting kan färdas fortare än ljuset.”,

KOSMOS Stephen Hawking, Rabén Prisma 1988, s32n


— I andra MAC-partier är det oerhört viktigt att understryka att metrisk ändring (d) via medelhastighet v=d/T måste vara i storleksordningen  v=T32 M/S=3 T23 c — 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 c : MAC-inflationsteorin med universums första snabba expansion, ”annars stämmer det inte”. Se citatreferens och sammanhang i Hur MAC-teorin om Kosmologiska Konstanten utvecklats.

— I åter andra MAC-partier är det också oerhört avgörande att den vetenskapligt etablerade uppfattningen om universums ålder T=13,7 T9 år med radiella utsträckningen R=46 T9 lå ger trottoarfolket medelhastigheten v=R/T=(46 T9 lå)/(13,7 T9 år)~3,3 c, ”annars stämmer det inte”. Se webbkällor med aktuella MAC-värden i Expansiva v-formen.

— Den ädla metallens lyster lyser alldeles tydligt med sin fundamentala frånvaro i modern akademi.

   I TNED däremot klingar stålet alltid rent:

— I TNED visas i Beviset för multipla c hur exakt samma observationer i samband med den kosmiska strålningens detaljer på exakt samma slutmatematik men med hastighet som centralform snarare än massa i rörelsemängden p=mv garanterar ett experimentellt bevis för multipla c; Huvuddelen av inkommande kosmiska protoner som fått sin hastighet på mekanisk, inte elektrisk väg, träffar Jordens toppatmosfär med runt 10 c. Se även utförligt relaterat i Kosmiska strålningens ursprung i TNED. Ljushastighetens gräns i relaterad fysik gäller för elektrisk acceleration (Se Planckekvivalenterna). Inte mekanisk.






Stjärnorna har EXPLICIT inte kommit till för att lysa över SPECIFIKT DE nazistiska, fascistiska och satanistiska eminenserna

— som dessutom kallar sig själva demokrater med tillhörande tempelinrättningar för att framhäva glansen i de egna personvalen medan de fredliga existenserna släpas omkring i de olika landsändarnas fängelsehålor och tvingas löpa kontinentalt institutionella gatlopp för att TVINGAS buga inför fascistöverheten med Bön om LOV att existera MED speciell idiotskyltning om halsen så att nasseöverheten är helt säker på att INTE BEHÖVA känna av någon DIREKT ASSOCIERAD HOTBILD

— utan för att leda människan till insikt om sitt eget ursprung och kunskap om sin, sina barns och deras efterkommandes framtid; vad allt går ut på:

— kunskapen är fridsamhetsgrundad [SANNINGSBEGREPPET], [SanningensFilosofi], LAGEN ;

— RELATERAD, relaterbar, Fysik-Matematik-Logik (TNED), som det tydligen får förstås.



BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  lilla 20Aug2013 E25 Bild41 — stora 3Jul2012 E12 Bil299 · Nikon D90







LISTAN —The List


The most important concepts in Physics — in accordance with and as described and deduced from TNED

Fysikens viktigaste begrepp — LISTAN


Särskilda avsnitt och artiklar som beskriver de olika föreställningssätten — med exempel och utförliga detaljerade härledningar, jämförelser och referenser:

PhysicsFIRST ¦ AllKeplerMath ¦ TheQmove ¦ TheQmoveCaseHistory ¦ CosmicIntro ¦ FN2024 — världen som faller sönder allt mer märkbart .. mänsklighetens framtid .. SeUDHR .. människorätt ..





»kan inte relatera» utan not betyder (i mer eller mindre komplicerad mening) särskilt att uppgift saknas









ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik





dx  0

differential                 |

— kan inte relatera

punkt = differentialpunktens nollform

Δx  → 0

differens                    |  |

accepteras delvis1

intervall = differens = integral


= 0 dx = 0 dx = 0·x = 0

— kan inte relatera 0



= √(m/R)(A/dT)

— kan inte relatera

elektriska laddningen, Q


= R/c = L/s

— kan inte relatera

rymdkompaktheten, lägst R0/c0


= µs

— kan inte relatera

rymdinduktansen, rymdkompakthet, längs strömmen


= µs

— kan inte relatera

rymdmagnetiseringen, rymdkompakthet, tvärs strömmen


= c/dT

— ingår inte

divergensens absolutacceleration, Qhärl., divergensen


c = 0

— anser att m är ljus, »m=c»

DEEP från GRIP, Atomkärnans g-härledning



, »övergår i noll från värdemängder till positionspunkter» [PUNKTENS KONTINUITET MOT NOLL] [Positionspunkter till värdemängder]; tecknet finns inte i Windows Unicode Teckensnitt; närmaste substitut finns i Teckensnittet Symbol (Alt+0219) Û (BILD: ), men den typen kan (heller) inte läsas av vissa Webbläsare (TYP Firefox visar Û).

0  anser att 0 dx = C; se särskilt i Citat

1 men skriver typiskt i samtlig lärolitteratur Δx=dx, samt betraktar integraler som uppräkneligheter [DEN MODERNA AKADEMINS INTEGRALBEGREPP] [DERIVATA OCH INTEGRAL]










ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik






= c0[1–w2/cc0]


ljusets g-beroende, fasta tillståndets grundform


= c0√ 12(w/c0)2

uppgift saknas

divergensens expansiva g-beroende


= Fc0FcFG

— kan inte relatera

kraftvektorledet till ljusets g-beroende; bevarandet av c0


= 4Gm2/rc02

— samma4

ljusets Solrandsavböjning = 1,75’’Ljusvägarna i Gravitationsfältet


= N·2^–(h/ct0)√ (c/vR)2–1

— samma4

kosmiska partikelstrålningen, partikelantalet vid markytan, Härledningen


= √ 1–(u/c)2

— samma4

elektriska laddningens massökning i slutna e-system


= 3(v/c)2

— samma2

planeternas perihelierotationer


= c0/n + v(1–1/n2)

— samma4 (Fresnels ekv.)

ljusutbredningen i strömmande vatten (Fizeaus exp.)



2 exakt cirkulära banor ingår inte, dessa kan inte relateras, tolkningen är helt annorlunda

4 men genom helt annan tolkning










ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik






= J0K+3J1K

— kan inte relatera3

atomkärnans allmänna impulsmomentsekvation


= FBT + FeZ

— kan inte relatera3

atomkärnans och ATOMENS allmänna kraftekvation (kemiekvationen)


= (1U/Amn)/me

— kan inte relatera3

atomära massdefekten (beskrivning)  (ekvation) (Härledning)


= 6+(1/5)√[a2–(a–[A–K]/E)2]

— kan inte relatera3

allmänna atomära massdefektsekvationen, Härledningen


= mnc0rn

uppgift saknas

PlanckringenNEUTRONKVADRATENAtomkärnans Härledning


= 6,62559 t34 JS

[ref., HOPp7–155]

Plancks konstant


= (1–v/c)–1

√ 1+2(c/vR–1)–1

galaxernas rödförskjutning, dopplereffekten


= c/c0 – 1 + 1/K

ingår inte

gravitella rödförskjutningen



3 betraktar inte atomkärna och elektronhölje som en enhet [Se NUKLEÄRA MASSDEFEKTEN]. Se även JÄMFÖRANDE ATOMVIKTER — resultatredovisningen via de olika mD-sätten i MAC/TNED











ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik






= (m→∞) – (m→γ)

ingår inte

Allmänna Kosmiska Tillståndsekvationen


= (K1+K2) – (m→γ)

kan inte relatera, se massan

kärnreaktionslagen — empiriskt samma som ovan


= kG · m22r–1

ingår inte 5

K-cellens (UNIVERSUMS) konstanta kosmiska g-energi



kan inte relatera 6

fysikens kraftMÄTANDEreferens är systemoberoende JÄMVIKT



5 kan inte relatera kosmiska gravitationens innebörd — se GRAVITATIONSENERGIN GENOM EXEMPEL — Se även allmänt i LJUSETS GRAVITELLA BEROENDE — Jämförelser med Einstein och Schwarzchild

6 TILLSTÅNDET (entydiga mätvärdet, idealt under tidsdifferentialen dt) bestämmer i relaterad fysik  jämviktens preferens, oberoende av val av rörelsetillstånd eller referenssystem; Se särskilt utformat klargörande och förtydligande dokument med exempel och jämförelser i GTaction. Här i kort syntes:

I modern akademi finns inte den begreppskopplingen (också utomordentligt demonstrerat av Isaac Newton [1687] i det berömda Ämbarförsöket):

— Under 1800-talets turbulenta period sköts Newtons grundbegrepp åt sidan för andra meningar, främst, som det får förstås, den moderna akademins antagna uppfinning av begreppet INERTIALSYSTEM, och vilket begrepp strax i typformen av ABSOLUT RUM och ABSOLUT VILA [CitatEinstein] lades i munnen på den sedan länge avlidne Newton, och refererades sedan till honom [Citat3Bonniers1927] som upphovsman [”uppställde han likväl begreppen absolut rum och absolut tid. Man har i vår tid ofta förebrått honom detta”, CitatEinstein MIN VÄRLDSBILD s157 Bonniers 1934] — trots Newtons egna, explicita friförklaring för att UNDVIKA missuppfattningar [NewtonsExplicitaKlargörande] (centralmeningen i PRINCIPIA Definition VIII): ”For it may be that there is no body really at rest, to which the places and motions of others may be referred”, och ”absolute rest cannot be determined from the position of bodies in our regions”, och generellt begreppen som matematiska, inte fysiska, ”For I here design only to give a mathematical notion of those forces, without considering their physical causes and seats”, ”considering those forces not physically, but mathematically”, samt bokslutet ”END OF THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES”; Newtons berömda ämbarförsök endast understryker den detaljen: rotationsRÖRELSENs referens är rotationscentrum; orten för kraftverkans jämvikt. Inget annat. Med Newtons egna ord [Ämbarförsöket]: ”There is only one real circular motion of any one revolving body, corresponding to only one power of endeavouring to recede from its axis of motion, as its proper and adequate effect”.

   Medan — således — Newton håller sig KONSEKVENT till NewtonIIIFaction+Freaction=0 — UTESLUTS i MAC centrifugalkraften i rotationsrörelsen (Man kör helt enkelt över Newton/Jämviktsbasen), och enbart den inåtriktade centripetalkraften erkänns — eftersom »Newtons lagar bara gäller i inertialsystem, inte i roterande system». Se en mera utförlig beskrivning med vidare citat och referenser i CENTRALACCELERATIONEN I MODERN AKADEMI. Se även konkret jämförande kraftvektorexempel i RotationsParabolensFormfaktor [MACkraftParabeln]. Se även hur konflikterna yttrar sig i Corioliseffekten [»den moderna akademiska vektorkalkylens sammanbrott»] och CitatFM1975s72. Se även utförligt i AktionReaktion.





              SPECIELLT — Planckekvivalenterna: PLANCK  EQUIVALENTS











ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik






= √1(u/c)2

kan inte relatera v: √1(v/c)2



= √1(u/c)2

kan inte relatera v: √1(v/c)2



= √1(u/c)2

kan inte relatera v: √1(v/c)2



Se utförliga EXPERIMENTELLA RESULTATREDOVISNINGAR i Experimentella Bekräftelser.




Specifikt listan i JÄMFÖRANDE UPPSTÄLLNING i Induktionen och Magnetismen:









ämne — enligt Relaterad Fysik och Matematik






= µ0s · I/A

— samma4

grundläggande magnetisk fältstyrka, förenklat, VS/M2


= d(dBPs/dbs)

ingår inte

expansionsintegralens differentialform


= µ0(I/4πx)sinb·db

ingår inte

expansionsintegralens fullst. differentialekvation i PREFIXxSIN






= µ0(I/4πx) cosb

kan inte relatera

magnetiska expansionsintegralen i PREFIXxSIN





som ovan

= dBPs/dbs

— samma4

variationen i magn. linjeintegr. differentialekv. för strömväg. kurvatur


= µ0(I/4πr2) sinb ds

— samma*

r-formens differentialekvation av dBPs i PREFIXxCOS


= µ0(I/4px)(sinbL+sinbR)

— samma4

B i P på x utanför rak ledare s, lösningen till ovanstående


= L0

kan inte relatera

primära grundläggande rymdinduktansen, VS/A


= K(µ0+µc)

kan inte relatera

totala primära ledningsinduktansen per meter, VS/AM


= Lc

kan inte relatera**

totala primära induktansen, VS/A


= L(di/dt)

— samma4

inducerad spänning, allm. samb. (Kirchoffs lagar), V


= L(di/dt)

förenklat beteckningssätt, V


= L · A–1sinb · ds

kan inte relatera Lc

induktiv dipolfältstyrka i P, fullständig grundform, V


= dU(di/dt)–1= Lc(1/A)r ds

kan inte relatera Lc

allmänna induktansen, differentialekvation



kan inte relatera Lc

totala ledningsinduktansen, VS/A ***


= µLn2 · A/h

— samma4

allmänna ring-spole induktansen, VS/A


= ûCOIL(di/dt)–1= d·n2·Ld /1M

— samma4

allmänna ring-spole induktansen, VS/A


= –L/2p)s[ln(4s/d) 2s/d]

0/2p)s[ln(4s/d) 3/4]

allmänna självinduktionen på ytan av rakledare


4 men genom helt annan tolkning

* Biot-Savarts lag, men genom helt annan tolkning

** µL beror av kristallin struktur, tvärsnitt, temperatur, täthet, magnituden i strömmens ändring och lokal gravitation (c). µL bestämmer den ideala tidsabsoluta verkan i en elektrisk ledare i respekt till varje strömändring di/dt.

*** För rakledare och även rätvinklig ledare är LΣCURVE=0.






Universums Historia i Bevis — Feb2014 — Se även i Sammanfattning Feb2014 och KosmosMAC21014 i KOSMOS OBEGRÄNSADE MASSA.


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  lilla 24Maj2010 R Bild93 — stora 3Jul2012 E12 Bild173 · Nikon D90


Speciella | DGDalla | Allmänna | Sammanfattning Feb2014 |






Beskrivningen nedan är i huvudsak retorisk — länkreferenser ges till aktuella avsnitt som beskriver den matematiska fysiken i detalj.




Speciella Bevis: Universum Generellt · Atomkärnan Speciellt · Energiproblemets Lösning


Vilka av bevisen står speciellt FULLKOMLIGT klara?


Beviset för den oändliga massan, gravitationsenergin. Det är det främsta, enklaste, omöjligt att missa.


              EG = G(mK)2/rKgravitationsenergin (E=Fr) från gravitationslagen E/r = F = G(m/r)2




Allmänna kosmiska tillståndslagen:

Allmänna tillståndslagen


                                                                                         energin till all organisk verksamhet SymbolTecknen här ersatta med [sämre] Unicode — FireFoxWebbläsare accepterar inte den fina SymbolMatematiken

              (m→∞)        (m→γ) =    K

                                      TILLGÄNGLIGT MATERIAL           VÄRME · LJUS                       BEFINTLIG G-MASSA

                                                         massan växer inte, den är obegränsad                 försvinnande g-massa                              ”en och samma stjärna hela tiden”


                                       EG       = kG · (mK2[n→∞]–1)(r[n→∞]–1)–1       = kG · mK2r–1 = konstant


                                       EG       = kG · ([n→∞]mK2)([n→∞]r)–1            = kG · mK2r–1 = konstant


 massan är obegränsad med obegränsad sfärradie .

— Ingår inte i MAC.

   Varför inte? Fråga MAC-proffsen.


— Det andra är NEUTRONKVADRATEN, de Elliptiska funktionerna med ATOMVIKTERNA i jämförelse med de experimentellt uppmätta (Vinjett): den delen är OMÖJLIG ATT MISSA: tydligen en ren utklassning av modern akademisk kärnteori från TNED.

— Den tredje delen är Ljusets grundfysik med LJUSETS GRAVITELLA BEROENDE (DGDalla nedan) — allmänna kosmiska gravitella rödförskjutningen — alla dessa från ATOMTRIANGELN (Integralernas aritmetik) med FYSIKENS 7 PRINCIPER från Sanningsbegreppet [TILLSTÅNDETS PRINCIP] där speciellt Gravitationens Absolutverkan framträder [GTaction]: Kraftläran: Den finns inte i modern akademi [AktionReaktionMAC]; [PRAKTISKA EXEMPEL]. Finns det något ALLS att anföra om något alls, är det just dessa nyligen nämnda: de är veterligt fullständigt, fullkomligt omöjliga att missa — och lika garanterat obefintliga i den moderna akademins lärosystem: 1800‑talsintelligensens självutropade högsäte (Citat). Däri ligger också skillnaderna, och förklaringen till de djupa olikheterna: MAC dikterar och uppfinner logiken. Relaterad fysik härleder logiken ur Naturen, eller så inte alls.


Elektronringen: Beviset för neutronens sönderfall till en väteatom i formen av en central atomkärna (Planckringen), protonen, och en omgivande elektronmassa i form av ELEKTRONRINGAR (Elektronmassans komponenter) bevisas speciellt i  Spektrum och Kvanttalen som ger det redan välbekanta Väteatomens Spektrum genom bl.a. Elektronringens Spinn och Elektronringens Magnetiska Moment och Elektronringens toppspinn. Dessa tre sistnämnda finns inte i modern akademi, ehuru deras kvanttal framkommit på andra sätt. Kvanttalen summerar PERIODISKA SYSTEMET (abstrakta formen) ekvivalent med resultatet från Keplerresonanserna från Keplermomentet i GRUNDÄMNENAS PERIODISKA SYSTEM (konkreta formen) via den i modern akademi också okända Kärnmatrisiska algoritmen. Elektronringarna bevisas ytterligare i ELEKTRONENS BUBBELKAMMARSPÅR, Elektronens g-faktor (Atomkärnan skymmer 1/1000 e) och Lambväxlingen (Atombrummet på elektronkomponenterna), samt ytterligare i Casimireffekten (Alla material ytattraherar). Speciellt för ±e-ringarna i atomkärnans härledning och partikelbeviset för att massa inte kan skapas ur energi (därför att massa kan förintas i masslöst värme och ljus) finns det experimentella beviset från Wu et al (Citat 1956/57) (Elektronemissionsexperimentet från 1957) för att elektroner (e) och positroner (e+) emitteras (företrädesvis) i atomkärnans spinnriktning, vilket är exakt i enlighet med TNED (Centralkontakterna) (Kärn- och Atomfysikens två Kungsekvationer i TNED).

Atomkärnan: Hofstadters elektronspridningsexperiment (1961) för undersökning av atomkärnornas laddningstäthet är ett utomordentligt experimentellt belägg för att vätekärnan skiljer sig markant från alla andra atomkärnor med en närmast KOMISKT stor (enorm) specifik laddningstäthet (Den spinkiga N3m20-formen, när den först stod klar i min härledande historia [1993VII], stoppades snabbt undan bakom böckerna i bokhyllan. Herregud. Inte förrän efter ca ett år plockades den fram igen föranlett av en artikel i [en äldre] Scientific American med data på partikelfragment från spridningsförsök och som stämde: jag beslöt att ge spinken en sista chans). N3m20-aggregatet i TNED är unikt. Alla andra atomkärnor har en mera kompakt formgeometri. Denna egenskap hos protonen understryks ytterligare av resultaten från Krisch-experimenten (1979 och 1987, spinnpolariserade kolliderande protoner), speciellt kolliderande antiparallella spinn (”Protons with opposite spins often seem to pass through each other without interacting at all”). Atomkärnans dimensioner från TNED-härledningen (N3m20) överensstämmer med de nämnda detaljerna, och framstår speciellt förnämligt i Deuteronens hemlighet där nuklidtransformationens metrik Proton-Deuteron förklaras i detalj enligt TNED (Plancks Strukturkonstant). Därmed blir NEUTRONKVADRATENS FORMGEOMETRI också förklarad i enlighet med ATOMVIKTERNA och deras utomordentliga överensstämmelse med de experimentellt uppmätta värdena, men som i modern akademi inte alls ens kan jämföras i någon liknande precision. Men kanske den allra främsta bevisformen för att TNED beskriver korrekt naturfysik för atomkärnan ligger i hela blocket med GRUNDÄMNESBILDNINGEN generellt i K-cellens expansion med FUSIONSGRÄNSMASSAN — exceptionellt TNED-orienterad matematisk kärnfysik atomkärnans formgeometri är avgörande — som garanterat inte kan härledas på någon alternativ kärnmodell: Jordkroppens massa (Jordens andra ekvation) med Solsystemets Resonansmassform (Jordens tredje ekvation).


Inte minsta tendens till oklarheter. Jag söker oupphörligt efter minsta möjliga insteg. Harmonin FÖREFALLER total.


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 24Maj2010 RV Bild128 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90





Atomkärnans härledning i TNED leder inte bara till K-cellens värmefysik (Universum Historia). Atomkärnans specifikt relaterbara matematiska fysik utpekar genom Kärn- och Atomfysikens två Kungsekvationer i TNED en (ATA) Atomkärnans Transmissiva Autonomi: atomkärnan i relaterad fysik är en strömstyrd komponent. Sammanhangen utpekar positronförekomster i samband med särskilt starka (80.000 A) atmosfäriska blixturladdningar (Positroner från blixturladdningar).

— Vi VET inte det här (riktigt) än.

   Aug2012: Enkla urladdningsförsök (Experimentanordningen) FÖREFALLER uppvisa »exakt energiräkning» med ljusbilder i vanlig luft som visar Kolliderande nanopartiklar (Aluminiumoxid, Aluminiumnitrat) med Bevisen för CATräkningarnas rimlighet.

   Jul2021: DOKUMENTÖVERSIKT — mera ingående grundexperiment (6 separata experimentredovisande dokument) enbart bekräftar — styrker och fördjupar — tidigare meningar.

   Men vi är inte färdiga än. Riktigt. Som tidigare har påpekats (Aug2012-Feb2014 med vidare):


Artiklarna från NASA och KASHIWASAKI-KARIWA rapporterna lämnar inga tvivel om samstämmigheterna med den härledda TNED fysikens relaterbara grunder. Allt pekar på att det bara är en tidsfråga innan de slutliga bevisen står på bordet — förutsatt korrekta detaljer i den avgörande (fortfarande primitiva) experimentanordningen. Men:


   Slutliga experimentella bevis krävs (främst) för DIREKT PÅVISANDE AV förekomster av gammastrålning för att säkerställa resultatbildens tveklösa korrekta naturtolkning. Det får inte finnas minsta experimentella tvivel på den punkten.


VI TALAR OM DEN (ännu i vår tid — frånsett vissa vittnesuppgifter i samband med särskilt kraftiga atmosfäriska elektriska urladdningar) oupptäckt energiform — atomkärnans fullständiga upplösning i Planckenergi E = hf = mc2 — som inte lämnar äventyrliga restprodukter på miljön, inte alls över huvud taget. Alla andra energikällor blir fullkomligt överflödiga — (bilismens avveckling — i markplanet). Materiens fullständiga upplösning i energi (värme och ljus) med garanterat noll restprodukter.


Tills bevisen står på bordet är det här inlägget bara ett (patetiskt) dravvel från en (ännu) icke ansedd inrättning (med ytterst tvivelaktig ställning, generellt — tack för uppmärksamheten).

   Men tillåt ett litet förvarningens ord: .. inte nu .. inte nu .. inte nu .. När väl urladdningen kommer, blir sedan inget sig likt (»Tredje Industriella Revolutionen» — full sysselsättning).






Alla centrala artiklar i UniversumsHistoria som kopplar till

LJUSETS GRAVITELLA BEROENDEN — enligt relaterads fysikDivergence’sGravitationalDependency








2 a







































a = c/dT    ljusets absoluta acceleration


Ljusfrihetssatsen — ljusets friställning från kinetiken



GTaction — gravitationens tidsabsoluta ekvivalent


GRIP — konvergensprincipen, gravitationen


DEEP — divergensprincipen, elektriciteten



Potentialbarriären — stället där Q tas


Kausalsambandet — induktionen och magnetismen






Gravitella rödförskjutningen — allmänna kosmiska gravitella rödförskjutningen



GRB-objekten — exempel GRB 061028 z9,7



Aberrationen — James Bradley 1725






Speciell DGD-Syntes: GcQ-teoremet: Gravitationens absolutverkan garanterar elektriska laddningens praktiska fysik Q genom ljusets begränsade hastighet c och absoluta punktacceleration a=c/dT i gravitationens beroende — med garanterat bevarat ljushastighetens toppvärde c0 oberoende av gravitationens inverkan.




Bevisningen kan ges i olika nivåer — beroende på från vilken utgångspunkt vi börjar:

— OM vi redan har förstått den relaterade matematiken för differentialer och integraler (utförligt från NOLLFORMSALGEBRAN i ATOMTRIANGELN):


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 24Maj2010 R Bild87 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90



Speciellt Jordens Första Ekvation [YtTemperaturen +17°C] och Jordens Andra Ekvation [Jordmassan + 12%] är omöjliga att missa — Tillsammans med Jordens Tredje Ekvation: Solsystemets Resonansserie: Evig Puls — mönster upprepas:

— VARJE specifik mönsterform, här speciellt Jordmassan [m0SUB], som ingår i en ÖVERGRIPANDE PERIODISKT UPPREPAD STRUKTUR PÅ KONSTANT TILLFÖRD ENERGI, måste tvunget återkomma på exakt samma energiräkning.

— ENKLARE EXEMPEL: Varje Nytt Björklöv är Unikt, och historien känner GARANTERAT INTE två exakt likadana — EFTERSOM de i vilket fall har skilda distanser [och epoker], och därmed EN  SPECIFIK  INDIVIDHISTORIA  per individ.



Beviset för oändlig massa (Se även närmast Speciella ovan) stadfäster från Sanningsbegreppet [Tillståndets Princip] genom Gravitationens Absolutverkan [GRIP] [GTaction] och Ljusets Grundläggande Fysik att c0-kroppen är korrekt relaterad fysikbeskrivning för kosmos i övergripande mening.

Tillståndets Princip grundlägger genom sanningsbegreppet den relaterbara Fysikens 7 Principer som leder direkt på Atomkärnans härledning genom Plancks konstant som ekvivalent med Neutronens Impulsmomentneutronen är tydligen det sökta enda masselement med garanterat noll atomär massdefekt som ensam kan satisfiera massformen i beviset för oändlig massa.

— Speciellt klarläggs innebörden av ENERGILAGEN genom Partikelbeviset för att energi inte kan skapa massa: massa kan förintas (i ljus och värme) därför att massa inte kan skapas. Se även fördjupat med jämförelser i Neutronfragmenten.

— Följden av dessa samband tillsammans med observationsdata för centralparametrarna till K-cellens värmefysik (medelvärdet för universums synliga radie R [1000 Mpc], medelvärdet för rödförskjutningen via R [K=1,5], bakgrundstrålningen 2,7 °C och medelhalten av Helium 25%) ger den totala bilden av Universum i matematik enligt relaterad fysik [K‑cellens värmefysik] [K‑cellens Inre fysik]. Se Resultatredovisning. Se även i UniversumNU.

— I följd av sambandens giltighet speciellt för kärnfysikens del (Himlakropparnas bildning) framgår speciellt den detaljerade materieformationen i det expanderande universumet enligt [NUKLIDBILDNINGARNA] [GRUNDÄMNESBILDNINGENS TVÅ BASGRUPPER] Jordens 5 Ekvationer och Solens 3 Ekvationer [STJÄRNFYSIKEN DEL I] [STJÄRNFYSIKEN DEL II].

— Speciellt härleds Solens Fusionsperiod på 11,4 år på Stjärnornas Allmänna Tryckekvation — en helt annan fysikbeskrivning än den som gäller i modern akademi: fusioner via g-tryck på en inre liten högtät städkärna, inte kaotiska partikelkollisioner i storsfären.

— Med dessa grunder grundläggs analogt den relaterade fysikens beskrivning av PULSARERNA till jämförelse med modern akademi.

— Noggrann kontroll av resultaten kan göras genom (Gamma Ray Burst, GRB) GRB-objekten, och har här genomförts preliminärt (2012) med flera jämförande exempel i GRB-objektens ursprung i TNED, TNED förklarar Mörka Materien, Zonskärningarna, Universums Synrand och Akromatiska Brytningsfenomenet i GRB.

— Enligt TNED och Zonskärningarna, via ljusets g-beroende, ska GRB-objekten vara tändpulser (K-cellens expansion) från galaxbildningar vid universums synrand (med g-potentialer som ger lokala ljushastighetsvärden omkring grovt 0,1 c0). Se särskilt belysande jämförande exempel i K-diagrammets Samband med exemplet GRB 061028 z9,7.

— Speciellt spelar gravitella rödförskjutningen en tveklöst helt avgörande roll: den saknar helt motsvarande allmän — MELLAN stjärnorna — kosmologisk betydelse i modern akademi. Av allt att döma är det också denna faktor som kan förklara den senare tidens (1998-2014) mera noggranna mätningar på den allmänna rödförskjutningen i universum [Universums Kritiska Täthet].

— I modern akademi där man inte räknar med någon allmän kosmologisk gravitell rödförskjutning (Ekologiska universumet), betyder inverkan av den typen av gravitell rödförskjutning en feltolkning på motsvarande ”objekt i rörelse”: gravitella rödförskjutningen är STATISK och berör ingen kroppsrörelse. Känner man inte denna detalj, påtvingas man den felaktiga uppfattningen att ”den extra rödförskjutningen” beskriver en acceleration i universums expansion. Detta (Naturen beter sig rebelliskt mot modern akademisk intelligens) har lett till att man i modern akademi har uppställt (sett i TNED:s ljus — i vanlig ordning när Naturen hälsar på) en PSEUDOTEORI om ”mörk energi”: negativ gravitation.

— I det beskrivande ljuset: Det är tydligen hög tid för modern akademi att vakna upp till verkligheten — eller att HELT sänka TNED: mänskligheten håller alldeles tydligt på att invaggas i direkt djupgående vanföreställningar om Naturen via den moderna akademins lärosystem, dess synsätt, attityd och värderingar.

— Genomgående i UniverumsHistoria görs löpande efterforskningar för att hitta eventuella felslut, felaktiga beskrivningssätt och andra icke önskvärda detaljer i framställningen. Hittas sådana ska de inte finnas med. Se även i Grunder och Policy.



BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 13Jun2013 E14 Bild28 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90




MATEMATIKEN genomgående i UniversumsHistoria är INTE högskolebaserad: genomgången har visat att det går alldeles utmärkt att genomtränga fysikens alla — samtliga — avancerade detaljer UTAN den moderna akademins högskolereferenser:

— Speciellt den moderna akademins s.k. vektoranalys och dess [tydligt per exempel] korrumperade begrepp belyses särskilt i MAGNETISKA EXPANSIONSINTEGRALEN och MIT-exemplet [Coriolisbegreppet].

— Matematiken i UniversumsHistoria genomgås från grunden (Naturmönstren, Matematikens 5 Grundlagar med Symboliska Algebrans Grunder) i Matematiken från början till Den högre analysen (Globala vattenflödets allmänna elementära ekvation). Syftet är att läsaren själv i slutänden ska förstå metoden eller principen för avancerad formulering av (verkliga, mer eller mindre avancerade) naturprocesser med matematikens hjälp (Atomtriangeln) (Varianter och Universaler). Alla detaljer i UniversumsHistoria gör anspråk på att vara direkt logiskt, utan frågetecken, återförbara på de mest elementära grunderna, dvs., direkt härledningsbara, eller så inte alls. Kunskapen är till för alla. Tack så mycket.



Se även delvis i vidare detalj nedan i Sammanfattning Feb2014.




Sammanfattning Feb2014


UniversumsHistoria i SAMMANFATTNING Feb2014



— Varför kan inte modern akademi (MAC) härleda naturfysiken — och därmed nå samma resultat som i TNEDrelaterbar framställning — ?

— DÄRFÖR att modern akademi (»HerrefolksCitatet») har uppkommit (under 1800-talet) ur föreställningen att ”människan har skapat matematiken” (Citat), och att ’förnuft är vad vuxna människor kommer överens om gäller’, att ’intelligens i generell mening är mera utpräglad hos vissa människor än andra’, att Naturen INTE innehåller någon FÖREGIVEN lag som människan, verkligen, kan upptäcka och som innehåller hela skattkistan med Facit till allt. Istället anser man i MAC att ” ingen ordning, inte ens given av Gud, varar för evigt” (Citat ur filmen om Cantor, Gödel, Boltzmann och Turing).


— Ingen ordning varar för evigt?

— Gäller det själva det aktuella påståendet också — eller: när upphör det då?

   Vänligen svara. (Ingen mening, hävd, påstående eller associerande kan omintetgöra visshetsbegreppet: sanningentillståndets princip, fysikens grundval).                                                                                                                     


Modern akademi framställer påståenden (”ingen ordning varar för evigt”) som utplånar allt möjligt UTOM påståendeformens egen AUKTORITET (»självabsorption»): det enda som betygas gälla är meningslösheten, dess absoluta överhöghet — och som inte får framställas i skrift, klartext (EFTERSOM det i så fall uppfattas som ytterst skymfligt uppförande mot den självutnämnda överheten, eftersom den då, ju, mister sin auktoritet och bara framstår som dum — korkad). Ytterst förnedrande.


ALLTSÅ. Så här, per konkreta jämförande exempel:

— Modern akademi kan inte ens skilja mellan fenomenvärlddifferenser, Δx = x/(n→∞), intervall — och förståndsvärlddifferentialer, dx = x/∞, nollformer.



BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 14Jun2013 E15 Bild32 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90




Se utförligt illustrerat i ATOMTRIANGELN från NOLLFORMSALGEBRAN med DEN MÄNGDOBEROENDE. Se även jämförande följdexempel i NOLLINTEGRALEN. Eleverna i skolan HAR INTE EN CHANS att förstå matematikgrunderna med den moderna akademins synnerligen TRÄAKTIGA FATTNINGSFÖRMÅGA på matematikgrunderna. Se även särskilt exemplifierat i Härledningen till e och POTENSDERIVATAN. Se även den centrala sats om uppräkneligheter och kontinuitet som beskriver den moderna akademins fattningsfel i ZENONS TEOREM. Se även exemplen från Cantor och Dedekind som visar den moderna akademins speciellt galant YTLIGA MATEMATISKA SKARPSINNE särskilt i ALLA TAL. Se även exempelutvecklingarna för n:te ordningens varianter i DEN HÖGRE ANALYSEN (Tablån för lösningarna) som visar VARFÖR detaljerna inte kan förklaras rationellt, logiskt, begriplig av den moderna akademins lärosystem.


Lista med alla matematikdokument i UniversumsHistoria finns i Matematiken.


Se även exemplifierat i jämförelse med modern akademi i MAGNETISKA EXPANSIONSINTEGRALEN (vektoranalysen) och MIT-exemplet (Corioliskraften) som EXPLICIT förklarar varför den moderna akademins uppfattning om att VARA ÖVERORDNAD NATURFYSIKEN — genom att ha hittat på »lagarna för vektorkalkyl» snarare än att härleda sådana lagar — INTE förmår klargöra naturfenomenen, endast fördunkla och försvåras deras KLARA NATUR.




Därmed på samma sätt: kvalitet och kvantitet blandas ihop godtyckligt i modern akademi efter de normer som för tillfället VERKAR vara de mest gynnsamma.





— Modern akademi kan inte ens härleda den allra mest fundamentala, enkla, matematiska fysikens samband: Divergensenergin (konv. Einsteins ekvivalens mellan massa och energi) ur kraftlagen (F=ma) genom kraftvägen (Fs). I differentialer:



dE = dds = dma·ds = dm(c/dT)ds = dmc(ds/dT) = dmcc = dmc2


Kan divergensen förstås konstant över ett intervall gäller

E = mc2 — Se även till jämförelse i Einsteins E=mc2



DIVERGENSEN i relaterad fysik [DEEP från GRIP] är f.ö. ljushastighetens gravitellt punktlokala värde enligt LJUSETS GRAVITELLA BEROENDEtoppdivergensen c0 bevaras konstant oberoende av massans-gravitationens inverkan — medan LJUSHASTIGHETEN är divergens tagen (integrerad) över intervall.



Relaterad fysik            c/c0 = (1 – w2/cc0); | UTw2=Gm2/r | INw2= r2(4pGr/3) | r = m2/V

Modern akademi         c/c0 = (1 – w2/c2), innanför (sfären), w2=Gm2/r — Se Einsteins samband

— Einstein kunde PÅ GRUND AV SITT VIC-FEL inte sätta DET FYSIKALISKT NATURKORREKTA — fullständigt logiskt relaterbara — cc0 utan måste istället sätta cc då han annars DELS skulle hamna i NEGATIVA LJUSHASTIGHETER med växande gravitation — K-cellens allmänna värmefysik i TNED — och DELS tvingas uppge den av honom själv uppställda hävden om nolltid då c=0, ”tidens upphörande” enligt Einstein. Se utförligt sammanställda jämförande grafer och samband i LJUSETS G-BEROENDE.


Se vidare i partikelbeviset för att energi inte kan skapa massa — värme är INTE massa, massa är INTE värme. Se även i Energilagen: massa kan förintas därför att den inte kan skapas. Se även i Neutronfragmenten — skapelse eller delning?





— Modern akademi kan inte ens härleda-identifiera elektriska laddningen ur elektriska kraftlagen från ljusets grundfysik med ljusets absolutacceleration a=c/dTdivergensen clokalt gravitella punktvärdet — i fysiken för ljusvägarna:



                                      F = ma = m(c/dT) = m(c/dT)(RA)/(RA) = Rc(m/R)(A/dT)/A = Rc(Q/r)2 | Med sfärytan A= 4πr2 och Rc=1/ε skrivs F ofta F = (1/4πε)Q1Q2/r2


                                      Q = Ö (m/R)(A/dT) — elektriska laddningen härledd enligt relaterad fysik; omöjlig uppgift i modern akademi


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 12Sep2012 E28 Bild137 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90





— Modern akademi kan heller inte ens förstå BEVISET FÖR OÄNDLIG MASSA I den enkla matematiken — gravitationsenergin E = G(mK)2/r — i Allmänna tillståndslagenbeviset för oändlig massa, samma som K-cellens allmänna tillståndslag:



                                       EG       = kG · ([n→∞]mK2)([n→∞]r)–1            = kG · mK2r–1 = konstant — se Allmänna Tillståndsekvationen




                       massan är obegränsad [n→∞]mK2 med obegränsad sfärradie [n→∞]r



— Alldeles detsamma som en konstant gravitationsenergi för K-cellen: kG · mK2r–1 = konstant

Se Allmänna Tillståndsekvationen.

Se även i MATEMATIKEN FRÅN BÖRJAN där det visas HUR räknelagarna framgår ur de enkla Naturmönstren, om ej redan bekant.


— Och därmed: K-cellens värmefysik. Modern akademi har ingen som helst koppling till den delen utom som en PRIMITIV instans.





— Det fortsätter på samma sätt — i alla, samtliga, naturvetenskapliga ämnesområden, enligt hittills erfarna observationer (Feb2014).

— Se även i LISTAN.

FRÄMST: Atomkärnans härledning från Planckringen med upptäckten av NEUTRONKVADRATEN och de följande ATOMVIKTERNA som utklassar den moderna akademins teoretiskt framräknande värden och visar praktiskt taget identitet mellan experimentellt uppmätta och TNED-beräknade.

— Den detaljen markerar inledningen av UniversumsHistoria @INTERNET (från 2008). Det är tydligt att modern akademi INTE förmår beskriva naturfysiken korrekt.





Transportsyndromet — Västvärldens svårighet att fatta Naturen NU: gravitationens absolutverkan — 12Feb2014

BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · MONTAGE:  vä 14Jul2012 E19 Bild152 — mi 25Maj2013 E9 Bild2 — hö 12Jun2013 E13 Bild39 · Nikon D90





— Citatet nedan från Blavatsky (1888) som citerar ur en av Newtons brevkorrespondenser (möjligen 1693):


 In one of the passages of his "Principia" (Defin. 8, B. I. Prop. 69, "Scholium"), he tells us plainly that, physically considered, attractions are rather impulses. In section XI. (Introduction) he expresses the opinion that "there is some subtle spirit by the force and action of which all movements of matter are determined" (see Mod. Mater., by Rev. W. F. Wilkinson); and in his third Letter to Bentley he says:


"It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter, without mutual contact, as it must do if gravitation, in the sense of Epicurus, be essential and inherent in it. . . . That gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything else by and through which their action may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial I have left to the consideration of my readers."




The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky -- Vol. 1, s490 (1888)



Stället finns citerat i (otaliga) webbkällor (exaktsök på ”is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man” — ”About 49,300 results” [12Feb2014]).



Min översättning — från That gravity ... :

Att tyngdkraft skulle vara naturlig, inneboende och essentiell för materia, så att en kropp kan verka på en annan på avstånd, genom ett vakuum, utan mediering av något annat via och genom vilket deras (kropparnas attraherande) verkan kan transporteras från den ena till den andra, är för mig en sådan stor absurditet att jag tror ingen människa som i filosofiska göromål besitter en kompetent förmåga av tänkande, någonsin kan ge sig in i det. Tyngdkraft måste orsakas av en agent som verkar konstant enligt vissa lagar; men huruvida den agenten är materiell eller immateriell har jag överlämnat i eftertanke åt mina läsare.





Väl sagt Newton. Det är, tydligen, ett alldeles särskilt tydligt Call911-utrop för att under inga som helst omständigheter, på inga som helst tänkande villkors vis, låta sig förstå gravitationskraftens tidsabsoluta verkan: distansoberoende. Transportsyndromet.





— Vilket är då svaret på Newtons djupa och gåtfulla förundran och alla med honom angående vilken egenskap det är som förmår sammandra — »transportera verkan mellan» — kroppar åtskilda av avstånd?

— Uppenbarligen exakt samma egenskap som definierar — genomtränger — massan, gravitationens fundamentala form:






ATOMKÄRNANS MASSA LIGGER INTE I DESS VOLYM UTAN I DESS YTA: Planckringens strukturfraktal h=mvr med massekvivalenten m = m[n®¥]–1[n®¥] garanterar att masstätheten går mot oändligt som fraktaldjupet ökar: Atomkärnan är en utpräglad (oändligt ihålig) skalbyggnad vars yta i princip är oändligt hård men samtidigt oändligt tunn. Vi studerar hur.




Se utförligt i Atomkärnans g-härledning.


— Det är inte det att »kropparna attraheras» som utgör kärnan i svårigheten i fattningen på gravitationens verkan. Det som hela saken hänger på är uppenbarligen den underliggande, som det har visat sig mera fundamentala fenomenformen: det som genomsyrar massan som kvantitet och ger massan dess egenskap som massa. Nämligen kvaliteten STRUKTUR [PASTOM]: Massans struktur kan uppenbarligen bara beskrivas, förklaras och härledas på en obegränsad mängd element som hela tiden delas [PLANCKRINGEN] så att någon minsta beståndsdel inte kan återfinnas: Delningsprincipen grundlägger — tydligen — hjärtat i ENERGILAGEN där delningsegenskapen bildar förutsättningen för massförstörelsen (m→γ) till värme och ljus via primära massförstöraren E=mc².

— Delningsprincipen som grundad på POTENTIALBARRIÄREN med Ljusets gravitella beroende, visar just — nämligen — i atomkärnans g-härledning att


             masstätheten i formytan växer obegränsat med växande fraktaldjup


Eller i andra ord: massformen — gravitationen som observerad fenomenform — bygger på ständig, oupphörlig, evig, oförtröttlig avståndsminskning eller »kompakthetssträvan» — i samtidigt bevarande av massans fundamentalform, atomkärnan (Neutronen = Plancks konstant, se utförligt från Planckringen om ej redan bekant).

— Ser vi därmed till den — följdriktigt i TNED — framträdande Allmänna tillståndslagen med gravitationsenergin, se särskilt förtydligande i Tabelluppställningen i bevis för Kosmos Obegränsade Massa i KOSMOS OBEGRÄNSAD MASSA, återfinner vi JUST dessa aspekter i den enkla gravitationsenergins ekvivalenter; STORLEKSORDNINGEN har ingen betydelse: principen — den fundamentala massformens inneboende delning med ständigt eftersträvad högre kompakthet som en ytform — är densamma graviterande princip för det obegränsat lilla som det obegränsat stora som allt emellan.

— Gravitationens verkan är, alltså i det ljuset, ingen specifik »kroppsdomän», en särskild materiell egenskap, utan tydligen en egenskap som genomtränger all materia, all massa, allt uppfattande, kännande, tänkande och förnimmande.

— Tillvaron kan med de detaljerna INTE förstås »materiell». Tillvaron — materien — är uppenbarligen mental. Ordningen bestäms tydligen av och genom härledbara och väl fattningsbara principer.

— Inte med mer än att människorna på Newtons tid kunde penetrera motsvarande naturdjup i ATOMTRIANGELN — grunderna i differential- och integralkalkyl (formvärld OCH fenomenvärld) — kunde heller inte förutsättningar finnas av princip för en väg till atomkärnans härledning. Och det vet vi ju redan, att varken Newton, hans samtida eller efterföljande i den moderna akademins spår har förmått klargöra. eller ens omnämna, de avgörande detaljerna. Se utförligt från NOLLFORMSALGEBRAN om ej redan bekant.




— Man skulle kunna tro, att om någon av vetenskapshistoriens alla kända personligheter skulle visa förmåga att beskriva gravitationens natur, då vore det själva upphovsmannen bakom gravitationslagens formulering, Sir Isaac Newton (1686).

— Men som citatet ovan framställer saken, Newton uttrycker bara den senare moderna akademins ståndpunkt: Oförmågan att förstå kraftverkan tidsabsolut över avstånd — UTAN inblandning av »detaljer som transporterar verkan över distans».



Hur är det — då — med det? Vi studerar det.


— Våra påståenden, hävder, utsagor, meningsgöranden, förnimmelser, intryck och associationer bygger alla — utan undantag — på INTERVALL: domäner som består av många olika punkter åtskilda av avstånd: ytor, områden, sträckor, rum. Alltid.

— OK. Så, Isaac, hur kommer vi, då, från den ena punkten till andra om det strängt taget INTE finns en FÖREGIVEN kontinuitet som REDAN innefattar ALLA punkterna oberoende av distans, själva ögonblicksbilden av ett område?

— Om det strängt taget är mellanrum mellan atomerna i hjärnan, hur kan vi då alls forma någon idé om ett intryck som innefattar avstånden mellan atomerna, materien, hur kan vi alls förnimma något med förvissningens, visshetens mening, det faktum att vi ser och hör och känner något alls över huvud taget, en iakttagelse, ett sammanhang, en plats?

— ”is to me so great an absurdity”?

— Tror jag inte alls det, Isaac.


Isaac Newton är varken den första eller den sista som FÖRBISER förutsättningar i vår tanke och varseblivande, och vilka förutsättningar i närmare eftertanke visar sig innehålla hela Skattkammarens Underbara Hemligheter [Se även undervisningen i Buddhas DharmaPada].

 — Gravitationsprincipen [GRIP] — se f.ö. utförligt om Gravitationen, Massan och Accelerationen i MAC/TNED i GTaction


lika för alla massor, kan inte skärmas ifrån: tidsoberoende


framställer för vår tanke tydligen ett ABSOLUT TIDSOBEROENDE.

— Och vad betyder det: vad betyder ”tidsoberoende”?

— Uppenbarligen inget annat än


”som om distans inte fanns” — nolltid betyder nollavstånd:

KOMPAKT ABSOLUT SAMLAT — vare sig utspritt med mellanrum eller inte: överblick. Situationsbild.


Men avstånd finns: ”motstånd mot absolut kompakthet”: kraftlagen F=ma från massan m=m=m(a/a)=ma/a=F/a.

— Det enda som hindrar massorna att falla in mot varandra OMEDELBART — tyngdkraftens, gravitationens, tidsabsoluta distansoberoende naturliga egenskap som sammanbinder all materia oberoende av avstånd till en sammanhängande MEDVETET FÖRNIMBAR PÅVERKBAR kropp (NU avstånden strunt samma) — är trögheten (inertie): kraftlagen: gravitationslagen.


Och därmed följdsatsen:

— Det är OMÖJLIGT att meningsfullt ställa sig frågande till gravitationens — tyngdkraftens, »masskraftens» — tidsabsoluta distansoberoende naturverkan, och SAMTIDIGT inte förvåna sig över att man kan förnimma något alls över huvud taget.

— Förnimmandenaturen — nuet, tillståndets princip — återfaller på alldeles precis samma logiska element som gravitationens tidsabsoluta distansoberoende.

   Eller i klartext:

— Det är tydligen irrationellt (ologiskt) att ifrågasätta den absolutverkande gravitationen och samtidigt mena sig själv begriplighet.


NEGATIONEN av absolutverkans princip — konvergensprincipen — ger sedan divergensprincipen: elektricitetens och ljusets natur:



olika för alla massor, kan skärmas ifrån: tidsberoende


TÄNKESÄTTET I VÄSTERLANDET PÅ NEWTONS TID hade inga liknande premisser. Man tänkte — uppenbarligen — inte i sådana banor, trots enkelheten i sammanhangen. Den arten av tänkande är mera typisk för österlandet (Buddha [Dharma], Hinduismen, Veda, flera tusen år bakåt) med de grundläggande naturharmonierna och »tänkandets psykologi». Västvärlden med sin utpräglade materialism har aldrig haft den förebilden.


Det finns uppenbarligen, tydligen och väl relaterbarligen ingen transport i gravitationens — medvetandets — verkan.


— Enklaste sättet att beskriva gravitationens verkan på är tydligen: NU. »Tidlöshet». Tillstånd.

   Se vidare utförligt om Gravitationen, Massan och Accelerationen i MAC/TNED i GTaction om ej redan bekant.


BILDKÄLLA: Författarens arkiv · 15Jun2013 E16 Bild33 · Nikon D90



The END — Always a New Beginning.








OverviewJan2023: APPENDIX —— added  27Jan2023 ¦

HowTHEvalues ¦ ThePrecise ¦ ExplainingG ¦ TheCAUSE ¦ TheRoute ¦







 Essentially the Same Mathematical Ranks — completely different cause interpretations


 Lights Gravitational Deflection — TheSolarEclipses1919+light develops no centrifugation: light is massless

 Cosmic particle impacts on Earth’s atmosphere — MULTIPLE c — and the causing agency: the 16 J impact example

 Planck equivalents — the death of Einstein’s universe — and Light’s gravitational dependencyTheGPSexample

 Fully detailed AllKeplerMATHEMATICS — The Planetary Perihelion Precessionswe did not see that one coming — revealing the entire cosmic math scene:

   including general and comparing cosmological references: testing related physics on modern academic claims integrated as follows [original production Nov2007]:

   fully revealed planetary anomalistic and precession periods for all planets for precision comparison — from the Oct2018+ IAU-test on Sun’s photometric effect results with

G = 6.67010000933003 T11 JM//[KG]² and Present Sun Mass mS = 1.98963199771721 T30 KG — all full 12¦14 decimal iterated matching results, with further confirmations. Enjoy.


In related mathematics BASIC ITERATION TECHNIQUE some basic illustrated examples are given in how iterative solutions work.



Following the further refined results in EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATIONS


@Jan2023 — OVERVIEW ¦ ThePRECISE ¦ Explaining G:




E1: Jan2023

on the still 12 decimal IAU SunPhotometric significant value — T ¦ t for 10^± ¦ extracted values from the successful Oct2018+ IAU-tests


6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ....   G universal gravitational constant

1.99269226153559 T30 KG  ..............  mSUNBegin Sun mass from day one

1.98963199771721 T30 KG  ..............  mSUN present Sun mass — SunAGE: 20.805 Gy, see REMARKS

6.96496356125377 T8 M  ..................  rGSUN present Sun gravitational radius

8.85418781762039 t12 C/VM  ...........  ε0 electric constant

3.827500000000 T26 W  ....................   PSPH Sun’s photometric effect — IAU-international standard ± 0.0014 — 2015¦2018

concurrent with the above given data into the 12th decimal as iterated on K-cell heat physics mathematics +


With the above given 12 decimal precision preferences IT IS NOW apparently PROVEN THAT

   all planets’ anomalistic period values can be precisely calculated (E1.1) — and so tested as related:

   all planets’ perihelion precession periods can then be precisely calculated and so tested as related:

   for confirmation or rejection — by any available observation from instrumentally measured data.


Modern academy cannot reach the  Chart1 values. No way. Disclaim, anyone who can. Searched for. None yet found.



no relativity theory at all — Guaranteed intrinsically Chemically Cleansed — by simple elementary KeplerMomentumMathematics

— But excuse me .. You cannot seriously mean that the 1800+  entire built up THEORETICAL modern academic cosmology will fall to the ground as nothing?

— Enlighten me. Explain. I will surrender immediately. No problem. It is NOT a matter of claim. It is a matter of proving — inclusive — context: knowledge: natural insight. Or not at all.




Precise results are presented here in CHART1 with article text from section ThePRECISE — with quoted additional present modern academic comparing data and references results. See also in TheRESULT.


E1.1: No5 

no relativity theory at all — Guaranteed intrinsically Chemically Cleansed — or we can pack our bags and disappear for ever, thank you very much:


from given average Sun distances (r — Cambridge International Astronomy ¦ BA1978s161Table9.1) in using

t² = r³/[GmS/(2π)²] Kepler’sTHIRD ¦ anomalistic period — planet passes same KeplerMomentum orbital  point twice

arcSec/100y = 3[(2πr/t)/c0=v/c0]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100 ¦ precession period

KeplerMathDeduced with rc substitutions, see full and complete detailed KeplerMath deductions in AllKeplerMATH and KeplerMomentumBasics

along with comparing present modern academic claims:

— The TNED deduced thermo nuclear gravitational pressure equivalents

— see concept explaining »comparing illustration» in THEcr, the energy source behind the extra perihelion rotational moment

— have mathematical features partly familiar, partly not familiar in modern corridors.




The perihelion precession phenomena Opened The Cosmic Door:

How the Wikipedia specifications are presented by quote — First on Mercury [Verrier1859]:



The correction by 42.980±0.001″/cy is the prediction of post-Newtonian theory with parameters gamma = beta = 1[14]

Thus the effect can be fully explained by general relativity.

More recent calculations based on more precise measurements have not materially changed the situation.”,

: See in explicit WikiNote14.

” The other planets experience perihelion shifts as well, but, since they are farther from the Sun and have longer periods, their shifts are lower, and could not be observed accurately until long after Mercury's. For example, the perihelion shift of Earth's orbit due to general relativity is theoretically 3.83868" per century and experimentally 3.8387±0.0004"/cy, Venus's is 8.62473"/cy and 8.6247±0.0005″/cy and Mars' is 1.351±0.001"/cy. Both values have now been measured, with results in good agreement with theory.[16]”

WIKIPEDIA Test of general relativity 27Jan2023

In general relativity, this remaining precession, or change of orientation of the orbital ellipse within its orbital plane, is explained by gravitation being mediated by the curvature of spacetime. Einstein showed that general relativity[3] agrees closely with the observed amount of perihelion shift. This was a powerful factor motivating the adoption of general relativity.”.



There is nothing such in physics as the named

gravitation being mediated by the curvature of spacetime”:

There is nothing such in physics as the named

curvature of spacetime”.



— But we have proven that the relativistic solutions satisfy the planetary measured perihelion precessional quantities, modern academy says.

— Educate us, related physics says Nov2022+. Make us shiny. 24/7.



Consider ”gravitation being mediated by the curvature of spacetime” (TheCIRCLEargument).

Wikipedia’s note[3] connects to a freely accessible article written by A. Einstein (1920),

THE FOUNDATION OF THE GENERALIZED THEORY OF RELATIVITY By A. Einstein — Translation: The Principle of Relativity:

Original Papers by A. Einstein and H. Minkowski, University of Calcutta, 1920, pp. 89-163,


Einstein’s article mentions Ellipse only once. And then in reciting the Wikipedia/Einsteins expression (No4):

The Ellipse of Planetary motion suffers a slow rotation in the direction of motion, of amount

(75)      ε = 24π3a2/ T2c2(1–e2)

In this Formula a signifies the semi-major axis, c the velocity of light, measured in the usual way, e the eccentricity, T the time of revolution in seconds.”.

EINSTEIN GIVES NO HINT OR CLARIFICATION THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THE PRECESSION QUANTITIES BELONGS TO A PURE CIRCULAR ORBIT (Related physics TheCIRCLEargument with tabled comparing quantities) WHERE e=0 = a perfect circle. For Venus and Earth the e=0 circle contribution is more than 99.9% (comparing a precessional cause in The RelativisticMass FM1975 Quote):


   The FM1975 quote explains the cause ” Relativistically however a body’s mass increases with its velocity.”, suggesting the phenomena needs a specific ellipse.

   Wikipedia suggests the cause of the precession to be (as quoted) gravitation being mediated by the curvature of spacetime”, with no reference.

   Kanzi2016 (describing the relativistic deduction for No5) writes ” Furthermore Einstein’s result applies to any eccentricity, not just for circular orbit.”, with no reference.

— Kansi.s22 writes ”This treatment more clearly demonstrates the action of the effect of perturbation in spacetime due to the presence of a gravitating body.”.

   This Kanzi sentence apparently affiliates to the Wikipedia conduct suggesting the cause an ongoing perpetrating DYNAMIC PUSH action on the fly ”mediated by the curvature of spacetime”:

   extra rotational energy is transferred from space to mass THROUGH motion — and so we are back to TheVIC RelativisticMass Issue again, the FM1975 quote.


COMPARE THE ThePlanckEquivalents: The scientific community still lives in a fundamental ignorant state of mind on the meaning of Q, the electric charge: Its proven mass increase in proportion to the accelerating voltage, has impressed the scientific community to such an eminent degree, that it has lost its reflecting mind to anything else: »all motion of all kinds are associated with perturbational mass increasing effects in spacetime», modern corridors preach — referring a level of experimental physics apparently NONE of these understand NOTHING of. Guaranteed. The ThePlanckEquivalents Q-mathematics kills all relativistic ideas.


   Einstein uses only the concept ”The Ellipse of Planetary motion suffers a slow rotation”, which would clarify the point said or claimed by Einstein himself: no circles.

   No circle — »says Einstein». Just ellipses (concurring with the FM1974 quote). The Cambridge International Astronomy (BA1978) mentions no cause description.

— That final Einstein sentence brings us back to the initial FM1975 RelativisticMass Issue: a perfect circular orbit (>90% for all the planets with e=0) exhibits no relativistic effect. That mathematics definitely excludes relativity theory from the planetary perihelion precession phenomena (TheCIRCLEargument).


   BECAUSE in specific CHART1 ¦ No5 apparently really do explain the phenomena in full in terms of related physics on classic Kepler-Galilei-Newton foundations,

ExperimentalConfirmations¦ ThePlanckEquivalents ¦ SolarEclipses1919+ ¦ Light’s Gravitational Dependency ¦ Potential Barrier ¦ G ¦ mS ¦ PlanckConstant 


mediated by the curvature of spacetime” AND ”effect of perturbation in spacetime have absolutely no representation at all, it is already settled:

mediated by the curvature of spacetime” AND ”effect of perturbation in spacetime have absolutely no representation at all in related physics and mathematics.

mediated by the curvature of spacetime” AND ”effect of perturbation in spacetime are apparently invented ideas for excluding related physics revelations.

Still, again, apparently on Drift. Not plan. Not deliberately shutting knowledge out, but aiming at enhancing its aura, stupidity kills humanity by blocking insight.

   That conclusion cannot be denied or undone with less than these results are destroyed and denied: Relativity theory thinking&claiming blocks understanding.

Study it, its formal base and foundation TheVIC, fear it not, and learn to kang fu its attacks on natural understanding.

   And it seems like there is no other complete proof and example to place on the table than, just, CHART1 ¦ No5 to underline the statement’s scientific proof.


The scientific community’s cheer for relativity theory has brought it to oblivion of reality. Say.


As long as it was uncovered — by DRIFT, not plan, further below — these eminently upstanding academic aces could lure students into false ideas of physics by tying them into the same false chains of basically



The v+ic error ¦ TheEinsteinERROR  

    c and v are not additive  

but Einsteins special relativity theory ignores and builds entirely upon it: ”nothing faster than c”

despite the experimental proofs from Michelson and Morley 1881+  and ever since  that c and v are not additive:

   light does not connect kinetics vector summation c + v has no physical representation:

   light does not develop centrifugation SolarEclipses 1919+ :

   light is massless but it is never mentioned in modern academy — because Max Planck was right and Albert Einstein was wrong;

   light does not connect mechanics but modern academy’s cheer for relativity denies it persistently


erroneously interpreted mathematics (PhysicsFIRST). And so By driving — pushing — its highly sensational ranked solutions to match observed quantities — and then claiming, now by detail provably false, that idea of physics to be so attested as physically Genuine. Please do disclaim. Searched for. None yet found.


Again: by Drift. Not plan. Uneducated and ignorant academic.

We never though that humans could degenerate to such a level. Ever.

Seriousness is apparently under question — in concerned affected quarters.


Unable to deduce a related regular classical physics Kepler-Galilei-Newton kinetic and mechanics explanation to the nature of planetary perihelion precession, modern academy 1800+ invented and adopted (Lorentz-Fitzgerald, Einstein) a pseudo rational cosmological fantasy of the quoted nature »curvature of spacetime» [where no forces exist, just mathematics] — capable of providing extra kinetic energy to an instrumentally detected extra additional planetary rotation now called perihelion precession — from a misapprehended TheVIC (The v+ic error) mathematical provision named special and general theory of relativity.


Again: by Drift. Not plan. Uneducated, ignorant, cosmologically Assembled fuckups, for the purpose of ..

This IS a literal nightmare — given now Jan2023 at least 100 years of established scientific history.


And it could never be revealed as a The hidden, never proclaimed (as The creepy) FRAUD it is, until the entire cosmological scene was uncovered — on related physics. AllKeplerMath.

Planetary perihelion precession Energy: FirstLIGHTtable. Definitely hidden and safely unknown in modern quarters — until DayEnd: — The Birth of MilkyWay SolarSystems: KeplerMomentum mathematics.

The perihelion precession phenomena Opened The Cosmic Door — every single detailed corner, every inch of it.



THE MODERN ACADEMIC MISAPPREHENDED IDEA has been flourishing inside the modern academic corridors 1800¦1900+ — as a result of a simple reason: Modern academy excluded related (Kepler-Galilei-Newton basic kinetic mechanics) apprehension from the natural scene. Instead inventing its ”curvature of spacetime” — to solve for the phenomena it blocked a natural deduction of. As here exemplified in the complete deduction of the planets’ perihelion precession — »the named deviated» included as the so proven primitive exposed.



Would someone please cut the oxygen from this writer’s continuing

literal nightmare rage, apparently shredding the establishment to not even dust ..

Searching for disclaiming onsets: None yet found. Search continues, permanently.



Wikipedia Note14Test of general relativity

Click on the Wikipedia Test of general relativity reference leads to:

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server

”, 1Feb2023.


As of Wikipedia’s ”the prediction of post-Newtonian theory”, same article:

In physics, precisely in the study of the theory of general relativity and many alternatives to it, the post-Newtonian formalism is a calculational tool that expresses Einstein's (nonlinear) equations of gravity in terms of the lowest-order deviations from Newton's law of universal gravitation. This allows approximations to Einstein's equations to be made in the case of weak fields. Higher-order terms can be added to increase accuracy, but for strong fields, it may be preferable to solve the complete equations numerically. Some of these post-Newtonian approximations are expansions in a small parameter, which is the ratio of the velocity of the matter forming the gravitational field to the speed of light, which in this case is better called the speed of gravity. In the limit, when the fundamental speed of gravity becomes infinite, the post-Newtonian expansion reduces to Newton's law of gravity.


WIKIPEDIA, Parameterized post-Newtonian formalism



In physics”:

In modern academy apparently it is A pseudo created PHYSICS — to compensate on measured quantities by missing theoretical predictions for unknown phenomenal actions in physics.


It is A general mathematical method (”a calculational tool”, based on TheVIC The v+ic error — which blocked the real steel physics foundation THE PLANCK EQUIVALENTS) with function:

— »PlugIn for PluggedOut».

— »BLOCKING FOR KNOWING» — by DRIFT. Not plan or any deliberate conspiracy, what we know. And it so happened with the birth of 1800+ modern academy: invent. Not deduce.


Compare (MAChavocREF) PhysicsFIRST — on the the present established modern level of mathematics. (”There is more cheer on a graveyard”).


It apparently has absolutely no physical substance or physical connection. Not at all. No way.

PROOF: See (5) AllKeplerMATH deduction and its entailing included explanation of relativity theory: A (very) primitive invention — adopted idea — in modern quarters to compensate for not understood actual physics — apparently explicitly in ThePlanetaryPerihelionOrbitalPrecessionsComplex:

   a complete cosmological revelation: PlanckEquivalents.

Read it and weep.





HOWtheVALUES: Overview


The consequence of following related physics:



As related — how these precise values, to be confirmed or rejected — came about:


Based on the well known Stefan-Boltzmann’s radiation law — and the less well known TNED Planck constant h = mcr = 6.62559 t34 JS Neutron atomic nucleus and its Neutron Square Results

(The Atomic masses — as apparently quite equal to the experimentally measured, however so markedly opposed to the modern academic corresponding mathematical idea of matching entities on a nuclear physics based level where Nuclear mass defects instead of Atomic mass defects are practiced),

we have — related physics says (TheStarANVIL) — Sun’sTHIRDequation:

E2: HowTheValues

P           = A2k(G/kP)(ρr/3)2         ;

             = A2k(Gc0/2k)(ρr/3)2     ;

             = A2G(ρr)2c0/18             :

kP          = 2k/c0                           ;

k           = 2π·b4π4/(15h3c02)       ;

Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law constant, as deduced ,  5.6699807232 t8 WM–2°K–4


Sun is identified via OR CAN SO BE APPREHENDED TO BE IDENTIFIED VIA  the electric constant

ε0          = (ρr)2(Gc0/18) · CMS3V–1(KG)–1

as pointing out a specific type- or NormStar:

P           = A2ε0 · (1VM–1C–1S–3KG) = 3.3 T26 W SunsNormalRawEffect — star[Hydrogen]Basics

independent of temperature (T) and absorption coefficient (a)

ρr          = √ (18ε0/Gc0)(1VM–1C–1S–3KG) surface density constant 8.92 t5 KG/M³

   The Sun’s gravitational RIM surface radius rGSun 6.97 T8 M

[ greater by some 1000 KM than the visual photometric Sum surface rim ] is calculated as deduced in

Sun’sGravitationalRadius. The generally deduced star physics mathematics tends to be [ very ] extensive

— however never complicated. All basic math. And related physics.




However — as also not observed in modern academic corridors:


The TNED (StarAnvil) deduced THERMO NUCLEAR ACTIVE HEAT DEGREE (Tgamma: unknown in modern quarters, as is the deduction of the atomic nucleus: the Planck ring h=mcr) and the PHOTOMETRIC HEAT DEGREE (the normal well known Planck heat degree Tp) are not the same. See deduction in (Swedish edition) The Photometric Effect.



After some elaborate comparing mathematics (see IAUtestDETAILS) on solids (and Sun surface calculated results), a testable connection was extracted. Together with the rest of the TNED deduced cosmological K-cell data (SunAGE and others) parameters, the aim was to investigate IF these results concur in any possible way with the measured claimed international IAU Sun photometric adopted (2015¦2018) standard 3.8275 T26 W ±0.0014 (TheIAUtestOct2018). As exposed, the result showed a direct hit: 3.827500101 T26 W — on a SunAGE (already earlier found by other reckoning means) of 20.805 Gy.



In related physics, Sun burns Hydrogen-to-Helium ideally to the last H-atom. With a linear time equation it gives the Sun a lifetime of 121 Gy — burning with a constant effect from day one to day end. Additionally — SunAGE now 20.805 Gy —  the UniverseAGE is some 30 My older, related physics says. See also these details further in TheGreatAndromedaTest.



   The IAU-iterative test includes (average) losses by solar wind, a largest rVIZ radius of our visual universe (some 1025 Mpc for Doppler compensations [including the cosmic Planck heat background radiation (original a basic 2.7°K actually more near 2.725)].

   The IAU-test also compared the two standard constant epoch values (1960-1999 the instrumental epoch) and the more recent (2000+ computer popular modeling »we put in some extra points and see if it gives a reasonable Hollywood Production, if so, we consent to publish New Data) contribution.



While the (1960-1999) instrumental epoch’s standard quantities (G, h, e, mn, me ..) verified the IAU-test value, the (2000+) data epoch standard quantities did not. (Not even close). However: the last word may not have been said in these tests. We have (far from) tested all possible combinations.


Further tests (Nov2022+) on the IAU-composed iterative complex showed further improvements on the constants G, mS and ε0. See TheElectricConstant.



TNED (See CosmoA) has a general cosmic equation (ExplainingG) including the following natural constants — that must fit precisely with G and Sun mass mS — if at all applicable:


G = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

m0cK = K-cell mass = total mass of the universe = visible + dark = 4.16 T53 KG

r0c = K-cell active RIM radius at Pmax [16.321 Gy] = 4.28 T25 M = 1 388 Mpc

u = atomic mass 12C/12 unit used = 1.66033 t27 KG

h = 6.62559 t34 JS Planck constant

nU = neutron atomic weight used 1.0086652u

c0 = standard international light radial divergence velocity in free space 2.99792458 T8 M/S

mSBegin = the result as iterated from the IAU-test = 1.992692263866 T30 KG .

From that IAU test the Now actual Sun mass mS appears.

See full description in CosmoA [CaseHistory]. G and mS are described.




The first IAU-test iterations used the 1900s often cited G = 6.67 significands. After hand the iterations proceeded on apparent improvements, also a G value iteration test showed increased precision results (more zeroes after the IAU standard 3.827500..). Further use of the electric four pi constant value, reached the now final present 12¦14 decimal precision values [Nov2022+].


   Given G and mS (as well as mSBegin) from the IAU-test, the KeplerThird (R³/T²=GmS/4π²) will define exact anomalistic (precise elliptical) periods (T) from a thorough measured average mean solar distance (R). The implication is: »provided unaffected throughout our entire SunAGE period» [Newton’sFirst — see (Swedish edition) deducing the SolarSystems In MilkyWay]. These can so be tested in TheRESULT:

   Given (details in TheCAUSE) the thermo nuclear pressure conditions on SunLight StartUp (Tgamma — FirstLIGHTtable) — the related physics deduced energy (the rc-components in No5) behind the planetary perihelion precessions, the first build up temperature pressure physics

defines the whole planetary complex — on basic elementary KeplerMATH.

   See TheRESULT for any available precise comparison.



perpetually weaving its students into a thickening cocoon of a highly primitive idea of existence in general and mathematics in specific.





at all, related physics says: but it may of course be questioned by any reasonable argumentation proving other


is thereexists a — the only reasonable solution on finding a more precise (12¦14) decimal value for the universal gravitational constant (G) on a so defined rank type:



G          = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

     = 6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)²

G          universal gravitational constant RELATED PHYSICS



Continue in EXPLAINING G unless already familiar.



In this production (Oct2018 ¦ Nov2022+) the G-vaule above has been extracted from a separate iterative IAU-test on Sun’s international standardized photometric effect

3.8275 T26W ± 0.0014 with a 12 decimal preserved precision 3.827500000000 on the TNED deduced general cosmological K-cell heat physics foundation. That IAU-test includes all (Cambridge International Astronomy 1977/78 Swedish edition) known basic cosmological/astronomical parameters (mean density, farthest distance to visual stars, Planck heat background radiation, average doppler — including related physics deduced gravitational redshift).

   The end result (Jan2023 ¦ CHART1) on the extracted G and mS


1.495 978 700 T11 M ...........................    1AU astronomical unit, BA1978s161: r-data from same source

6.670100009300 t11 JM/(KG)2  ........   G universal gravitational constant

1.989631997726 T30 KG  ..................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy


on a still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ....   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..............   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy


   defines directly calculable planetary anomalistic periods from known average Sun distances. And thereby a direct (TheROUTE) calculable planetary perihelion precessional period for each planet to be compared with the instrumentally measured values (arc seconds per century). See those values in CHART1.







Established preferences — apparently — have no defined reference value to Earth’s anomalistic period, this article suggests [ it is the GmS product that states the claim ..]

365d 6 h 13 m 52.6000 s = 365.2596360d [ Wikipedia: epoch J2011.0 ] . The Encarta99 used reference has a corresponding


365d 6 h 13 m 21.2448 s = 365.2596425d [ unknown reference — Encarta99 has no internal public references ].



— ADOPTING relativity theory 1900+ CREATED a pseudo Cosmos — an innate (powerful) DRIFT — persistently demanding to be filled with new sensational inventions .. maintained by a corresponding (duality harmony: balance) DRIFT inside the Nature of mathematics — aiming at a final revelation of the true natural meaning of  The Pseudo .. : »nature cannot be killed». No way.


Related physics


The first Oct2018 IAU- test iterations were based on using the fix Kepler calculated mS value from the Encarta99 anomalistic value

t = 365.2596425d (unknown reference and origin)

using the older standard 6.67 G-value significands from the instrumental epoch, and the Cambridge International Astronomy (1977) AU value


1AU                  = 1.495 978 700 T11 M yielding

mSKepler        = (AU³/[365.2596425d · 86400 S/d]²)4π²/G

                          = 1.9896618301 T30 KG


On that premise, the IAU standard (2015) 3.8275 T26 W ± 0.0014 DirectHit showed up on 3.827500101 T26 W when the iteration on rVIZ (1025 Mpc) ended on the mSKepler significands 1.9896618301.


Mildly Encouraged by this unexpected success, further IAU-test iterations aimed at a full 12 decimal IAU 3.827500000000 significand end result — now allowing iterations on G as well as mS — investigating An IF, if at all.


The present end result turned out (as magic as it seems) to preserve the Encarta99 anomalistic tKepler value on the above G and mS values — at a fully preserved 12 decimal IAU 3.827500000000 significand end result (See TheElectricConstant):


Checking the Encarta99 tKepler value now then just verifies the KeplerEarth calculation:


on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy

t      = 2π√ r³/GmS (0) ¦   r = 1AU = 1.4959787 T11 M

       = 31558433,1119289 S

       = 1,0000089786y ¦ 1y(Wikipedia) = 365,256363004d

        = 365,2596424992d ; alternatively

6.67010000930000 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy

        = 365,2596425000d

        = tKeplerEncarta99



The whole (running) point in this (remarkable) history of events is that the end result — directly calculated anomalistic t-periods for all planets, together with the (5) AllKeplerMath deduced perihelion precessions equation —


arcSec/100y       = 3[(2πr/t)/c=v/c]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100

¦ precessional period


yields »a Direct Hit» (again), as compared with the Wikipedia specified measured data (Wikipedia, Test of general relativity, Jan2023):



——  Further compilations from TheRESULT  through TheROUTE on Rank Number 5:

—— AllKeplerMATH result No5 —— »a direct hit»:



SolenT2022.ods Additions 1Feb2023  T5 A125

Sun distance data from Cambridge International Astronomy BA1978s161 Table 9.1.

Planetary orbit elliptic eccentricity data from same source — except from Wikipedia [Nov2022] on the actual planet with additional significands: Mercury ..300 and Earth ..086.

Sidereal year data 365.256363004d from Wikipedia Year article [Nov2022]. 1d = 86400 S = 24h.

Separate description of the Oct2018+ IAU-test extracted values for G and mS are given in separate links and as so connected to the deduced calculating rank number (5) :



on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy


Modern academy cannot reach these values — and hence guaranteed not the resulting precessional values in CHART1.

No mother god loving way — the Related Physics KeplerMath Deduced math rank Number5 says.

Modern academy cannot reach the values. Say again. Come again.

Modern academy cannot reach the values.


Modern academy cannot reach the values. No way. Not even on my best day.


— Why ”cannot”?


— It is LOCKED on iteration results from the [2015¦18] International Standard IAU test Sun photometric value 3.827500000000 T26 W  ± 0.0014

on related physics general cosmological K-cell Heat Physics test, all basic Cambridge International Astronomy OBSERVATIONAL cosmological parameters included CosmoBasic, however based on the simple cosmological gravitational energy equivalent


Gm22/r = G(n→∞)m22/(n→∞)r ¦ CosmoA ¦ ComIN :

by unknown never formulated reasons, academic literature has no mentioning of the rank’s equivalent simple meaning: endless supply on limitless extension

although the concept is frequently met in geometrical mathematics [ComIN] calculus:

— The K-cell — our universe in related physics — has a gravitational center [see TheGreatAndromedaTest],

a statement itself burying modern academic cosmology theory for good. Say again. Every single detail.

The results in CHART1 is the end picture in that test complex.


— that modern academy abandoned already from square one;


It apparently became BLOCKED from academic insight BY A Modern academic invented consented limited mass — a (1800+) modern academic invented fundamental property in physics definitely not existent in existence. Not by logic. And apparently not by any rational associative means at all.

Compare »the childish» reflection: Wherever we look, there is always more behind. No exception.



AND — following TheVIC — with ideas of ”space curvature” on TheVIC.

The Gravitational energy rank above E = Fr = G[m2]²/r² as such


clearly explains, relates and proves beyond any doubt:

There is — so provably — nothing such in our universe.



   The c denotation: (here equated as c = (c0/2)(1+√1 – 4GmS/rc0²) ¦ See LGD) Related physics Light’s Gravitational Dependency gives some minor (slightly profitable) different values depending on the planet’s (average) distance from the Sun. Using the Einstein or Schwarzchild expressions for the same purpose gives different values. However in this application, these are completely discernible for the precessional values as such. THE THING IS THOUGH IN MODERN QUARTERS THAT TheVIC ”c everywhere” IS (mis- ¦ See AbsoluteMETRICS) TAKEN to be a corresponding »electro-kinetic» property over the entire spectra of light fields anywhere: same c everywhere (Wikipedia, Speed of light). So — to be just and fair — in modern calculations only one and the same c = c0 will count (CHARTS 2 and 3 below). Also compare MULTIPLE c in modern quarters and related physics MULTIPLEc.




There are two different known specifications on Earth’s anomalistic year period — the planetary perihelion precession results in CHART1 clearly excludes one of them


365.2596360d AND the commercial version ENCARTA99 365.2596425d (31.3552 seconds)

See Detailed Analyze versus CHART1 results


The only way to test an alternative tKeplerAnomalistic value — for example the WikipediaArizonaBritannica standard (international epoch J2011.0) for Earth



365d 6 h 13 m 52.6000 s = 365.2596360d [Wikipedia: epoch J2011.0] . The Encarta99 used reference has a corresponding

365d 6 h 13 m 21.2448 s = 365.2596425d [unknown reference — Encarta99 has no internal public references].



would be to break the above given GmS product

1.327 104 440 653 690 T20 JM/KG


We do not (directly without further tests) know the margins here on the IAU-iterative test complex. But it is already obvious that — on the given present GmS result and the 12 decimal IAU-value preservation, that

   only a proportional GmS change with conserved present  12 decimal IAU-result also will preserve the present IAU-test preference  3.827500000000.


   No change in the tKeplerAnomalistic value is possible IF the same product value GmS is wanted to be seen, still on the menu:


t = 2π√ r³/GmS

The Earth orbital anomalistic value cannot be changed by any other means than breaking the GmS constant value that is funding the above CHART1 result:

Breaking the Gms in CHART1 means

1.   breaking the CHART1 precessional match

2.   breaking the 12 decimal acquired IAU precision result — meaning:

  any attempt of incorporating another Earth Anomalistic value than the already incorporated

365d 6 h 13 m 21.2448 s = 365.2596425d [unknown reference — Encarta99 has no internal public references].

will destroy the overall acquired result — presenting other possible or impossible here unknown end values — meaning:

   The WikipediaArizonaBritannica anomalistic value does not apply.

— Difference: 31.3552 seconds.

testing the margins

Wikipedia (CHART2) referenced standard data has a GmS significand

1.327 184 555 000 000

Testing to add to the TNED CHART1 GmS product-significands

1.327 104 440 653 690 a value

0.00100 ........  results in the insideMeasured result: no no no no.

0.00010 ........  results in the insideMeasured result: no no no yes.

0.00001 ........  results in the insideMeasured result: yes yes yes yes.

0.00002 ........  results in the insideMeasured result: no yes yes yes.

0.00007 ........  results in the insideMeasured result: no no yes yes.

Nothing said about the crush on the IAU 12 decimal result.

Without further inquiry, that will not hold:

   The rVIZ iterator (IterativeConstantTest ¦ TheElectricConstant) alone changes both mS and the IAU precision — so the preliminary answer is:

— any other match than the one above in CHART1 is out of the question.



But: The reader might already have noted (another) A »The modern academic abyss» in this result:


   modern academy — apparently — has no defined idea of a

»t-AnomalisticKepler» value

because modern academy rejected/derogated classical physics — KeplerMomentumBasics — with TheVIC adoption of relativity theory 1900+ WHICH APPARENTLY IS BLOCKING ANY REASONABLE related physics DEDUCTION


(relativity theory abandoned classical physics and invented an ”inertial system” — claiming [Einstein quotes] Newton to be its inventor (”absolute space and time”) — on classical physics concepts which Einstein apparently and his following admirers did not understand; see Citat7 Einstein’s »education of Newton» in INERTIA ¦ Newton did never mention such concepts, but many writers seem to have a common urge for claiming so: Quotes from Newton [PRINCIPIA] have been searched for, but never found: »inertial system» apparently is a modern academic invention 1900+ [ to serve Einstein’s ”general relativity principle”  GRP: perception on modern academic never formulated but misapprehended basic physics — no action/reaction — determines the foundation of physical laws — Einstein Citat14 ]):

Einstein’s GRP:


Einsteins formulation that ”physical laws” depend on A PERCEPTIVE FRAME difference between translation and rotation apparently created out of a misdirected accusation of Newton having invented (Quotes) ”Absolute Motion” — alias »inertial system» translational linear motion — as separate from physical laws in general in ROTATION (Einstein 1938 quote on The rotating body) (Despite Newton’s explicit demonstration in The Rotating Vessel — that nobody in modern quarters still today seems to understand the fundamental meaning of: no inertial system exists: Newton: ”There is only one real circular motion of any one revolving body”) and thereby the apparent Einstein Reformulation of The Basic Kepler-Galilei-Newton Physics — which Albert Einstein so apparently and relatedly never understood — and apparently then adopted on that persistently same IQ level base by the scientific establishment as a new most famous academic pet. (Amazing that these aces even have a drivers license ..). (— ».. I mean .. as comprehending Nature does not promote ego, we can give it a shit and create our own ..»).



   related physics: physical laws hold FOR systems. Never IN them:

— There are no ”inertial systems” in physics: physics is governed by EQUILIBRIUM — balance — on (dv/dt) changes, and physics holds no STATE: no inertial reference other than momentary EQUILIBRIUM exists in physics — instrumental readouts [»digital memory»] — nothing else (All Basic Kepler-Galilei-Newton);


   modern academy precession calculations on the given rank (5)(E.1) (TheROUTE) apparently and provably cannot reach — and hence cannot confirm from its own references — the CHART1 tabled precise values:


   the concept ANOMALISTIC is »compromised in modern corridors» — by having dragged in The Relativity Theory to Reign All and Everything:

— it APPARENTLY has no definite defined value (or quality ..)

These senteses are horrible — is there no instance that can stop this crap from happening ..


IF we are going to make SOME MODERN ACADEMIC comparison on the TNED/Kepler math deduced results, a tAnomalisticKepler value is imperative. Why? Because relatedly so deduced in AllKeplerMath:

— the whole phenomena is based on KeplerAreaMomentum

(conservation of angular momentum).


As however  and apparently no such tAnomalisticKepler value is known in modern corridors (except for Earth, and then by NOT using the Encarta99 value, see texts to CHART1), we must use — transfer a Loan — the TNED/Kepler calculated t-values onto the modern part for a FAIR comparison — however now based on the Modern Academy Standard Wikipedia referred established values for G and mS, lower left yellow below:





Present [Jan2023] Wikipedia Sun mass value significands 1.9885 had a previous [IAU-test Oct2018 ¦ PresentSunMass] figure 1.98847 ± 0.000 07 — which Wikipedia claimed source was never found, despite extensive unsuccessful web search. The analysis in that section did — however — reveal this calculating result — on using the [THEN — changes are running fast these days ..] new Wikipedia G significands 6.674 — mS = r³/t² · 4π²/G:

365d 6 h 13 m 52.6000 s = 365.2596360d [ Wikipedia, Anomalistic year: epoch J2011.0] : ..............      mSsignificands = 1.9884694155 ¦ ROUNDED5 ¦ 1.98847

365d 6 h 13 m 21.2448 s = 365.2596425d [ Encarta99    no internal public references] : ..............       mSsignificands = 1.9884693447 ¦ ROUNDED5 ¦ 1.98847




And, as we see: not good.

The only SELF modern academic known — useful — t-value would be a SIDEREAL — not an Anomalistic (True KeplerAreaMomentum) — value.


But — and — that is NOT what the related physics deductions (5)(E.1) are based on (HENCE THE ACADEMIC POPULARITY OF THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY).


Using that option — Cambridge International Astronomy data (Swedish edition BA1978s161) on the planets’ sidereal orbital periods

no GmS calculated orbital period

— the resulting view advances to the following CHART3:

   The CHART3 BA1978s161 Cambridge sidereal planetary orbital period data in days (D) have been recalculated to t-values

t ¦ y = D/y using the Wikipedia (Year) standard measure of 1 sidereal (»absolute time reference») year (1y) 365.256363004d;



Modern academy hijacks sidereal for anomalistic — and please do correct if wrong: there is not one scientific sentence EXCEPT THIS ONE on planet Earth this writing moment that KNOWS how to relate IT and why:

— But this author would be happy if there was any IN response:



The KANZI reference reflects one of many papers where the precessional details are presented from different educational centers. Kanzi2016 has the same distance references as in the Cambridge International Astronomy BA1978.

   The BA1978s161 Cambridge sidereal planetary orbital period data in days (D) have been recalculated to t-values using the Wikipedia (Year) standard measure of 1 sidereal (»absolute time reference») year (1y) as 365.256363004d; t ¦ y = D/y:

   HOWEVER: The KANZI2016/Cambridge International 1977/78 reference [Kanzi2016s20] presents a Table 1 where the Mercury arcSec/100y reads 42.980 — a final fourth yes too, crushing us completely on a full confirmation. Yes. But the Kanzi/Cambridge International, same data, thing is that its sidereal period value 87.969d taken through [Kanzi Earth period: a rounded 365.256d] yields a significantly lower Mercury century precessional value 42.9795 than IF the more precise present Wikipedia Epoch J2011.0 365,256363004d would be consulted. Yes. AND SO IT CONTINUES IN THE MODERN ACADEMIC EDUCATIONAL INTERNATIONAL CORRIDORS WITH (terrified on the brink of educational merits) LOYAL STUDENTS FOLLOWING THE PhD ACES KINDLY ADVISED GUIDANCE TO FULFILL A MORE COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF OUR BEAUTIFUL UNIVERSE. Yes. It is such a joy to share that Modern Academic Unproclaimed Trafficking Enthusiasm. (STATE breeds children for PROFIT — not Knowledge). Say.

   The population apparently does not even understand the concept: »Take whichever part yields the best fit». AS IF IN A robbers den.


CHART3.1 — The specific Kanzi2016 eccentricity values for fair comparison — only slight worsens the CHART3 picture on the top Mercury credit:

The Kanzi2016 references mentions no explicit source to these eccentricity values:



The Kanzi2016 presentation also confirms the here suggested »modern academic fill in» features (Kanzi performs a relativistic deduction of our Number5):

”.. is an arbitrary constant which can be set to zero without loss of generality, as we are allowed to rotate our system of coordinate about the symmetry axis. Unfortunately, the master Eq.(2.16) with the GR correction cannot be solved analytically. However, the nature of the additional term suggests that it is a very small correction to the classical motion. Therefore, an appropriate approximation method may give results being significantly acceptable. Hence, we shall consider the GR term as a small perturbation to the classical path of the planets.”, Kanzi on page 11+.

These statements only reflect the nature of the modern academic (relativity theory) approach to the phenomena planetary perihelion precession:

   A generalized »multidimensional mathematical algorithm» for solving »all kinds of physical phenomenal problems». And with the only resulting effect of no particular insight into the underlying physics at all: no action/reaction (MITexample on Coriolis math exemplifies). Just mathematics — based  on TheVIC (1905+).

   MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS suffer the same principle syndrome: simplification of magnetic and inductive phenomena under one and the same roof. See TheExpansionIntegral (modern academic vector algebra breaks down), which exemplifies how modern academy cannot differentiate between magnetism and induction (ThreeExamplesTreatise). Result:

Modern academic understanding of basic physics resembles a veritable Doll’s House Theater. Not one word HumanRight, the only existing knowledge domain: gravitation and electricity: LIFE, ”foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. HumanRight. UN: ”of the greatest importance”, stop killing humanity; ”every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind”. Constantly. 24/7. Not one word HumanRight. Not a spell, ”recognition of the inherent dignity”. Not even a hint. 24/7 globally in-locked surveillance. Humanity is treated and handled as tagged cattle, controlled and manipulated in narrow slots by signals on sound and light flashes. No access unless cookies consent. Not one word HumanRight. Not one. ”Restart your computer or we will do it for you”. License to use pen and rubber. Se also TheLIST collection, on further collected examples.



Definitely a clear lift in design — from CHART2 (no no yes yes).

But still: no call.





FRAUD lies close. But nobody had such intentions, what we know.

DRIFT — it is.

And apparently a very creepy one Drift too. Do say:



MODERN ACADEMY CONTINUING ON THE INTRUSION OF OCCUPYING SIDEREAL FOR ANOMALISTIC, CLAIMING PROPERTY ON THE (5) »as one of science’s greatest achievments»: that surely is as unscientific as it can be — however readily testified (QuoteBA1978s161) from an academic population apparently not at all aware of what case history it is involved in (”accurateness”, Cambridge International [this   i s   a literal nightmare]):

— IF the above really IS the final — modern academic claimed (5) — mathematical rank’s solution — Mercury is left out of the theoretical result — we would expect some Standard Nobel Race in modern corridors to Invent the FillingIn CompletingUp Missing Part. Why?


   Because modern academy — relativity theory kingdom — has already decided to stay put as the new emperor of the universe (1900+, exceptional success on all branches: zero resistance: ”the philosophers got a shock”).


[Why around 1900 did the philosophers become chocked by the new academic claims through the relativity theory? Because they had poor faith: there is never a way for ignorance to hide the difference between wise and unwise. No way:

— a Flower IS a flower, no matter the spit it must take for its beauty].


— So: Where is it — The Fill?

   Down to max 42.9810 from the excessive 42.9817.

— Did we miss something?

— There must be some Additional Phenomena .. »Creepy New Physics» ..


Compare the Wikipedia text on WikipediaNote14:

prediction of post-Newtonian theory”.

— Relativity theory jumps in and rescues the academic population with filling up explanations´of the nature ”the speed of gravity” and others.

   The conditions WERE definitely better year 1311.



Compare related physics (DivergenceConvergence ¦ GRIP ¦ DEEP ¦ GripDEEP);


•   light does not develop centrifugation properties: TheSolarEclipses1919+ ¦ TwoArguments

•   light is massless. Claim whatever you want, in whatever manner you want, at any time, in any situation, at any place:

•   gravitation is equal to all matter, cannot be shielded from: time independent — while on the other hand

•   light physics is unequal to all matter, can be shielded from: time dependent.

— In modern academy (1900+) a CONSENSUS idea blocked further studies on these properties — in order to preserve already established academic cosmological ideas — on TheVIC (The v+ic error).



And it could never be revealed as a The hidden, never proclaimed (as The creepy) FRAUD it is, until the entire cosmological scene was uncovered — on related physics. AllKeplerMath.

— Perhaps the best would be if the reader has hidden arguments capable of disclaiming this whole presentation — Searched for. None yet found. Search continues.

   Modern academy — relativity theory — claims will continue to stand uncontradicted and unchallenged — all up to the point where related mathematics and physics present convincing evidence: inclusive explanations.



Anyway we reckon, it is obvious that modern quarters have been outclassed by classical physics (5) AllKeplerMath: Its detailed deduction: The perihelion precessions of the planets. Also — on bonus — explaining the entire cosmological academically adopted concept of relativity theory to be a CONSTRUCT »use for whatever we want to have it magic wand» for claiming results NOT pertaining to our actual universe — the named creepy never proclaimed or mentioned DRIFT — as so proven and exposed. Say again.


They the modern quarters’ populations used it  the Construct on Drift as it apparently appears to be understood on a case history basis to FILL IN the missing parts of an academically consented CONSTRUCTED universe: a doll’s house theater. On Drift. No plan. No meaning. No purpose (modern academic entropy).


It  the Construct on Drift  apparently is a scientifically in mathematics and physics

detailed and open playground in mathematics (No5) for

— provable in to the very last atom —

uneducated, ignorant, highly mathematically intelligent cosmologically assembled fuckups. Say again.


Its claims on PHYSICS has zero validity — apparently as so proven hiding real steel explaining physics and mathematics, as so in every detail proven (5).

See in specific WikipediaNote14.


See also TheLIST — and PhysicsFIRST: collected comparing examples how modern academy 1800+ apparently has vandalized the most deep in physics and mathematics

— inventing (academic consensus on education and merits) corresponding blockings for students NOT to question — proclaiming the stated as the only universally existent: modern academic general cheer for relativity theory.

   And again: by DRIFT. No conspiracy planning. A villain on full pedal.


The only here known cosmic instance that can entertain such a creepy drift can only be this one: intrinsically blinded by ideas of supremacy. An unproclaimed highly beloved but hidden from direct sight fascistic inducement based on A-people over B-people, A-IQ births over B-IQ births. Not one word HumanRight. Uneducated, ignorant, fuckups: No care.


Why ”cannot”?

The short version:

Because MAC denies gravitational equivalence

(GeneralSTATEequation ¦ GeneralCosmic)

Gm22/r = G(n→∞)m22/(n→∞)r

on (neutron mass)

Dmax = (mNEUTRON)4(c0/h)3/4 = 1.8217729729.. T17 KG/M³  depending on constants

gravitation’s fundamental form, the atomic nucleus

already standing at zero gravitation cannot be compressed: Planck constant h=mcr: The Neutron [N3m20] as related physics TNED deduced with its NeutronSquare (NS). NS directly reveals atomic masses very close to already experimental measured outclassing modern nuclear physics theory. See DiffGRAPHS ¦ The Neutron Square Break Through:

   atomic mass defects, modern academy (elliptic equations). Not nuclear:

   K-cell heat physics.

   CWON from CAP.

   EarthMASS. Biosphere proofs on detailed tabled crust isotopic composition

   The Great Andromeda Test.


All the things that bury the 1800+ modern academic cosmological

IDEA AS A profoundly provable in every detail PRIMITIVE

— and especially its cheer for relativity theory (MAChavocREF ¦ TheVIC):

— »PlugIN for PluggedOUT»: fundamental nature denial.

Please do disclaim — on a RELATED foundation: We will surrender immediately. Absolutely.



Continue in TheCAUSE.


ThePrecise ¦ OverviewJan2023 ¦ E3 ¦ CHART1


DetailedAnalyze: 5Jan2023




There are two different known specifications on Earth’s anomalistic year period — the planetary perihelion precession results in CHART1 clearly excludes one of them



Sun photometric IAU-test (Nov2022) beginning from Oct2018+

(KcellAnalys2018.ods T2¦T3)(KcellAnalys2022a.ods T2):


At present Jan2023

SunPhotometric = 3.827500000000 T26 W± 0.0014 the IAU international adopted standard

according to the UniverseHistory cosmological overall iterative

Sun photometric IAU-test (Nov2022) beginning from Oct2018+:

Clarifying point:


Here we only emphasize that


Only one specific GmS product

ON A SPECIFIED G gravitation constant AND A SPECIFIED mS present Sun mass [ on a specified SunAGE ]

corresponds to only one specific SunPhotometric the IAU international standard adopted as above:



because          (related physics IAU-test results by iterations)


altering G        alters SunMass and SunPhotometric also; meaning:

altering G        creates another SunMass and another SunPhotometric. Meaning:

altering G        on an attempt to introduce another GmS product

                          by equating mS=(newGmS)/G          

                          breaks present SunPhotometric precision, hence

                        introducing a situation of arbitrary results

                          on unknown territory:


Attempting to alter a given GmS to another GmS on a given SunPhotometric,

forces the given 12 decimal iterated precision acquired SunPhotometric to crash.

Issued Quest:

THIS NOTE IS  hence necessary and CAUSED BY THE OBSERVATION in the CHART1 planetary perihelion precessions resulting values arcSec/100y

IN AnomalistisYearIssue THAT


the WikipediaArizonaBritannica Earth anomalistic value


contrary to the CHART1 preferred ENCARTA99

365.2596425d (difference is 31.3552 seconds)

equating an alternative GmS product from the Encarta part in significands


to the WikiArizBrit part through KeplersTHIRD  GmS=(1AU)³(2pi/tANOM)²


does not affect the already given precision in CHART1

as these by quote only will differ by a ratio

1.0000000534. Yes.

The measured quantities give at most significands on


   So, the choice of specific anomalistic period as such makes no change.



However it has also simultaneously

introduced an unspecified G and a so unspecified mS and hence a broken SunPhotometric

   However the new GmS product do make a definite change on the already acquired SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision, definitely crashing on its validity.


So, again by conclusion (The IAU-testing iterative spread sheets):


Attempting to alter a given GmS

(using WikiArizBrit instead of Encarta99 anomalistic)

to another GmS on a given SunPhotometric,

even on the marginal 31 seconds difference

forces the given 12 decimal iterated precision acquired SunPhotometric to crash;



Only one specific GmS product

ON A SPECIFIED G gravitation constant AND A SPECIFIED mS present Sun mass [ on a specified SunAGE ]

corresponds to only one specific SunPhotometric the IAU international standard adopted as above:



            The IAU acquired precision crashes on any alternative GmS product:

            introducing a situation of arbitrary results

             on unknown territory.



WikipediaArizonaBritannica 365.2596360d AND ENCARTA99 365.2596425d

(31.3552 seconds): like the Earth-Sun line pacing New York - Cincinnati (910 KM) in 31 seconds on the Earth average speed 30 KM/S around the Sun:

   if the astronomical instrumentation cannot do better that that one on astronomical distances, the anomalistic year precision determination is at hazard.



The reason behind the discrepancy (31.3552 seconds) is here complete unknown.

The Encarta99 value has several (no other here known references than the value) agents on a number of Internet sites (Jan2023 search exact "365.2596425") on different languages (Spanish, French, Italian .. Turkish .. [apparently no English ..]).


   Adding all the gravitational tugs from all the possible planetary mass contributions presents a (very) complicated motional PATTERN — even to solve for an advanced computerized algorithm:

   »The fact is» that present measuring techniques »not just quite yet» has got the hang of it.

   Different approaches presents (slightly) different results — as in fact a planetary orbit is NEVER QUITE EXACT from one year to another:

   On exact decimals: Sun perpetually looses mass, which affects the precision in planetary positions, introducing constantly (minor) CHANGING PARAMETERS as we go along.

   It is, partly, a Dart contest in The Dark.

   The different measuring institutes could very and easily well inform of this issue.

   Searched for clarifying details. None yet found.


Our only UniverseHistory related physics present reference is:

The (Jan2023) present precision SunPhotometric IAU international standard (2015)

3.827500000000 T26 W ± 0.0014

works ONLY on

the standard instrumental epoch's values (1960-1999)(KcellAnalys2018.ods T2)

— not the data epoch's (2000+)(KcellAnalys2018.ods T3) —

along with the ENCARTA99 Earth anomalistic 365.2596425d which apparently in specific is

securing a resulting Kepler concurrent T20 GmS on significands


with a t11 G significands


and a present (slowly only significantly decreasing over a rough My) T30 mS significands





DetailedAnalyze ¦ OverviewJan2023 ¦ E3 ¦ CHART1


ExplainingG: TheCAUSE



G = 6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)²

strengthening its convincing value — how and why.


on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy


The only, and nothing else but the only one standing provable reason:


   The instrumental measure — (green) as suggested:





   on the so suggested exact mathematical rankings (5)(E1.1 ¦ E1 ¦ E3):


t² = r³/[GmS/(2π)²] Kepler’sTHIRD ¦ anomalistic period — when the planet passes same ELLIPSE [ KeplerMomentum ] orbital point twice

arcSec/100y = 3[(2πr/t)/c0=v/c0]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100 ¦ precession period

MORE THAN 90% OF THE VALUES REFER A CIRCULAR CONTRIBUTION WITH e = 0: guaranteed no relativistic connection. See Quote.

Complete rank deduction, see AllKeplerMATH.

G          = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

             = 6.670100009300 t11 JM/(KG)² gravitational constant. See full description in CosmoA.

[See also  mSUN  ].

mS        = 1.989631997726 T30 KG present Sun mass ¦ E1 ¦

based [Oct2018+] on a 12 decimal accurate IAU-test: Sun’s photometric effect 3.827500000000 T26 W ± 0.0014:

   The general TNED deduced cosmological mathematical test — confirming the genuine  provision also of the cosmic background Planck heat radiation temperature 2.725 °K and others [general data from Cambridge International Astronomy 1977/78 BA that was used in the original deduction of the K-cell Heat physics ].

GmS     = 1.32710444065369 T20 JM/KG — related physics CHART1.

Compare [ CHART2 ] from Wikipedia reported values:

GmS     = 1.32718455500000 T20THAT will definitely NOT work. No way.

Modern Academy:

   cannot Calculate accurate Anomalistic periods. And hence — unless disclaimed:

   cannot Calculate accurate Precessional periods — even with the exact mathematical rank.


Further IAU-iterative tests with

on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy

does not change the above end decimals on the more narrow G and mS calculated G rank result, except on the GmS product

GmS     = 1.32710444065967 T20 JM/KG — related physics CHART1.




— What is the running point (in That)?

   No matter the math:

— If we don’t have The Provisions, we don’t get there:


Exactly. Exact.

Modern academy has the math — same rank however from a completely different route (see The Route).

— But it apparently has not the provision (E3):


G          = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

   A general Cosmological All Units Attesting and Verifying Equation

— especially FOR VERIFICATION on Sun’s present mass:

— by a corresponding instrumental precision measured IAU photometric value — provided no hidden flaws.

See full description in CosmoA




But populations in modern corridors use it arbitrarily ”for best fit” (CHART2 ¦ CHART3)  — same mathematical rank

And understandably so BECAUSE: except for EarthCHART1 and even with different references thereno data is known for planetary anomalistic periods: Searched for. None yet found.

   Wikipedia¦ArizonaUniversity¦Britannica all refer the anomalistic year on the form [ 31Jan2023]

365d 6 h 13 m 52.6000 s = 365.2596360d [Wikipedia: epoch J2011.0] . The Encarta99 used reference has a corresponding

365d 6 h 13 m 21.2448 s = 365.2596425d [unknown reference — Encarta99 has no internal public references].

   While the Encarta99 value preserves the 12 decimal IAU Sun photometric test value 3.827500000000, the WikipediaArizonaBritannica does not.

   This is the proof: The IAU-test gives a SunMass mS which together with an iterated resulting G value leads to direct calculation of the planets’ anomalistic periods, CHART1 — which defines the final perihelion precession values. THAT  mS value certifies the Encarta value — but not the WikiArizonaBritannica one: the latter breaks the 12 decimal IAU test precision preference.

   The IAU test as such has no connection to planetary rotational periods. It justifies only Sun parameters [ G  ε0 mS ..] — and general cosmological ditto [ Planck heat radiation background].


— What does that mean ”.. is not a sidereal ..”?

   KeplerMomentum kinetics and mechanics conform to Galilei-Newton mechanics:


You know, the modern academic popular scientific literature QuoteContest Issue in gaining the most points for derogating — primitivize — classical physics on the deepest as A LOWER FORM OF NATURAL APPREHENSION in order to favor TheVIC theory of relativity and its academically beloved mathematics [ »Einstein educates Newton» ] complemented with ”we are unique in thought”[‡1] and ”innovation is in our blood”[‡1] and ”water .. from the outer”[‡1] ¦ SHORT  and the like — in a continued search for more prominent governmental positions with the ambitious purpose of promoting humanity further on its daily upright position: »more free oxygen to all».


   Newton’s first: Given a mass a velocity v in free empty space, it continues endlessly without change until changed by impact (Newton’s second):

   So IF we are talking Kepler math on CENTRAL ACTION KINETICS, t as above IT is on a planet’s KeplerMomentum defined orbital path: it a KeplerMomentumOrbit exists independent of all other additions, whatever these may be, never interfering by breaking (SuperPositionPrinciple — elementary wave mechanics).

   SIDEREAL PERIOD on the other hand COLLECTS the sum of all the planetary affections with respect to some fix star (angular) point at the celestial sky within the period where that point is passed twice — where the point preferentially never changes (or if so, within so long periods of time that we do not have to bother on significant decimal errors even in our lifetime).

   Modern academic quarters cannot calculate a Planetary Kepler Anomalistic Period. No way.

PROOF: CHART1 — planetary perihelion precession RELATED PHYSICS results.

same mathematical rank No5: where is the corresponding Values in modern quarters .. hello .. anybody home?

   Modern corridor populations cannot calculate that one no matter the relativistic energy input.

No way. Do show a disclaim. That would indeed be interesting.

— Why? Why no calculating such in modern corridors?

1800+ Modern Academy invented a pseudo universe. It becomes BURIED with the revelation. Not even DUST remains.





EarthMassGtest — Related physics — ExperimentalConfirmations:

•   gravitation is equal to all matter, cannot be shielded from: time independent — while on the other hand

•   light physics is unequal to all matter, can be shielded from: time dependent.



G          = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

             = 6.670100009300 t11 JM/(KG)² gravitational constant. Full description in CosmoA.

mS        = 1.989631997726 T30 KG present Sun mass ¦ E1 ¦


on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

G          = 6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ................            G universal gravitational constant

mS        = 1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..........................            mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy



There is no book, archive, mentioning or other at all in our TIME except on this domain — unless we are several pioneers on the same tourist bus in this fantastic adventure.

That is why: No way.

Guaranteed intrinsically chemically cleansed from relativity theory.

Just Pure Motherly Natural Care. Please share. Our Universe. As deduced.



BA1978s160m Cambridge International Astronomy:


  Keplers lagar är inte lagar i den mening den moderna naturvetenskapen inlägger i detta begrepp. Snarare är de en modell, eller en uppsättning regler, som ger en tillfredsställande bild av hur planeterna rör sig.”,

Swedish edition of Cambridge International Astronomy 1977/78



KEPLER’S LAWS are not laws in the sense interpreted by modern science. Rather they are a model, or a set of rules, giving a satisfactory picture of how the planets move.


Yes. We can clearly see that.

The conditions were better year 1311 ..




t² = r³/[GmS/(2π)²] Kepler’sTHIRD ¦ anomalistic period — when the planet passes same ELLIPSE [ KeplerMomentum ] orbital point twice

arcSec/100y = 3[(2πr/t)/c0=v/c0]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100 ¦ precession period


While the complete related physics AllKeplerMATH path has a clean end result line connecting the Kepler Area Momentum orbital period (t) to the anomalistic part — twice over same elliptic point — modern quarters have a more liberated arithmetic party:





We — clearly — see that (still by Drift, not plan — MAChavocREF) it is more favorable to select the slightly shorter SIDEREAL time period (CHART3). So, that the corresponding anomalistic selection is pushed up for a better makeup look: »better precision».


1905+: MAC is given free hands to adjust any measured not fitting quantity by further relativistic corrections on TheVIC further developed relativistic very rich mathematical engrossed multidimensional space curvature perspectives

— as much as needed, on as wide maps as wanted, within as much time as necessary. Then, do tell, what does NOT fit into that »IQ-property» abyss.

— Academically Dictating new progress for the masses to follow — on so proven scientific foundations (Messages running from Master to Cattle).


Despite having the exact math rank (5)(E1.1), modern corridors are unable to collect the related physics’ AllKeplerMath resulting numbers — by several reasons:  


1.   Modern corridors have no cosmologically related and defined values for G and mS: meaning (so that):

2.   Modern corridors cannot calculate the correct order of physical domains

even with the exact mathematical rank on the table. Yes. Say. Come again.



(HENCE THE 1900+ present populated ACADEMIC POPULARITY OF THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY: no related physics reference: just math MAChavocREF)


THE INSTANCE MUST (is forced by DRIFT to) choose arbitrarily between sidereal and undefined anomalistic periods on the given math rank (5)(E1.1) — whichever gives »the most favorable end look».

The end picture, as exposed above, consequently exposes apparently by Drift, not plan modern calculated result as a »fuzzy — depending on morning temper — Fraud». While the related physics result apparently rides safely on a defined anomalistic preference exposing a »perfect assembly», modern quarters have: nothing. No thing. Nothing. False papers — produced on DRIFT. Not plan. Imagining ACADEMIC CONSENSUS is free from consequences. TheMasterRace.

(the related physics results suggests that the calulated also really IS the true physical — there is nothing to add: disclaim that, anyone who can: CHART1).



   People in modern corridors apparently don’t have to care about the quality in such selections (the advantage of gaining the academic relativity community), as they apparently anyway have no idea what governs the different selections.


In related physics there is only one given choice: the Kepler Area Momentum anomalistic. And again, as we see, it is the KeplerMATH that takes on the most precise view by quantity along with the measured.


The modern academic corresponding Anomalistic »transferred loan» column (CHART2)

shows the Mercury value in that (anomalistic) column to become quite in-precise for any direct identification of a genuine evaluation: too high:



— But you cannot seriously mean that all this proves that the present scientific community and its more than 100 year adopted relativity theory is all no more than a brain ghost, doomed to death?

— Educate us, then. We will surrender immediately. No problem.






So, again:


   Modern corridors have not the exact provable precise GmS — no matter the exact math rank on the table. And besides that, apparently does not understand (cannot relate) the meaning of ”anomalistic” as different from ”sidereal” in this complex — at all (the modern academic adoption of and expressed love to relativity theory has apparently and effectively Blocked that exit: claim whatever there is to claim):

— no found related precise definition:

   As in the following context (see CHART1), and in Calculating Kepler Anomalistic and IterativeConstantTest, there are TWO candidates for Earth’s ”anomalistic year” (1d = 86400 S) — See CHART1 and KEPLERt (ArizonaWikipedia also Britannica):


ArizonaWikipedia ....... 365.2596360d ¦ does not preserve the IAU-test 12 decimal precision

ENCARTA99 ............. 365.2596425d ¦ does preserve the IAU-test 12 decimal precision

The Encarta99 encyclopedia Anomalistic year has no public accessible references to its presented data: unknown source


No established qualitative detailed description shows up — except on writings using relativistic mathematical ranks that no average pedestrian understands and the general ”passing perihelion twice” (Wikipedia Anomalistic year). »MasterInformsCattle» info.

   With the KeplerAreaMomentum and Kepler’s Third


t = 2π√ r³/GmS


the only parameters counting is G (constant) and mS(slowly decreasing — meaning slowly increasing r).


Only by knowing G and mS (rate of lost Sun mass from a given epoch) and measuring r, the true Kepler Area Momentum anomalistic period (t) can be calculated

(t slowly increases as Sun slowly looses mass and r slowly increases): the anomalistic period (t) is determined from (G)mSr (an ideal controlling measure might be made from several perihelion-aphelion passages, summing their average).



And nothing else was neither expected from modern quarters, as its understanding of the complex apparently (5) stands unrepresented in any kind of searched for related physics.




— ”No, there are no true Kepler Planetary LAWS”,


THE COMPLETE COSMOLOGICAL CRASH OF MODERN ACADEMIC THEORY — or not at all, if someone has the arguments to disclaim this production. Searches for. None yet found.

See further TheCAUSE description below. The perihelion precession phenomena opened up the entire cosmological mathematical physical scene. Every part and piece of it. Every detail.



FIRST: KeplerAreaMomentum planetary orbit establishment:



THEN — first history thereafter: »there was LIGHT»:

   added thermodynamical energy on StartUpLIGHT for kinetic energy surging THERMO DYNAMICAL CHANGING GRAVITATIONAL PRESSURE BALANCING PHYSICS an additional very small perihelion precession rotation on each planet’s already established Kepler — as so deduced in No5: AllKeplerMATH.

See more detailed the primary Kepler orders in THE MILKY WAY SOLAR SYSTEMS.

   The definite death of the 1800+ invented academic cosmological IDEA

especially on the star basics branch, related physics explains.




Also because present (2000+) data epoch standard values (h, e, mn, me ..) did not pass the IAU test value, which however the previous instrumental epoch standard values did (1960-1999):


No matter any further standard constant tests, no matter the testing possible combinations, in any possible way, the end result must match the above CHART1 apparently already instrumentally matching figures. And as these, now, already are recognized, there is no more need for an investigation as such. The margins have already been set.


So, and only on that premise, we can apparently be confident that the GmS figures hold. Steady (CHART1).







The planetary perihelion precession phenomena — edition 31Jan2023

Physical cause:

ConcludingAllKeplerMath ¦ TheMATH ¦ FirstLightTable



KeplerMomentum ordinary planetary motion K=vr on a basic Centrifugal v2/r short period upstarting push from SunLightBegin (modern 1800+ academic cosmology crushes 100% on that one — guaranteed: The birth of SolarSystems in MilkyWay) until thermodynamic equilibrium status reached:

vr · v2/r v3uc2light physics shortly interacts with gravitational physics ¦ a formal Coriolis effect

   but the foundation of physics on this level was abandoned by modern corridors 1800+ ¦ 1900+:

   modern academy effectively blocked itself from understanding basic simple classical physics:


light does not connect kinetics

light does not develop centrifugation

light is massless [ modern academy’s most favorite pet ]


So, dear reader (ExperimentalConfirmations):

— if this scenario seems unsatisfactory, reader has permission to stop reading now.


PrecessionEnergy ¦ FirstLightTable ¦




Redirected: BECAUSE OF THE MODERN ACADEMIC CHEER FOR RELATIVITY IT blocked insight into physics SO PERPETUALLY UNKNOWN — preventing modern quarters from INSIGHT



The AllKeplerMATH deduction is as a good story teller as is. And we can follow the sequences from there in detail.




From Kepler’s Third Gm2/(2π)2=r3/T2 we soon receive the first significant rank


(1)         rGm2            = 24π3r4/(T)2


Substitution on a cr directly leads to the first great MISS in modern academy: basic Sun- and star physics: Here it is the three related physics not part of modern academic teaching system Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law deduced heat degrees of interest:



rc0                     = Cg (TG)–1               ; Cg = 5.09345773954984 T24 °K·M2/S ¦ °K TGamma

rc0                     = E·Cw (TW)–1              ; Cw = 0.97129143335161 T24 °K·M2/S ¦ °K TWien

rc0                     = E·Cp(TP)–2                ; Cp =  8.50996997680304 T24 °K·M2/S ¦ °K TPlanck


E denotes an additional elliptic relation [a/b] between minor and major elliptic axes where a=b defines a circle.

The Cgwp are specific constants belonging to the specific heat degree agent.

The T ¦ GWP values are the actual local temperatures in °K  corresponding to the actual rc product.


Of these the present academic sciences only have familiarity with the TPlanck heat degree.

Modern academy 1800+ completely missed Basic Star Physics — see simple ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION.

Only one of these have a potential ENERGY connection in explaining the ONSET — build up — of a planetary perihelion precession rotation: The Tgamma agent. Namely on that which modern academy already has a provably partly cropped familiarity with from a simple rewriting of the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law expression as the modern academic familiar


(2)         P          = aAkT4 

F/A        = a(k/c0)T4 = p                          ; a = 2/3 ;

k           = 2π·b4π4/(15h3c02) Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law constant, as deduced ,  5.6699807232 t8 WM–2°K–4

2k/c0     = 3.781904041 t16 NM–2°K–4 ; = kP

2(kP    = 7.565214266 t16 (NM–2°K–4 = [NM=J]/M3 · °K–4  pressure per °K4)

2(2k/c0) = 7.565214266 t16 (NM–2°K–4 = [NM=J]/M3 · °K–4  pressure per °K4)

             = a’ = 2kP                                  ;

p           = (1/3) a’ T4                              ; same expression: temperature pressure



the energy source behind the planet’s perihelion precession from the first Sun light’s upstart, before the now present constant Sun photometric effect was established through a thermodynamic equilibrium  as it apparently so can be understood for further tests

where-after no more energy input is available for further precessional rotation energy input:


(3)         [p = (1/3) a’ ·   TNED(Tg¦°K)4] = [p = G(m2/2r2)2/π]

                          TNED(Tg¦°K)  = r–1([G(m2)2)/4π]/akP)

modern academy knows the pressure part, but not the heat degree part:

»we dismiss everything opposing the theory of relativity»-credit


It is the final balancing thermodynamical equilibrium on which the final precessional energy arrives on a full scale final established sunlight field. The build up leaves the already former present Kepler Area Momentum orbital gravitational kinetics intact and preserved

(general mechanics super position principle: elementary wave mechanics CircularInterference)

(GcQtheorem ¦ Dmax ¦ SolarEclipses1919+ ¦ MULTIPLEc ¦ PlanckEQUIVALENTS)

because, as related:



light does not connect kinetics

light does not develop centrifugation

light is massless



Massive bodies are only affected by light (Planck, hf) energy on significant energy CHANGES:

SEE THE POTENTIAL BARRIERwhere light (electromagnetism) Takes on Q:

the energy zone where c = c0/2 = cZ — modern academy could never deduce The Electric Charge

and never the atomic nucleus: Planck constant h=mcr, The Neutron and its NeutronSQUARE  

Massive bodies are not affected by light (Planck, hf) energy in a thermodynamic equilibrium.



The FirstLightTable build up of this initial Sun light final static thermodynamic equilibrium energy field, involves a (simple vector related) CORIOLIS EFFECT (TheCoriolisResolution):


and modern academic corridors are neither most famous for relieving the Coriolis Phenomena student from its night mare mathematics either as attested


As the perihelion precession builds up during the resistive changes in the light field start up (Newton’s 3 these days probably completely unknown in modern quarters), the extra precessional rotation brings the Kepler Area Momentum with it by referencing a new, slightly dislocated resulting centrifugation (or rotation) point (C0: The general Coriolis’ first theorem).

   The extra perihelion precession resembles an extra planetary tap mounted slowly rotating wheel or disc upon the already present primary working Kepler Area Momentum wheel Sun-Planet revolving disc. These two turning discs define the exact location of the C0 point (PerihelionPrecessionRotationalCenter). It can be calculated precisely from the Kepler math precession equation (as deduced from the Coriolis’ mathematics). This C0 point lies — at most for the Mercury case — dislocated in Sun’s center only at 0.3 mM. An independent determination (LargestDeviation) of a greatest distance shows in the Mercury case a dislocation of only 0.7 M. And the dislocations become even smaller with the other planets’ farther distances from the Sun. So, anyway we reckon: The C0-points are in any way insignificant by any (normal) practical means.


Continuing the AllKeplerMATH precession equation, now given the thermodynamical provisions that modern academy never did discover (generally because Max Planck was right and Albert Einstein was wrong, simply expressed) we have from (1) with the rc substitution


a substitution with (rc)2 introduces a Temperature constant which connects the phenomena to Sun’s Light Field: temperature-pressure:

(4)         CENTRAL ACTION PHYSICS            Kepler area momentum K=vr (Planck momentum h/m=cr):

rGm2/(cr)2   = 24π3r4/(Tcr)2            ;  substitutions on cr  — incorporating a [ thermal ] LIGHT factor c — along with 1–e² :

celestial orbital equalities [CEPH]: ¦ vr  cr : Kepler/Planck: r=R:

                          = 24π3r2/(Tc)2             ;

                          = 24π3r2/(Tc)2(1–e2)   ; with e=0 = a perfect Circle So:  

The factor 1/(1–e2) is automatically included as 1 on a [ >90% ] basic circular application: see TheCircleArgument and CalCardREF.

                          = 24π3r2/(Tc)2(1–e2)   ; The Wikipedia/Einstein RADIAN expression 

STILL no sign of relativity theory here. Just plain [substitutional] Kepler math.


The final equation then arrives:



(5)         6πGm2/(cr)2      = 2·3·4π3r3/(Tcr)2        ; 4π2r2/T2 = (2πr/T)2 = v2 ;


6πGm2/(cr)2      = 2·3·πr(2πr/T)2/(cr)2   ;

6πGm2/(cr)2      = 2πr · 3 ·  v2        /(cr)2   ; mean Sun distance: leads to the simple circular [e=0] Eddington form:

3Gm2/rc2           = 3(v/c)2                        ; checked, verified, = u/v0.  See Sections1234.


arcSeconds per 100y:

arcSec/100y       = 3[(2πr/t)/c0=v/c0]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100

= 3(v/c)2(1–e2)–1 · 360 · 3600 · 100 ; precession period 

; STILL No sign of any relativity theory aspects or arguments.

; AllKeplerMath.



The most striking with the relativistic claim connects to the contribution with e=0=Circle. For the first four planets, more than 95% of the precession value is given with e=0, see TheCircleArgument ¦ CalCardREF. So: the Quote on RelativisticMass would have no RELATIVISTIC EXPLAINING reference with a perfect circular orbit; No change of velocity means no relativistic onset for a relativistic argument. However, nothing is mentioned on the most seen in established literature (@Internet) on that point.

   The tendency of giving any AN established physical explanation to the perihelion precession phenomena besides »curved space» varies between the quoted textbook’s demanding of elliptical orbits only, and vague implications suggesting that the perihelion precession phenomena is upheld by the internal tugging between planets. All these have apparently zero connection to this above compiled overview, including relativistic suggestions. PROOF: CHART1 on (5) with defined G and mS.



WITH the Kepler’s THIRD


t = 2π√ r³/GmS


the final calculation true anomalistic and precession period can be made — precisely — provided a fair — just — natural occurrence of a GmS, given a good measure on r.



The only proof we have that the above deduced belongs to a genuine natural physical context is: CHART1. What it can show in results — on presenting an end value on the planetary perihelion precessions:

The AllKeplerMath end result:




The GmS values in TNED was iteratively tested and so extracted (on TNEDs general cosmological K-cell heat physics for the Sun parameters in explicit) on the (2015¦2018) established IAU value for Sun’s photometric effect 3.8275 T26 W ± 0.0014 with a precision at present of 12 decimals (preservation of the significands 3.827500000000).

See details in How the values came about and IAUtestDETAILS.


Modern academy cannot calculate — collect — the above accounted related physics values. We dare say: no way.

— Why? Because adopting the Idea of Relativity Theory, modern academy Created a Self Blocking Maintaining GUARD DENYING deduction Route to an apparently CHART1 provable True G-value on a likewise true present Sun mass: Modern academy cannot reach these, no matter the computing power.



See modern academic attempts in comparing deviations in CHART2



— That so despite the fact that modern academy claims the exact same mathematical rank

(also in favoring some victory dancing on praising relativity theory in front of the average terrified pedestrian). Why is that?


1.   Modern academy cannot calculate (or apparently even understand relate the meaning of) anomalistic period (PROOF: KEPLERt):


t = 2π√ r³/GmS

Kepler Area Momentum mathematical physics — once started: cannot destroy

it apparently have not much in explicit with a static ellipse to do

KeplerAreaMomentum mathematics Central Force Action is orbital independent



2.   Modern academy has no general testing cosmological equation for the used standard constants to test for the accuracy of the »internal affairs» — as TNED has in E3:

   a cosmological mathematical-physical G-definition including the Sun (mass, gravitational radius, photometric effect — integrated with the measured cosmic Planck heat background radiation 2.725 °K  and other parameters, so visually on the table for direct inspection). At least not as is known here @Internet. But it would be interesting if they had one.


G = r0cu8h–6(nU)14c085/(18M–6[mSBegin]3) =2r0cc08/m0cK

Iterating IAUtestDETAILS Sun photometric tests extracts a resulting NOW Sun mass mS

6.670100009300 t11 JM/(KG)2  ........   G universal gravitational constant

1.989631997726 T30 KG  ..................   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy


on still preserved IAU SunPhotometric 12 decimal precision 3.827500000000:

6.67010000933003 t11 JM/(KG)2  ....   G universal gravitational constant

1.98963199772617 T30 KG  ..............   mSUN present Sun mass — @SunAGE: 20.805 Gy



mS Sun mass is extracted in the IAU-testing complex [REPCONCONE] along with G (gravitational constant). See a more detailed description in TheGtest. It involves a general related physics cosmological test from Sun day one til now in the general K-cell heat physics complex — on all available parameters. The iteration preference aspires to preserve the IAU standard value of Sun’s photemtric effect with (at least) 12 decimals: 3.827500000000 ± 0.0014 — which end (now) result also shows and defines the mS value.

   The bottom line is:


All the equative and iterative work in this production ends on the precise calculated values for the planets’ perihelion precession figures. These are the proof. See CHART1.






TheRoute: TheCAUSE



The AllKeplerMath CaseHistory





” The perihelion precession for the first time was reported in 1859,

by a French mathematician Urban Jean Joseph Le Verrier”,

Sara Kanzi Sep2016 InternetPDF thesis on the PERIHELION PRECESSION IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM s2.



AS STILL IS THE CASE in modern quarters — Kepler Momentum Basics — the ability to present explanations to fundamental details in physics (nature) made the 1800s to the famous century of »new logical inventive thinking» (exceptionally HiIQ). Especially on the level of cosmology and the matter (the atomic nucleus) it is made of.


Gm22/r = G(n→∞)m22/(n→∞)r ¦ CosmoA ¦ ComIN

by unknown never formulated reasons, academic literature has no mentioning of the rank’s equivalent simple meaning: endless supply on limitless extension

although the concept is frequently met in geometrical mathematics [ComIN] calculus.


The works trying to explain the Mercury phenomena and its precise value soon 1900+ became centered around the two foremost individuals Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and Karl Schwarzchild (1873-1916). The subject was now on the table of the modern academic adopted theory of relativity (Einstein 1905, 1915).


The science case history on the subject of the planetary perihelion precession phenomena only knows the left part below, up to the end station where a final mathematical connection and expression was presented (end solution by Schwarzchild, [year 1915]).




solution to planetary perihelion precession




  »multidimensional geometrical mathematics»

(theory of relativity — a type of mathematics based on a misconception TheVIC The v+ic-error of natural physics nobody understands as it builds on favoring the speed of light as a new ruler of the universe, and derogates the basic ideas of Kepler-Galilei-Newton mechanics as a more primitive idea of physics [Einstein is quoted versus classical physics a »lower plane of thinking», according to Einstein, see especially Einstein on The Rotating Body — showing that Einstein does not understand basic Newton physics at all — on several passages in INERTIA, Swedish edition])


to solve for


the nature of the perihelion precession

based on Kepler-Galilei-Newton mechanics

which it does not SO understand but

claims itself explaining sovereignty over



led by »the innate nature of mathematics»,

— that it also still understands nothing of —


on the claim


of a new existential sovereignty

on the solution it has found


that verifies The New Substitute

— relativity theory »multidimensional geometrical mathematics»

— as so superior over


the nature it so has denied,


persistently feasting on its own made legend:


   »multidimensional geometrical mathematics»;

  Einsteins solutions;

  Schwarzchild solutions

(partly, on Einsteins equations):

   there is never any wrong with mathematics:























































missed by modern academy

because of its favoring relativity theory:


   -2. Lights gravitational dependency (LGD)

first phenomenal observation 1725 James Bradley Aberration, but never so interpreted or even mentioned in modern corridors



   -1. The potential barrier — Q-details

light does not connect kinetics

light develops no centrifugation SolarEclipses1919+:

light is massless

modern academy cannot deduce the electric charge

and does not understand its physical properties,

see PLANCK EQUIVALENTS unless already familiar


   0. Planck constant h=mcr as deduced in related physics as The Atomic Nucleus The Neutron [N3m20] and its following The Neutron Square with atomic, not nuclear, mass defects. Leading to the quantities of atomic masses: Very close to the experimentally measured (DiffGRAPHS)

modern academic theoretical nuclear physics is outclassed


See also math ranks in TheCAUSE.


   1. Suns4 heat degrees

MAC knows only one of them (PlanckHeat);

   2. rotational perihelion precession energy

The Source to Sun’s light field on a present thermodynamic equilibrium energy build up HISTORY EXPLANATION:

   3. THEcr factors

SO mathematically substituted in Kepler's Momentum Math;

   4. Tgamma thermo nuclear pressure:

part of the mathematics are already familiar in modern quarters

[ expressions directly from Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law]

— however the connecting part is completely unknown, There

— as explained by the reasons above.

   See further in ExplainingOverview.

   5. gravitational and Tgamma pressure equivalence, preserving KeplerMomentum.








exactly same rank


arcSec/100y = 3[(2πr/t)/c0=v/c0]²/(1–e²) · 360 · 3600 · 100

¦ planetary precession period — see TheCIRCLEargument

MORE THAN 90% OF THE VALUES REFER A CIRCULAR CONTRIBUTION WITH e = 0: guaranteed no relativistic connection. See Quote;

   Even THINKING of the possibility of a relativistic explanation to the planetary perihelion precession phenomena is relativistic suicide.

t = 2π√ r³/GmS

KeplerAnomalisticPeriod on KeplerMomentumMath K =vr — conservation of angular momentum: mvr

Given G and mS, we only need a good r measure.



Compare CHART3 on apparently provable arbitrarily selections for best fit:

MODERN ACADEMY interprets its result as a verification and an exquisite tremendously successful confirmation of the authenticity of the theory of relativity.

Related physics says and proves: it has nothing at all to do with relativity theory: never had, has not now, will never have. Say again. 1915+.



As it is testified in the Cambridge International Astronomy (BA1977 from the Swedish edition 1978):



”Within the limit of precision in the measurements (circa 1 arc second per century) prevails here full agreement between the general relativity predictions and the observations. This, plus the corresponding results concerning perihelion precessions for Venus and Earth, stands as one of the great experimental testimonies about the general relativity theory accurateness.”,

BA1978s161sp2m, here freely translated.

— ”great experimental testimonies”.




The population in modern corridors apparently have a well developed apprehension on what it is that modern academy is involved in. Very awake population. While the end expression as such through both Routes is one and the same identical, the modern academic part cannot reach — define — the most versatile collected result (CHART1 ¦ CHART2): related physics mathematics. It was apparently always reserved for Classical Physics AllKeplerMath (Explaining G):



CHART1 — on defined G and mS.

The Cosmic appearance from related physics and mathematics. No relativity theory.

   Excluded, not because we didn’t like it. But because it blocked the deductions: nature. Physics.



   The modern academic idea of an ANOMALISTIC orbital period has no CALCULATING provision — because a such needs an EXACT GmS. MAC has it not. No way. But feel free to make corrections if such are found: Searched for: none yet found.

   And question is IF modern academic populated corridors really understand The Concept — at all. Relativity, related physics says, blocks any attempt;

planetary anomalistic period — literature mentions only a value for Earth — on different references .

— See KEPLERt and CHART1.



   1.  The term ANOMALISTIC (»planetary anomalistic period») seems entirely occupied by relativity articles (InternetJan2023): no interplanetary information seems available, or even existent.


Compare related physics:

t = 2π√ r³/GmS

Kepler Area Momentum mathematical physics — once started: cannot destroy

it apparently have not much in explicit with a static ellipse to do

KeplerAreaMomentum mathematics Central Force Action is orbital independent

   Searched for in established literature. None yet found: anomalistic Kepler period



   2.  The related term CENTRAL FORCE ACTION might not even exist at all in modern teaching system — whereas ”nothing travels faster than c” (TheVIC).

— The Population does not even understand the concept (GripDEEP):


Gravitation works equal to all matter, cannot be shielded from: hence independent of time.

LIGHT works different for all matter, CAN be shielded from, and hence is time dependent.


light does not connect kinetics EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATIONS  PlanckEquivalents


   3.   In modern corridors the That type of formulation has no representation. Read: dead classic physics. Not represented. Killed by academich cheer for relativity theory.

   Compare KEPLER MOMENTUM BASICS in related physics.


   The modern academic calculated results

   misses by far

taken as a result given from the exact same (5) mathematical rank expression


42.9841 8.6253 3.8390 .............   CHART2 MAC/Relativity no defined GmS

  on borrowed anomalistic period comparing.

42.9802 8.6246 3.8387 .............   CHART1 TNED/Kepler  HAS defined GmS


the exact end RELATED PHYSICS solution as shown in Explaining G.

FURTHER COMPARING the statements in the quoted[E1.1] Wikipedia article

orbit due to general relativity is theoretically

on the Wikipedia reported numbers


3.83868 ......................   EARTH, relativity theory claimed calculated further decimals unknown, no info

8.62473 ......................   VENUS, relativity theory claimed calculated


versus the precise TNED/Kepler related physics as in CHART1


3.83868 ......................   EARTH, same significands 3.838680036..

8.62455 ......................   VENUS, not same: 8.624551921..


”The correction by 42.980±0.001″/cy is the prediction of post-Newtonian theory with parameters gamma = beta = 1[14]”,

where the Wikipedia referred link 14, as reported, does not lead anywhere: No available open information.


clarifies — beyond any doubt — that the modern academic relativistic handling of the final calculating rank (5) apparently and so provably HAS ADDITIONS NOT ACCOUNTED FOR — apparently »plotting in arbitrarily invented pseudo physics to compensate for a better makeup in comparing the actual observed».


Modern quarters apparently behave as if the math on the subject is »PRIVATE PROPERTY»: Please do show that. It did not expect that its cheer for relativity would block — provable — discoveries of real steel physics. It did not expect to be classified — defined — as primitive because of its cheer for relativity theory. So successful.





The only effort from modern corridors needed to disprove this so stated provision is to disclaim (5) as an imprecise final solution allowing the now apparent modern academic extra additions not accounted for. Please do so kindly share. That is apparently the only way modern corridors will survive on this open battle:




IT is NOT an accusation. IT is apparently part of a havoc report: PLEASE DO DISCLAIM THE ONE WHO CAN.

EXAMPLES such as ZeroINTEGRAL, PHYSICSFirst and PHYSICSFirstMATH apparently focuses on the modern academic central syndrome: AN APPARENT FUNDAMENTAL LACK OF realization that existence has nothing to do with emperorship — decisions from a government or a board. But a RECOGNITION — HumanRight: gravitation, electricity: LIFE — of an already existing ORDER — which apparently is apprehended excellently by Children and Animals — on the fly. But unfortunately not by 1800+ modern academy, I’m afraid. Namely — the explicit math part — the difference between the world of APPREHENSION — sanity, understanding, care, observation [wit] — and the world of PHENOMENA [physics]. In mathematics: The clear and relatable difference between a differential dx — we can see, the LINE, the POINT, but these have no physical substance — and the interval Δx — the substantial, the matter — which we — with some apparent reservation for the populations inside modern academic quarters — equally clearly can distinguish. See also TheLIST with collected comparing examples.



As quoted in modern academy — ”dx=Δx” — even THINKING of equalizing guarantees a misapprehended idea of anything it touches. Apart from apprehending basic physics: T he modern academic teaching system in mathematics in specific and in physics in general forces unnatural apprehension ideas onto the student, forcing the population by merits and education to approve — or be thrown out of the society. And so Nature is treated thereafter[‡11%]. Violence is gushing out of IT. And nobody in governmental position takes responsibility: not one word HumanRight. Not a spell. Not a sound. Just ponderable authority — to obey, or be punished by. Police, prosecutor, court, university.  And they come here and say, they have no responsibility. They ARE the occasion: not one word HumanRight. Not even a hint. Trafficking Humanity. Using humanity — as present tagged 24/7 supervised slot handcuffed point plate muzzled in locked cattle — for exercising authority — still by DRIFT, not plan.



In other words:

PLEASE DO PROVE BY INSTRUMENTAL SCRUTINY THAT THE NUMBERS IN CHART1 ARE INAPPROPRIATE. Until then — as the named numbers are at the present very well accepted by the margins and therefore apparently verified as deduced: (5) holds.




   Modern academy idea handles TheVIC ALGEBRAIC math »excellently» TheRoute

   but apparently has no idea of its innate ARITHMETIC meaning



Modern Academic Cheer for relativity theory BLOCKS


again, by Drift, not plan, no conspiracy —

constantly demanding true physics to be denied for securing the future of its denial’s own survival: a little here .. a little there .. plotting and adjusting as it pushes ..



The best perhaps would be if some eminent human could stand up and tell the author behind this gushing literal nightmare that these statements are really badly connected to any known nature of related wit.

— Hello? Anybody home .. ?



The planetary perihelion precession phenomena apparently never had anything to do — at all — with the theory of relativity



— OTHER than its burial. AllKeplerMATH ¦ PhysicsFIRST. See CaseHistory from TheROUTE. Cosmology in its total width.



OverviewJan2023 ¦ ExplainingG ¦ TheRoute













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                                                                                               UNIVERSUM GENERELLT

                                                                                               ATOMKÄRNAN SPECIELLT


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                                                                            Sammanfattning Feb2014


                                                                            Newton misstror gravitationens absolutverkan — citat från Blavatsky 1888


OverViewJan2023 — EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATIONS ¦ The planetary perihelion precession phenomena apparently includes them all — no exception






















No0 ¦ No1 ¦ No2 ¦ No3 ¦ No4 ¦ No5



P1 ¦ P2 ¦ P3









[HOP]. HANDBOOK OF PHYSICS, E. U. Condon, McGraw-Hill 1967 ¦ Compare (minor) differences with CODATA (1995-2008)

Atomviktstabellen i HOP allmän referens i denna presentation, Table 2.1 s9–65—9–86.

mn        = 1,0086652u  ......................    neutronmassan i atomära massenheter (u) [HOP Table 2.1 s9–65]

me        = 0,000548598u  ..................    elektronmassan i atomära massenheter (u) [HOP Table 10.3 s7–155 för me , Table 1.4 s7–27 för u]

u           = 1,66043 t27 KG  ..............     atomära massenheten [HOP Table 1.4 s7–27, 1967]

u           = 1,66033 t27 KG  ..............     atomära massenheten [ENCARTA 99 Molecular Weight]

u           = 1,66041 t27 KG ...............     atomära massenheten [FOCUS MATERIEN 1975 s124sp1mn]

u           = 1,66053886 t27 KG  ........     atomära massenheten [teknisk kalkylator, lista med konstanter SHARP EL-506W (2005)]

u           = 1,6605402 t27 KG  ..........     atomära massenheten [@INTERNET (2007) sv. Wikipedia]

u           = 1,660538782 t27 KG  ......     atomära massenheten [från www.sizes.com],

CODATA rekommendation från 2006 med toleransen ±0,000 000 083 t27 KG (Committe on Data for Science and Technology)]

c0          = 2,99792458 T8 M/S  ........     ljushastigheten i vakuum [ENCARTA 99 Light, Velocity, (uppmättes i början på 1970-talet)]

h           = 6,62559 t34 JS  .................    Plancks konstant [HOP s7–155]

e           = 1,602 t19 C  ......................    elektriska elementarkvantumet, elektronens laddning [FOCUS MATERIEN 1975 s666ö]

e0          = 8,8543 t12 C/VM  .............    elektriska konstanten i vakuum [FOCUS MATERIEN 1975 s666ö]

G          = 6,67 t11 JM/(KG)²  ..........    allmänna gravitationskonstanten [FOCUS MATERIEN 1975 s666ö] — G=F(r/m)² → N(M/KG)² = NM²/(KG)² = NM·M/(KG)²=JM/(KG)²


BKL     BONNERS KONVERSATIONSLEXIKON Band I-XII med Suppement A-Ö 1922-1929, Bonniers Stockholm


[BA]    BONNIERS ASTRONOMI 1978 — Det internationella standardverket om universum sammanställt vid universitetet i Cambridge ¦

The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy, London 1977.


tT         t för 10, T för 10+, förenklade exponentbeteckningar

MAC   modern akademi (Modern ACademy), ofta använd förkortning i UniversumsHistoria — often used abbreviation for modern academy here in UniverseHistory



(Toroid Nuclear Electromechanical Dynamics), eller ToroidNukleära Elektromekaniska Dynamiken




är den dynamiskt ekvivalenta resultatbeskrivning som följer av härledningarna i Planckringen h=mnc0rn, analogt Atomkärnans Härledning. Beskrivningen enligt TNED är relaterad, vilket innebär: alla, samtliga, detaljer gör anspråk på att vara fullständigt logiskt förklarbara och begripliga, eller så inte alls. Med TNED får därmed (således) också förstås RELATERAD FYSIK OCH MATEMATIK. Se även uppkomsten av termen TNED [Planckfraktalerna] i ATOMKÄRNANS HÄRLEDNING.


is the dynamically equivalent resulting description following from the deductions in the Planck ring h=mnc0rn, analogously AtomNucleus’ Deduction. The description according to TNED is related, meaning: all, every one, detail claims a complete logical comprehensibility, or not at all. With TNED may thus (hence) also be understood RELATED PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS. See also the appearance of the term TNED [Planck fractals] in AtomNUCLEU’s DEDUCTION.



Senast uppdaterade version: 2024-12-02


Stavningskontrollerat 2012-08-21 | 2012-10-29 | 2014-02-13.





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Ω Φ Ψ Σ Π Ξ Λ Θ Δ  

α β γ δ ε λ θ κ π ρ τ φ ϕ σ ω ϖ ∏ √ ∑ ∂ ∆ ∫ ≤ ≈ ≥ ˂ ˃ ← ↑ → ∞ 

ϑ ζ ξ

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